Yirmi Dördüncü Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("Alas for the man who becomes dissolute, which will lose him for ever that righteous woman." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
    ("It is clear that everyone wants lots of children. There is no nation or government that does not support an increase in population. In fact, God’s Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) said:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
    76. satır: 76. satır:
    ==A Conversation with the Women, My Believing Sisters of the hereafter==
    ==A Conversation with the Women, My Believing Sisters of the hereafter==

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    At the time I returned to blessed Isparta, which  bears  the meaning of the Medresetü’z-Zehra,(*<ref>*For the Medresetü’z-Zehra, See note 21, page 325.</ref>) for the third time, I had seen the sincere and enthusiastic interest shown by women towards the Risale-i Nur in some other provinces, and had realized that in a way far exceeding my due they had confidence in my instruction in it. I heard then that the women in  Isparta, my blessed sisters of the hereafter, were waiting to receive instruction from me, as though I were going to instruct them in mosques in the manner of preaching. I was ill with five or so different illnesses, in a wretched state, lacking the strength to speak and think, yet that night the following was imparted to my heart, impellingly: “Fifteen years ago you wrote A Guide for Youth at the request of some youths and it was a source of benefit for many. Women, however, are in even greater need of a guide at this time.” Despite my extreme weakness, wretchedness, and powerlessness, in the face of this warning I wrote very concisely in three points a number of necessary matters  which I now explain to my blessed sisters and young spiritual offspring.
    Bazı vilayetlerde taife-i nisadan samimi ve hararetli bir surette Nurlara karşı alâkalarını gördüğüm ve haddimden pek ziyade, onların Nurlara ait derslerime itimatlarını bildiğim sıralarda, mübarek Isparta’ya ve manevî Medresetü’z-Zehraya üçüncü defa geldiğim zaman işittim ki o mübarek âhiret hemşirelerim olan taife-i nisa, benden bir ders bekliyorlarmış. Güya vaaz suretinde camilerde onlara bir dersim olacak. Halbuki ben, dört beş vecihle hastayım ve hem perişan, hattâ konuşmaya ve düşünmeye iktidarsız bulunduğum halde, bu gece şiddetli bir ihtar ile kalbime geldi ki madem on beş sene evvel gençlerin istemeleriyle Gençlik Rehberi’ni onlar için yazdın ve pek çok istifade edildi. Halbuki hanımlar taifesi, gençlerden daha ziyade bu zamanda öyle bir rehbere muhtaçtırlar. Ben de bu ihtara karşı gayet perişan ve zaaf ve aczimle beraber '''üç nükte''' ile gayet muhtasar bazı lüzumlu maddeleri, o mübarek hemşirelerime ve manevî genç evlatlarıma beyan ediyorum:

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    === Birinci Nükte ===
    ===FIRST POINT===

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    Since one of the fundamental principles of the Risale-i Nur is compassion and women are champions of compassion, they are by nature more closely connected with the Risale-i Nur than others. Praise be to God, this natural sympathy is felt in many places. The  self-sacrifice within such compassion seeks nothing  in  return and expresses true sincerity, and so is of the greatest importance at this time.
    Risale-i Nur’un en mühim bir esası şefkat olmasından nisa taifesi, şefkat kahramanları bulunmaları cihetiyle daha ziyade Risale-i Nur’la fıtraten alâkadardırlar. Ve lillahi’l-hamd, bu fıtrî alâkadarlık çok yerlerde hissediliyor. Bu şefkatteki fedakârlık, hakiki bir ihlası ve mukabelesiz bir fedakârlık manasını ifade ettiğinden şimdi bu zamanda pek çok ehemmiyeti var.

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    Yes, the fact that wanting nothing in return, a mother will sacrifice her life to save her  young from danger, as demanded by her nature and  with true sincerity, shows  that  women are capable of great heroism. By developing this heroism, they may save their lives both in this world and in the hereafter. However, this important attribute does not unfold under the influence of certain bad currents of thought, or else it is exploited.
    Evet, bir valide veledini tehlikeden kurtarmak için hiçbir ücret istemeden ruhunu feda etmesi ve hakiki bir ihlas ile vazife-i fıtriyesi itibarıyla kendini evladına kurban etmesi gösteriyor ki hanımlarda gayet yüksek bir kahramanlık var. Bu kahramanlığın inkişafı ile hem hayat-ı dünyeviyesini hem hayat-ı ebediyesini onunla kurtarabilir. Fakat bazı fena cereyanlarla, o kuvvetli ve kıymettar seciye inkişaf etmez veyahut sû-i istimal edilir.

