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Birinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And perceiving and thinking of those bounties, which are priceless wonders of art, being miracles of power of the Unique and Eternally Besought One and gifts of His mercy, is reflection. However foolish it is to kiss the foot of a lowly man who conveys to you the precious gift of a king and not to recognize the gift’s owner, it is a thousand times more foolish to praise and love the apparent source of bounties and forget the True Bestower of Bounties." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("and, “All praise be to God” at the end is thanks." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("And perceiving and thinking of those bounties, which are priceless wonders of art, being miracles of power of the Unique and Eternally Besought One and gifts of His mercy, is reflection. However foolish it is to kiss the foot of a lowly man who conveys to you the precious gift of a king and not to recognize the gift’s owner, it is a thousand times more foolish to praise and love the apparent source of bounties and forget the True Bestower of Bounties." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
62. satır: 62. satır:
and, “All praise  be to God” at  the end  is thanks.
and, “All praise  be to God” at  the end  is thanks.

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And perceiving and thinking of those bounties, which are priceless wonders of art, being miracles of power of the Unique and Eternally Besought One and gifts of His mercy, is reflection. However foolish it is to kiss the foot of a lowly man who conveys to you the precious gift of a king  and not to recognize the gift’s owner, it is a thousand times more foolish to praise and love the apparent source of bounties and forget the True Bestower of Bounties.
Ortada, bu kıymettar hârika-i sanat olan nimetler, Ehad-i Samed’in mu’cize-i kudreti ve hediye-i rahmeti olduğunu düşünmek ve derk etmek fikirdir. Bir padişahın kıymettar bir hediyesini sana getiren bir miskin adamın ayağını öpüp hediye sahibini tanımamak ne derece belâhet ise öyle de zâhirî mün’imleri medih ve muhabbet edip Mün’im-i Hakiki’yi unutmak, ondan bin derece daha belâhettir.

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