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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Since just how far the human philosophy which challenges Qur’anic wisdom has fallen in the face of that wisdom has been explained and illustrated with comparisons in the Twelfth Word and proved in the other Words, we refer readers to those treatises and for now offer a further comparison from another point of view. It is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("===SECOND GLEAM:===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Since just how far the human philosophy which challenges Qur’anic wisdom has fallen in the face of that wisdom has been explained and illustrated with comparisons in the Twelfth Word and proved in the other Words, we refer readers to those treatises and for now offer a further comparison from another point of view. It is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.140. satır: 1.140. satır:

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Since just how far the human philosophy which challenges Qur’anic  wisdom  has  fallen  in  the  face  of  that  wisdom  has  been  explained  and illustrated with comparisons in the Twelfth Word and proved in the other Words, we refer readers to those treatises and for now offer a further comparison from another point of view. It is as follows:
Hikmet-i Kur’aniyenin karşısında meydan-ı muarazaya çıkan felsefe-i beşeriyenin, hikmet-i Kur’an’a karşı ne derece sukut ettiğini On İkinci Söz’de izah ve temsil ile tasvir ve sair Sözlerde ispat ettiğimizden onlara havale edip şimdilik başka bir cihette küçük bir muvazene ederiz. Şöyle ki:

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