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    A small example out of hundreds is as follows:A compassionate mother undertakes every sort of self-sacrifice so that her child should not fall into danger in this worldly life and should receive every sort of benefit and advantage; she brings him up with this in view. Thinking, “My son is going to be a Pasha,” she gives him all her property, takes him from the Qur’an school and sends him to Europe. But it does not occur to her that her child’s eternal life has fallen into danger. She tries to save him from prison in this  world and does not take  into consideration his  being  sentenced to the prison of Hell. Reversing  that  innate compassion, she makes her innocent child a  claimant against her in the hereafter, though he should be her intercessor. He will rebuke her saying: “Why did you not strengthen my belief and so cause me to be lost?” In this world too, since he did not receive a proper Islamic upbringing, he cannot respond to his mother’s  wondrous compassion in the way it deserves; in fact he does so very deficiently.
    Yüzer numunelerinden bir küçük numunesi şudur: O şefkatli valide, çocuğunun hayat-ı dünyeviyede tehlikeye girmemesi, istifade ve fayda görmesi için her fedakârlığı nazara alır, onu öyle terbiye eder. “Oğlum paşa olsun.” diye bütün malını verir; hâfız mektebinden alır, Avrupa’ya gönderir. Fakat o çocuğun hayat-ı ebediyesi tehlikeye girdiğini düşünmüyor ve dünya hapsinden kurtarmaya çalışıyor, cehennem hapsine düşmesini nazara almıyor. Fıtrî şefkatin tam zıddı olarak o masum çocuğunu, âhirette şefaatçi olmak lâzım gelirken davacı ediyor. O çocuk “Niçin benim imanımı takviye etmeden bu helâketime sebebiyet verdin?” diye şekva edecek. Dünyada da terbiye-i İslâmiyeyi tam almadığı için validesinin hârika şefkatinin hakkına karşı lâyıkıyla mukabele edemez, belki de çok kusur eder.

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    If she does not misdirect her true compassion and works to save her unhappy child  from everlasting incarceration in Hell and from dying while in misguidance, which will  result in eternal extinction, the equivalent of each of the child’s good works will pass to  the  mother’s book of good deeds. And after her death he will continuously send lights to her spirit with his good works, and in the hereafter, will be not a claimant but with all his spirit and life an intercessor for her, and a blessed child of her’s for all eternity.
    Eğer hakiki şefkat sû-i istimal edilmeyerek bîçare veledini, haps-i ebedî olan cehennemden ve idam-ı ebedî olan dalalet içinde ölmekten kurtarmaya o şefkat sırrı ile çalışsa; o veledin bütün ettiği hasenatının bir misli, validesinin defter-i a’maline geçeceğinden validesinin vefatından sonra her vakit hasenatları ile ruhuna nurlar yetiştirdiği gibi âhirette de değil davacı olmak, bütün ruh u canı ile şefaatçi olup ebedî hayatta ona mübarek bir evlat olur.

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    Yes, man’s first master and most influential teacher is his mother. In connection with this, I shall explain the following to you, which I have always felt strongly in my own self:
    '''Evet, insanın en birinci üstadı ve tesirli muallimi, onun validesidir.''' Bu münasebetle ben kendi şahsımda kat’î ve daima hissettiğim bu manayı beyan ediyorum:

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    I am eighty years old and have received lessons from eighty thousand people. Yet I  swear  that  the  truest  and  most  unshakeable  lessons  I  have  received  are  those inculcated in me by my late mother, which have always remained fresh for me. They have been planted in my  nature as though they were seeds planted in my physical being. I observe that other instruction has been constructed on those seeds.
    Ben, bu seksen sene ömrümde, seksen bin zatlardan ders aldığım halde, kasem ediyorum ki en esaslı ve sarsılmaz ve her vakit bana dersini tazeler gibi merhum validemden aldığım telkinat ve manevî derslerdir ki o dersler fıtratımda, âdeta maddî vücudumda çekirdekler hükmünde yerleşmiş. Sair derslerimin o çekirdekler üzerine bina edildiğini aynen görüyorum. Demek, bir yaşımdaki fıtratıma ve ruhuma, merhum validemin ders ve telkinatını, şimdi bu seksen yaşımdaki gördüğüm büyük hakikatler içinde birer çekirdek-i esasiye müşahede ediyorum.

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    That is to say, the lessons instilled in my nature and spirit by my mother when I was one year old I now see at the age of eighty to be fundamental seeds amid great truths.For instance, I consider it certain that I learnt from the compassionate behaviour and acts of my mother and from her teaching, to be compassionate, which is the most important of the four principles of my way, and to be kind and clement, which is the greatest truth of the Risale-i Nur. Yes, the compassion of motherhood comprises true sincerity and true self-sacrifice, but it is a misuse of it to not think of the hereafter – a treasury of diamonds for her innocent child – and to turn his face towards this world, which resembles temporary, transient fragments of glass, and to be kind to him in that way, is to misuse that compassion.
    '''Ezcümle:''' Meslek ve meşrebimin dört esasından en mühimmi olan şefkat etmek ve Risale-i Nur’un da en büyük hakikati olan acımak ve merhamet etmeyi, o validemin şefkatli fiil ve halinden ve o manevî derslerinden aldığımı yakînen görüyorum. Evet, bu hakiki ihlas ile hakiki bir fedakârlık taşıyan validelik şefkati, sû-i istimal edilip masum çocuğunun elmas hazinesi hükmünde olan âhiretini düşünmeyerek, muvakkat fâni şişeler hükmünde olan dünyaya o çocuğun masum yüzünü çevirmek ve bu şekilde ona şefkat göstermek, o şefkati sû-i istimal etmektir.

