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Onuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Again, do not imagine that the Divine Names which logically require the existence of resurrection are only those we have discussed — Wise, Generous, Merciful, Just, Preserver. On the contrary, all the Divine Names manifest in the ordering of the cosmos logically require the existence of resurrection, indeed make it imperative." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Beware, do not imagine that the proofs of resurrection are restricted to the Twelve Truths we have mentioned. The All-Wise Qur’an alone, that instructed us in these Twelve Truths, indicates thousands of other aspects of the matter as well, each aspect being a sign that our Creator will transfer us from this transient realm to an eternal one." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Again, do not imagine that the Divine Names which logically require the existence of resurrection are only those we have discussed — Wise, Generous, Merciful, Just, Preserver. On the contrary, all the Divine Names manifest in the ordering of the cosmos logically require the existence of resurrection, indeed make it imperative." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
558. satır: 558. satır:
Beware, do not imagine that the proofs of resurrection are restricted to the Twelve Truths  we  have  mentioned.  The  All-Wise  Qur’an alone,  that  instructed  us  in these Twelve Truths,  indicates thousands of other aspects of the matter as well, each aspect being a sign that our Creator will transfer us from this transient realm to an eternal one.
Beware, do not imagine that the proofs of resurrection are restricted to the Twelve Truths  we  have  mentioned.  The  All-Wise  Qur’an alone,  that  instructed  us  in these Twelve Truths,  indicates thousands of other aspects of the matter as well, each aspect being a sign that our Creator will transfer us from this transient realm to an eternal one.

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Again, do not imagine that the Divine Names which logically require the existence of resurrection  are  only  those  we  have  discussed  —  Wise, Generous, Merciful, Just, Preserver. On the contrary, all the Divine Names manifest in the ordering of the cosmos logically require the existence of resurrection, indeed make it imperative.
Hem sakın zannetme ki haşri iktiza eden esma-i İlahiye, bahsettiğimiz gibi yalnız Hakîm, Kerîm, Rahîm, Âdil, Hafîz isimlerine münhasırdır. Hayır, belki kâinatın tedbirinde tecelli eden bütün esma-i İlahiye, âhireti iktiza eder, belki istilzam eder.

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