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On Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Answer:''' The All-Powerful One of Glory gives numerous duties to each element and through each duty causes them to produce numerous different results. If one result of one of an element’s duties is ugly, evil, or calamitous, the other good results make this result good also. If the element, which is angry at man, is prevented from that duty so that the single ugly result will not occur, then instances of good to the number of the good results w..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Fifth Question:''' Why does the One Who is All-Just and All-Compassionate, All- Powerful and All-Wise, not give particular punishments for particular wrongs, but inflicts a mighty element? How is this in keeping with the beauty of His mercy and His all- encompassing power?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Answer:''' The All-Powerful One of Glory gives numerous duties to each element and through each duty causes them to produce numerous different results. If one result of one of an element’s duties is ugly, evil, or calamitous, the other good results make this result good also. If the element, which is angry at man, is prevented from that duty so that the single ugly result will not occur, then instances of good to the number of the good results w..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
115. satır: 115. satır:
a mighty element? How is this in keeping with the beauty of His mercy and His all- encompassing power?
a mighty element? How is this in keeping with the beauty of His mercy and His all- encompassing power?

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'''The Answer:''' The All-Powerful One of Glory gives numerous duties to each element and through each duty causes them to produce numerous different results. If one result of one of an element’s duties is ugly, evil, or calamitous, the other good results make this result good also. If the element, which is angry at man, is prevented from that duty so that the single ugly result will not occur, then instances of good to the number of the good results will be abandoned, and so since not doing a necessary good is evil, instances of evil will be  perpetrated to  the  number  of the  instances  of good. A single  evil  not occurring would be extremely ugly, contrary to wisdom, contrary to reality, and a fault. And power, wisdom and reality are free of fault.
'''Elcevap:''' Kadîr-i Zülcelal, her bir unsura çok vazifeler vermiş ve her bir vazifede çok neticeler verdiriyor. Bir unsurun bir tek vazifesinde, bir tek neticesi çirkin ve şer ve musibet olsa da sair güzel neticeler, bu neticeyi de güzel hükmüne getirir. Eğer bu tek çirkin netice vücuda gelmemek için insana karşı hiddete gelmiş o unsur, o vazifeden men’edilse o vakit o güzel neticeler adedince hayırlar terk edilir. Ve lüzumlu bir hayrı yapmamak, şer olması haysiyetiyle; o hayırlar adedince şerler yapılır. Tâ bir tek şer gelmesin gibi gayet çirkin ve hilaf-ı hikmet ve hilaf-ı hakikat bir kusurdur. Kudret ve hikmet ve hakikat kusurdan münezzehtirler.

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