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    A proof of this heroism of women in respect of  compassion, which wants absolutely no recompense and nothing in return,and of their sacrificing their ver y spirits, which in no way seeks personal benefit and no show, is that a hen, which bears a tiny sample of that compassion, will attack a lion and sacrifice its life for its chicks.
    Evet, kadınların şefkat cihetiyle bu kahramanlıklarını hiçbir ücret ve hiçbir mukabele istemeyerek, hiçbir faide-i şahsiye, hiçbir gösteriş manası olmayarak ruhunu feda ettiklerine; o şefkatin küçücük bir numunesini taşıyan bir tavuğun yavrusunu kurtarmak için arslana saldırması ve ruhunu feda etmesi ispat ediyor.

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    Now, sincerity is the most valuable and most essential  principle in Islamic training and in deeds pertaining to  the hereafter. True sincerity is present in the heroism of this kind of compassion.
    Şimdi terbiye-i İslâmiyeden ve a’mal-i uhreviyeden en kıymetli ve en lüzumlu esas, ihlastır. Bu çeşit şefkatteki kahramanlıkta o hakiki ihlas bulunuyor.

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    If these two points begin to develop  among women, it will lead to considerable happiness within the domain of Islam. When it comes to the heroism of men, it  can never be for nothing; they always want recompense in perhaps a hundred ways. At the very least they want glory and renown. But regretably, unfortunate women practise hypocrisy in another form in order to be saved from the evil and oppression of tyrannical men; this sort arises from weakness and impotence.
    Eğer bu iki nokta, o mübarek taifede inkişafa başlasa daire-i İslâmiyede pek büyük bir saadete medar olur. Halbuki erkeklerin kahramanlıkları mukabelesiz olamıyor, belki yüz cihette mukabele istiyorlar. Hiç olmazsa şan ve şeref istiyorlar. Fakat maatteessüf bîçare mübarek taife-i nisaiye, zalim erkeklerinin şerlerinden ve tahakkümlerinden kurtulmak için başka bir tarzda, zafiyetten ve aczden gelen başka bir nevide riyakârlığa giriyorlar.

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    === İkinci Nükte ===
    ===SECOND POINT===

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    This year, although I had withdrawn from the life of society and was in seclusion, I looked at the world for the sake of some of my brothers and sisters who were Risale- i Nur students. I heard from most of the friends who visited me complaints about their family lives. “Alas!”, I said, “Family life is the refuge of people, and particularly of Muslims, and a sort of Paradise, and a small world. Has this now started to break up as well?I sought the reason and I  understood that one or two covert groups were working to mislead the youth and drive the young to vice by exciting their appetites, so as to cause harm to Islamic social life and thereby to the religion of Islam. I also realized that one or two groups were  working covertly and effectively to drive neglectful women down the wrong road. I understood too that a severe blow would be dealt to this Muslim nation  from  that quarter.
    Bu sene inzivada iken ve hayat-ı içtimaiyeden çekildiğim halde bazı Nurcu kardeşlerimin ve hemşirelerimin hatırları için dünyaya baktım. Benimle görüşen ekseri dostlardan, kendi ailevî hayatlarından şekvalar işittim. “Eyvah!” dedim. “İnsanın hususan Müslüman’ın tahassungâhı ve bir nevi cenneti ve küçük bir dünyası aile hayatıdır. Bu da mı bozulmaya başlamış.” dedim. Sebebini aradım. Bildim ki nasıl, İslâmiyet’in hayat-ı içtimaiyesine ve dolayısıyla din-i İslâm’a zarar vermek için gençleri yoldan çıkarmak ve gençlik hevesatıyla sefahete sevk etmek için bir iki komite çalışıyormuş. Aynen öyle de bîçare nisa taifesinin gafil kısmını dahi yanlış yollara sevk etmek için bir iki komitenin tesirli bir surette perde altında çalıştığını hissettim. Ve bildim ki bu millet-i İslâm’a bir dehşetli darbe, o cihetten geliyor.

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    I therefore categorically state the following to you my sisters and spiritual children:The sole means of saving women’s happiness in the hereafter, and their happiness in this world, as well as saving their elevated innate qualities from corruption, is the training given by the religion of Islam; there is no other means. You hear about the situation into which the unfortunate women of Russia have fallen.
    Ben de siz hemşirelerime ve gençleriniz olan manevî evlatlarıma kat’iyen beyan ediyorum ki: Kadınların saadet-i uhreviyesi gibi saadet-i dünyeviyeleri de ve fıtratlarındaki ulvi seciyeleri de bozulmaktan kurtulmanın çare-i yegânesi, daire-i İslâmiyedeki terbiye-i diniyeden başka yoktur! Rusya’da o bîçare taifenin ne hale girdiğini işitiyorsunuz.

