Translations:Yirminci Lem'a/77/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("The sole remedy for this disease is to accuse your own soul before others raise these charges, and always to take the side of your fellow, not your own soul. The rule of truth and equity established by the scholars of the art of debate is this: “Whoever desires, in debate on any subject, that his own word should turn out to be true, whoever is happy that he turns out to be right and his enemy to be wrong and mistaken – such a person has acted..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    The sole remedy for this disease is to accuse your own soul before others raise these charges, and always to take the side of your fellow, not your own soul. The rule of truth and equity established by the scholars of the art of debate is this: “Whoever desires,  in debate on  any subject,  that his own  word  should turn out  to be true, whoever is happy that he turns out  to be  right and his enemy to be wrong and mistaken – such a person has acted unjustly.” Not only that, such a person loses, for when he emerges the victor in such a debate, he has not learned anything previously unknown to him, and his probable pride will cause him loss.
    The sole remedy for this disease is to accuse your own soul before others raise these charges, and always to take the side of your fellow, not your own soul. The rule of truth and equity established by the scholars of the art of debate is this: “Whoever desires,  in debate on  any subject,  that his own  word  should turn out  to be true, whoever is happy that he turns out  to be  right and his enemy to be wrong and mistaken – such a person has acted unjustly.” Not only that, such a person loses, for when he emerges the victor in such a debate, he has not learned anything previously unknown to him, and his probable pride will cause him loss.But if his adversary turns out  to be right,  he will  have  learned  something previously  unknown to  him  and thereby gained something without any loss, as well as being saved  from pride.

    22.32, 16 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

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    İleti tanımı (Yirminci Lem'a)
    '''Bu marazın çare-i yegânesi:''' Nefsini ittiham etmek ve nefsine değil, daima karşısındaki meslektaşına taraftar olmak. Fenn-i âdab ve ilm-i münazaranın uleması mabeynindeki hakperestlik ve insaf düsturu olan şu: “Eğer bir meselenin münazarasında kendi sözünün haklı çıktığına taraftar olup ve kendi haklı çıktığına sevinse ve hasmının haksız ve yanlış olduğuna memnun olsa insafsızdır.” Hem zarar eder. Çünkü haklı çıktığı vakit o münazarada bilmediği bir şeyi öğrenmiyor, belki gurur ihtimaliyle zarar edebilir. Eğer hak hasmının elinde çıksa zararsız, bilmediği bir meseleyi öğrenip menfaattar olur, nefsin gururundan kurtulur.

    The sole remedy for this disease is to accuse your own soul before others raise these charges, and always to take the side of your fellow, not your own soul. The rule of truth and equity established by the scholars of the art of debate is this: “Whoever desires, in debate on any subject, that his own word should turn out to be true, whoever is happy that he turns out to be right and his enemy to be wrong and mistaken – such a person has acted unjustly.” Not only that, such a person loses, for when he emerges the victor in such a debate, he has not learned anything previously unknown to him, and his probable pride will cause him loss.But if his adversary turns out to be right, he will have learned something previously unknown to him and thereby gained something without any loss, as well as being saved from pride.