Translations:Yirmi İkinci Lem'a/24/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("It is because of this great mystery that Almighty God created man with a nature that would produce the shoots of thousands of species and display the levels of the thousands of other species of living creatures. No limit was placed on his powers, subtle faculties, and senses like the other animals; since He left him free and gave him a capacity whereby his senses could roam through endless degrees, although only one species, mankind became like thousands..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    It is because of this great mystery that Almighty God created man with a nature that would produce the shoots of thousands of species and display the levels of the thousands of other species of living creatures. No limit was placed on his powers, subtle faculties, and senses like the other animals; since He left him free and gave him a capacity whereby his senses could roam through endless degrees, although only one species, mankind became like thousands of species. For this  reason, man became vicegerent of the earth, the result of the universe, and monarch of  animate beings.
    It is because of this great mystery that Almighty God created man with a nature that would produce the shoots of thousands of species and display the levels of the thousands of other species of living creatures. No limit was placed on his powers, subtle faculties, and senses like the other animals; since He left him free and gave him a capacity whereby his senses could roam through endless degrees, although only one species, mankind became like thousands of species.

    11.38, 17 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

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    İleti tanımı (Yirmi İkinci Lem'a)
    İşte o sırr-ı azîmdendir ki Cenab-ı Hak, insan nevini binler nevileri sümbül verecek ve hayvanatın sair binler nevileri kadar tabakat gösterecek bir fıtratta yaratmıştır. Sair hayvanat gibi kuvalarına, latîfelerine, duygularına had konulmamış; serbest bırakıp hadsiz makamatta gezecek istidat verdiğinden, bir nevi iken binler nevi hükmüne geçtiği içindir ki arzın halifesi ve kâinatın neticesi ve zîhayatın sultanı hükmüne geçmiştir.

    It is because of this great mystery that Almighty God created man with a nature that would produce the shoots of thousands of species and display the levels of the thousands of other species of living creatures. No limit was placed on his powers, subtle faculties, and senses like the other animals; since He left him free and gave him a capacity whereby his senses could roam through endless degrees, although only one species, mankind became like thousands of species.