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    It says in one part of the Risale-i Nur that no sensible man builds love and affection for his wife on her fleeting, superficial beauty of five to ten years; he should build it on her fine conduct, the most  permanent and best of beauty, which is particular to  womanhood and its compassion. Then, when the unfortunate advances in years, her husband’s love for her will  persist. For his wife is not merely a temporary helper and companion in this worldly life,  but an eternal, lovable companion in everlasting life, so the older they grow their love for each other should also grow, and their compassion and respect. Under the guise of culture and civilization, family life is now is a temporary animal relationship  followed by eternal  separation, and is being  destroyed at its very foundations.
    Risale-i Nur’un bir parçasında denilmiş ki: Aklı başında olan bir adam; refikasına muhabbetini ve sevgisini, beş on senelik fâni ve zâhirî hüsn-ü cemaline bina etmez. Belki kadınların hüsn-ü cemalinin en güzeli ve daimîsi, onun şefkatine ve kadınlığa mahsus hüsn-ü sîretine sevgisini bina etmeli. Tâ ki o bîçare ihtiyarladıkça kocasının muhabbeti ona devam etsin. Çünkü onun refikası, yalnız dünya hayatındaki muvakkat bir yardımcı refika değil belki hayat-ı ebediyesinde ebedî ve sevimli bir refika-i hayat olduğundan, ihtiyarlandıkça daha ziyade hürmet ve merhamet ile birbirine muhabbet etmek lâzım geliyor. Şimdiki terbiye-i medeniye perdesi altındaki hayvancasına muvakkat bir refakatten sonra ebedî bir müfarakata maruz kalan o aile hayatı, esasıyla bozuluyor.

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    In another place in the Risale-i Nur it says: “Happy the man who in order not to lose his  companion of eternity, copies his righteous wife and so becomes righteous himself. And  happy the woman who, seeing her husband  to be pious, adheres to religion herself so as not to lose her everlasting friend and companion. Unhappy the man who follows his wife in sin, does not try to make her give it up, but joins her. And  unhappy the  woman  who, seeing  her  husband’s  sinfulness,  follows  him  in another way. And alas for the wife and husband who assist one another in throwing each other into the Fire. That is, who encourage one another to embrace the evils of civilization.
    Hem Risale-i Nur’un bir cüzünde denilmiş ki: Bahtiyardır o adam ki refika-i ebediyesini kaybetmemek için saliha zevcesini taklit eder, o da salih olur. Hem bahtiyardır o kadın ki kocasını mütedeyyin görür, ebedî dostunu ve arkadaşını kaybetmemek için o da tam mütedeyyin olur; saadet-i dünyeviyesi içinde saadet-i uhreviyesini kazanır. Bedbahttır o adam ki sefahete girmiş zevcesine ittiba eder; vazgeçirmeye çalışmaz, kendisi de iştirak eder. Bedbahttır o kadın ki zevcinin fıskına bakar, onu başka bir surette taklit eder. Veyl o zevc ve zevceye ki birbirini ateşe atmakta yardım eder. Yani medeniyet fanteziyelerine birbirini teşvik eder.

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    These lines have the following meaning: at this time, Islamic conduct within the bounds of the Shari‘a is  the  only means of developing family life and finding happiness in this world and the hereafter, and causing the elevated qualities of women to unfold.
    İşte, Risale-i Nur’un bu mealdeki cümlelerinin manası budur ki: Bu zamanda aile hayatının ve dünyevî ve uhrevî saadetinin ve kadınlarda ulvi seciyelerin inkişafının sebebi, yalnız daire-i şeriattaki âdab-ı İslâmiyet’le olabilir.

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    Now, the most important matter in family life is this, that if the woman sees bad conduct and disloyalty in her husband and to spite him, stints in her loyalt y and faithfulness to  him, which is her duty as  far as the family is concerned, then the factory of that family life will be thrown into confusion, exactly like discipline in the army being spoilt. The woman should try to reform her husband’s faults as far as she can in order to save her companion of eternity. It is harmful in every respect if she starts to show herself to others by unveiling herself and tries to make herself attractive to others. For a woman who gives up complete loyalty pays the penalty in this world too. Because it is her nature to be fearful and upset at the looks of those canonically strangers to her, and to avoid them. She is discomforted at the looks of eighteen out of twenty strangers. As for men, they are discomforted and upset at the looks of only one out of a hundred women who are canonically strangers to them. The woman suffers torment in that respect,  and  so too may be accused of disloyalty, and due to her weakness, will be unable to defend her rights.
    Şimdi aile hayatında en mühim nokta budur ki: Kadın, kocasında fenalık ve sadakatsizlik görse, o da kocasının inadına kadının vazife-i ailevîsi olan sadakat ve emniyeti bozsa aynen askerîdeki itaatin bozulması gibi o aile hayatının fabrikası zîr ü zeber olur. Belki o kadın, elinden geldiği kadar kocasının kusurunu ıslaha çalışmalıdır ki ebedî arkadaşını kurtarsın. Yoksa o da kendini açıklık ve saçıklıkla başkalara göstermeye ve sevdirmeye çalışsa her cihetle zarar eder. Çünkü hakiki sadakati bırakan, dünyada da cezasını görür. Çünkü nâmahremlerin nazarından fıtratı korkar, sıkılır, çekilir. Nâmahrem yirmi erkeğin on sekizinin nazarından istiskal eder. Erkek ise nâmahrem yüz kadından ancak birisinden istiskal eder, bakmasından sıkılır. Kadın o cihette azap çektiği gibi sadakatsizlik ittihamı altına girer, zafiyetiyle beraber hukukunu muhafaza edemez.

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    11.11, 18 Eylül 2024 tarihindeki hâli

    On Islamic Dress for Women

    [While being the Second and Third Matters of the Fifteenth Note, this treatise was made the Twenty-Fourth Flash because of its importance.]

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons [when abroad] [to the end of the verse].(33:59) This verse enjoins the veiling of women. However, dissolute civilization opposes this command of the Qur’an; it does not consider the veiling of women to be natural and says it is slavery of a sort.(*[1])

    The Answer: We shall explain only four of the many instances of wisdom in this injunction of the Qur’an, showing that it is entirely natural and those who oppose it are opposing the innate disposition of women.


    To veil themselves is natural for women and their innate dispositions demand it. For women are weak and delicate, and since they are in need of a man’s protection and help for themselves and for their children whom they love more than their own lives, they have a natural desire to make themselves loved and not loathed, and not to be rebuffed.

    Also, seven out of ten women are either old or ugly and they do not want to show their age or unsightliness to everyone. Or they are jealous, and they do not want to appear ugly in relation to others who are more beautiful. Or they are frightened of assault or aspersions, and want by nature to cover themselves so as not to suffer assault, nor to be accused of unfaithfulness by their husbands. If noted carefully, it is seen that it is the elderly who hide themselves most. While only two or three out of ten women are both young and beautiful and do not feel uncomfortable at displaying themselves.It is clear that people are discomforted at being looked at by people they do not like or find tedious; they are upset by it. If a beautiful immodestly dressed woman takes pleasure at two or three out of ten men who are canonically strangers looking at her, she is bored by the seven or eight.

    Also, since a woman with uncorrupted morals is sensitive and easily affected, she will certainly be distressed at dirty looks whose effects have been physically experienced, indeed, are poisonous. We even hear that in Europe, the place of open dress, many women are fed up at being the object of attention, and complain to the police, saying: “These brutes keep staring at us and disturbing us.”

    This means that present-day civilization’s unveiling women is contrary to their natures, while the Qur’an’s command to veil themselves is both inconformit y with women’s natures, and saves them – those mines of compassion who may be worthy companions for all eternity – from degeneration, degradation, what is in effect slavery and wretchedness.

    Furthermore, by nature women are fearful of men who are strangers, and are anxious at them. Fear naturally demands the veiling of women. For in addition to suffering the difficulty of bearing the load of a child for eight or nine months, which certainly embitters the eight or nine minutes’ pleasure, there is the possibility of suffering the calamity of bringing up a child for eight or nine years without protector. Since this happens frequently, by creation they truly fear strange men and by nature want to hide themselves from them. Being weak, their creation demands that through veiling themselves they do not excite the appetites of men outside the stipulated degrees of kinship, nor allow any opportunity for assault; their weak creation gives powerful warning. It shows that their cloaks and coats are shields and fortresses.

    The fact that, according to news received, the bare-legged wife of a high-ranking man in the world was accosted in the country’s capital, in the market-place in daylight in front of everyone by a common shoe-shiner, deals a slap in the shameless faces of those opposed to the veiling of women!


    The geniune, intense relationship, love, and affection between men and women do not arise only from the needs of worldly life. Yes, a woman is a companion to her husband not only in this worldly life, she is his companion in eternal life too. Since she will be her husband’s companion in eternal life, she surely should not attract the looks of others besides her husband, her everlasting friend and companion, and should not offend him and make him jealous.

    In consequence of the mystery of belief, her believing husband’s relations with her are not confined to this worldly life and his love is not only animal and temporary, so long as her beauty lasts; he holds true, earnest love and respect for her because she will be his companion in eternal life. And he bears that love and respect for her, not only during her youth when she is beautiful, but also when she is old and unsightly. Certainly in return for this, she should show her beauties to him alone and restrict her love to him; this is demanded by humanity. Otherwise she would gain very little and lose much.

    According to the Shari‘a, the husband should be a good match for the wife. That is, they should be suitable to one another. The most important aspect of this is with a view to religion.

    Happy the husband who sees the wife’s firm religion and follows her, and himself becomes pious in order not to lose his companion of eternal life.

    Happy the wife who sees her husband’s firmness in religion and becomes pious so as not to lose her eternal friend.

    Alas for the man who becomes dissolute, which will lose him for ever that righteous woman.

    Alas for the woman who does not follow her pious husband and loses her eternal blessed friend.

    And a thousand woes on the unhappy husband and wife who imitate each other in sin and vice, helping one another to enter Hell-fire!


    Happy family life is perpetuated through mutual confidence between husband and wife, and heartfelt respect and love. Immodest dress and free-and-easy behaviour destroy the confidence, and spoil the mutual respect and love. For out of ten women who favour immodest dress only one will not try to make herself liked by strangers because she does not find other men more attractive than her husband. Nine will find others better than their husbands. And only one out of twenty men will not find other women more attractive. Then besides the true love and mutual respect disappearing, it may arouse extremely ugly and base feelings, as follows:

    By nature, men do not feel any lust towards those within the stipulated degrees of kinship like their sisters, because, since such relatives’ faces induce kindness and licit love due to their close kinship, it nullifies any sexual or lusty inclinations. But to leave uncovered parts of the body which according to the Shari‘a it is not permissible to expose to close relatives like the legs, may awaken extremely ugly feelings in men of low character. For the face of a close relative reminds the man of their close kinship and does not resemble the face of someone outside the degrees of kinship, but a bare leg is the same as that of canonical strangers. The leg does bear any distinguishing mark to recall the close kinship of its owner, so may arouse carnal feelings in the man. To look on such things is so degenerate as to make one’s hair stand on end.


    It is clear that everyone wants lots of children. There is no nation or government that does not support an increase in population. In fact, God’s Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) said:

    “Marry and increase, for at the Last Day I shall take pride in your large numbers.”(*[2])

    However, the abandoning of Islamic dress for women does not increase marriage, it decreases it significantly. For even the most lay-about and modern youth wants his wife to be chaste. He does not want her to be modern, that is, careless in questions of dress and morals like himself, and so remains single, and even frequents prostitutes.

    Women are not like that, they cannot restrict their husbands’ behaviour to the same extent. Women’s most basic characteristics are loyalty and trustworthiness, since being the director of all the matters to do with the home, the woman is charged with protecting and preserving her husband’s property and possessions, and his children. Carelessness in dress and morality destroys that loyalty, and her husband loses confidence in her and makes her suffer pangs of conscience. In fact, if the two qualities of courage and generosity, which are desirable in men, are found in women, it damages this loyalty and confidence and so are undesirable for women and are considered to be bad qualities. But since the husband’s duty is not loyalty and stewardship, but protection, kindness, and respect, he cannot be restricted and refined, and may marry other women as well.

    Our country cannot be compared with Europe, because there honour may be preserved to a degree by violent means such as the duel, despite immodest dress. The person who makes eyes at the wife of a self-respecting man takes his life in his hands, and then looks. Also the people of Europe are cold and frigid, like the climate. Asia, that is, the lands of Islam, are relatively torrid. It is well-known that the environment has an effect on people’s morality. Perhaps in those cold countries immodest dress does not stimulate the animal appetites and carnal desires of those cold people, and lead to abuse.

    But the carnal lusts of the easily influenced and sensitive people of hot countries are continually excited by immodest dress, which is thus the cause of much abuse and waste and the weakening of the young generation, and the loss of strength. Instead of answering natural needs one a month or every three weeks or so, a person considers it necessary every few days. And then, since he is obliged to avoid his wife for perhaps two weeks out of every month due to contingencies like her monthly period, if he is defeated by his appetites, he will incline to houses of ill-fame.

    The veiling of women may not be abolished on the pretext of the women of small towns and villages and nomad women, for innocent working-women and somewhat coarse women being partially unveilled does not excite carnal desires since it is due to their working to secure their livelihoods and their physical, wearying labour. Moreover, since idle, lay-about men are few, and not even one in ten of the immoral men of the large towns can be found among them. Such a comparison should not therefore be made.

    In His Name, be He glorified!

    A Conversation with the Women, My Believing Sisters of the hereafter

    At the time I returned to blessed Isparta, which bears the meaning of the Medresetü’z-Zehra,(*[3]) for the third time, I had seen the sincere and enthusiastic interest shown by women towards the Risale-i Nur in some other provinces, and had realized that in a way far exceeding my due they had confidence in my instruction in it. I heard then that the women in Isparta, my blessed sisters of the hereafter, were waiting to receive instruction from me, as though I were going to instruct them in mosques in the manner of preaching. I was ill with five or so different illnesses, in a wretched state, lacking the strength to speak and think, yet that night the following was imparted to my heart, impellingly: “Fifteen years ago you wrote A Guide for Youth at the request of some youths and it was a source of benefit for many. Women, however, are in even greater need of a guide at this time.” Despite my extreme weakness, wretchedness, and powerlessness, in the face of this warning I wrote very concisely in three points a number of necessary matters which I now explain to my blessed sisters and young spiritual offspring.


    Since one of the fundamental principles of the Risale-i Nur is compassion and women are champions of compassion, they are by nature more closely connected with the Risale-i Nur than others. Praise be to God, this natural sympathy is felt in many places. The self-sacrifice within such compassion seeks nothing in return and expresses true sincerity, and so is of the greatest importance at this time.

    Yes, the fact that wanting nothing in return, a mother will sacrifice her life to save her young from danger, as demanded by her nature and with true sincerity, shows that women are capable of great heroism. By developing this heroism, they may save their lives both in this world and in the hereafter. However, this important attribute does not unfold under the influence of certain bad currents of thought, or else it is exploited.

    A small example out of hundreds is as follows:A compassionate mother undertakes every sort of self-sacrifice so that her child should not fall into danger in this worldly life and should receive every sort of benefit and advantage; she brings him up with this in view. Thinking, “My son is going to be a Pasha,” she gives him all her property, takes him from the Qur’an school and sends him to Europe. But it does not occur to her that her child’s eternal life has fallen into danger. She tries to save him from prison in this world and does not take into consideration his being sentenced to the prison of Hell. Reversing that innate compassion, she makes her innocent child a claimant against her in the hereafter, though he should be her intercessor. He will rebuke her saying: “Why did you not strengthen my belief and so cause me to be lost?” In this world too, since he did not receive a proper Islamic upbringing, he cannot respond to his mother’s wondrous compassion in the way it deserves; in fact he does so very deficiently.

    If she does not misdirect her true compassion and works to save her unhappy child from everlasting incarceration in Hell and from dying while in misguidance, which will result in eternal extinction, the equivalent of each of the child’s good works will pass to the mother’s book of good deeds. And after her death he will continuously send lights to her spirit with his good works, and in the hereafter, will be not a claimant but with all his spirit and life an intercessor for her, and a blessed child of her’s for all eternity.

    Yes, man’s first master and most influential teacher is his mother. In connection with this, I shall explain the following to you, which I have always felt strongly in my own self:

    I am eighty years old and have received lessons from eighty thousand people. Yet I swear that the truest and most unshakeable lessons I have received are those inculcated in me by my late mother, which have always remained fresh for me. They have been planted in my nature as though they were seeds planted in my physical being. I observe that other instruction has been constructed on those seeds.

    That is to say, the lessons instilled in my nature and spirit by my mother when I was one year old I now see at the age of eighty to be fundamental seeds amid great truths.For instance, I consider it certain that I learnt from the compassionate behaviour and acts of my mother and from her teaching, to be compassionate, which is the most important of the four principles of my way, and to be kind and clement, which is the greatest truth of the Risale-i Nur. Yes, the compassion of motherhood comprises true sincerity and true self-sacrifice, but it is a misuse of it to not think of the hereafter – a treasury of diamonds for her innocent child – and to turn his face towards this world, which resembles temporary, transient fragments of glass, and to be kind to him in that way, is to misuse that compassion.

    A proof of this heroism of women in respect of compassion, which wants absolutely no recompense and nothing in return,and of their sacrificing their ver y spirits, which in no way seeks personal benefit and no show, is that a hen, which bears a tiny sample of that compassion, will attack a lion and sacrifice its life for its chicks.

    Now, sincerity is the most valuable and most essential principle in Islamic training and in deeds pertaining to the hereafter. True sincerity is present in the heroism of this kind of compassion.

    If these two points begin to develop among women, it will lead to considerable happiness within the domain of Islam. When it comes to the heroism of men, it can never be for nothing; they always want recompense in perhaps a hundred ways. At the very least they want glory and renown. But regretably, unfortunate women practise hypocrisy in another form in order to be saved from the evil and oppression of tyrannical men; this sort arises from weakness and impotence.


    This year, although I had withdrawn from the life of society and was in seclusion, I looked at the world for the sake of some of my brothers and sisters who were Risale- i Nur students. I heard from most of the friends who visited me complaints about their family lives. “Alas!”, I said, “Family life is the refuge of people, and particularly of Muslims, and a sort of Paradise, and a small world. Has this now started to break up as well?” I sought the reason and I understood that one or two covert groups were working to mislead the youth and drive the young to vice by exciting their appetites, so as to cause harm to Islamic social life and thereby to the religion of Islam. I also realized that one or two groups were working covertly and effectively to drive neglectful women down the wrong road. I understood too that a severe blow would be dealt to this Muslim nation from that quarter.

    I therefore categorically state the following to you my sisters and spiritual children:The sole means of saving women’s happiness in the hereafter, and their happiness in this world, as well as saving their elevated innate qualities from corruption, is the training given by the religion of Islam; there is no other means. You hear about the situation into which the unfortunate women of Russia have fallen.

    It says in one part of the Risale-i Nur that no sensible man builds love and affection for his wife on her fleeting, superficial beauty of five to ten years; he should build it on her fine conduct, the most permanent and best of beauty, which is particular to womanhood and its compassion. Then, when the unfortunate advances in years, her husband’s love for her will persist. For his wife is not merely a temporary helper and companion in this worldly life, but an eternal, lovable companion in everlasting life, so the older they grow their love for each other should also grow, and their compassion and respect. Under the guise of culture and civilization, family life is now is a temporary animal relationship followed by eternal separation, and is being destroyed at its very foundations.

    In another place in the Risale-i Nur it says: “Happy the man who in order not to lose his companion of eternity, copies his righteous wife and so becomes righteous himself. And happy the woman who, seeing her husband to be pious, adheres to religion herself so as not to lose her everlasting friend and companion. Unhappy the man who follows his wife in sin, does not try to make her give it up, but joins her. And unhappy the woman who, seeing her husband’s sinfulness, follows him in another way. And alas for the wife and husband who assist one another in throwing each other into the Fire. That is, who encourage one another to embrace the evils of civilization.”

    These lines have the following meaning: at this time, Islamic conduct within the bounds of the Shari‘a is the only means of developing family life and finding happiness in this world and the hereafter, and causing the elevated qualities of women to unfold.

    Now, the most important matter in family life is this, that if the woman sees bad conduct and disloyalty in her husband and to spite him, stints in her loyalt y and faithfulness to him, which is her duty as far as the family is concerned, then the factory of that family life will be thrown into confusion, exactly like discipline in the army being spoilt. The woman should try to reform her husband’s faults as far as she can in order to save her companion of eternity. It is harmful in every respect if she starts to show herself to others by unveiling herself and tries to make herself attractive to others. For a woman who gives up complete loyalty pays the penalty in this world too. Because it is her nature to be fearful and upset at the looks of those canonically strangers to her, and to avoid them. She is discomforted at the looks of eighteen out of twenty strangers. As for men, they are discomforted and upset at the looks of only one out of a hundred women who are canonically strangers to them. The woman suffers torment in that respect, and so too may be accused of disloyalty, and due to her weakness, will be unable to defend her rights.

    Elhasıl: Nasıl ki kadınlar kahramanlıkta, ihlasta şefkat itibarıyla erkeklere benzemedikleri gibi erkekler de o kahramanlıkta onlara yetişemiyorlar; öyle de o masum hanımlar dahi sefahette hiçbir vecihle erkeklere yetişemezler. Onun için fıtratlarıyla ve zayıf hilkatleriyle nâmahremlerden şiddetli korkarlar ve çarşaf altında saklanmaya kendilerini mecbur bilirler. Çünkü erkek, sekiz dakika zevk ve lezzet için sefahete girse ancak sekiz lira kadar bir şey zarar eder. Fakat kadın sekiz dakika sefahetteki zevkin cezası olarak dünyada dahi sekiz ay ağır bir yükü karnında taşır ve sekiz sene de o hâmisiz çocuğun terbiyesinin meşakkatine girdiği için sefahette erkeklere yetişemez, yüz derece fazla cezasını çeker. Az olmayan bu nevi vukuat da gösteriyor ki mübarek taife-i nisaiye, fıtraten yüksek ahlâka menşe olduğu gibi fısk ve sefahette dünya zevki için kabiliyetleri yok hükmündedir.

    Demek onlar, daire-i terbiye-i İslâmiye içinde mesud bir aile hayatını geçirmeye mahsus bir nevi mübarek mahlukturlar. Bu mübarekleri ifsad eden komiteler kahrolsunlar! Allah bu hemşirelerimi de bu serserilerin şerlerinden muhafaza eylesin, âmin!

    Hemşirelerim! Mahremce bu sözümü size söylüyorum: Maişet derdi için serseri, ahlâksız, Frenk-meşrep bir kocanın tahakkümü altına girmektense fıtratınızdaki iktisat ve kanaatle, köylü masum kadınların nafakalarını kendileri çıkarmak için çalışmaları nevinden kendinizi idareye çalışınız, satmaya çalışmayınız. Şayet size münasip olmayan bir erkek kısmet olsa siz kısmetinize razı olunuz ve kanaat ediniz. İnşâallah rızanız ve kanaatinizle o da ıslah olur. Yoksa şimdiki işittiğim gibi mahkemelere boşanmak için müracaat edeceksiniz. Bu da haysiyet-i İslâmiye ve şeref-i milliyemize yakışmaz!

    Üçüncü Nükte

    Aziz hemşirelerim! Kat’iyen biliniz ki daire-i meşruanın haricindeki zevklerde, lezzetlerde; on derece onlardan ziyade elemler ve zahmetler bulunduğunu Risale-i Nur yüzer kuvvetli delillerle, hâdisatlarla ispat etmiştir. Uzun tafsilatı Risale-i Nur’da bulabilirsiniz.

    Ezcümle, Küçük Sözler’den Altıncı, Yedinci, Sekizinci Sözler ve Gençlik Rehberi benim bedelime sizlere tam bu hakikati gösterecek. Onun için daire-i meşruadaki keyfe iktifa ediniz ve kanaat getiriniz. Sizin hanenizdeki masum evlatlarınızla masumane sohbet, yüzer sinemadan daha ziyade zevklidir.

    Hem kat’iyen biliniz ki bu hayat-ı dünyeviyede hakiki lezzet, iman dairesindedir ve imandadır. Ve a’mal-i salihanın her birisinde bir manevî lezzet var. Ve dalalet ve sefahette, bu dünyada dahi gayet acı ve çirkin elemler bulunduğunu Risale-i Nur yüzer kat’î delillerle ispat etmiştir. Âdeta imanda bir cennet çekirdeği ve dalalette ve sefahette bir cehennem çekirdeği bulunduğunu, ben kendim çok tecrübelerle ve hâdiselerle aynelyakîn görmüşüm ve Risale-i Nur’da bu hakikat tekrar ile yazılmış. En şedit muannid ve muterizlerin eline girip hem resmî ehl-i vukuflar ve mahkemeler o hakikati cerh edememişler. Şimdi sizin gibi mübarek ve masum hemşirelerime ve evlatlarım hükmünde küçüklerinize, başta Tesettür Risalesi ve Gençlik Rehberi ve Küçük Sözler benim bedelime sizlere ders versin.

    Ben işittim ki benim size camide ders vermekliğimi arzu ediyorsunuz. Fakat benim perişaniyetimle beraber hastalığım ve çok esbab, bu vaziyete müsaade etmiyor. Ben de sizin için yazdığım bu dersimi okuyan ve kabul eden bütün hemşirelerimi, bütün manevî kazançlarıma ve dualarıma Nur şakirdleri gibi dâhil etmeye karar verdim. Eğer siz benim bedelime Risale-i Nur’u kısmen elde edip okusanız veya dinleseniz, o vakit kaidemiz mûcibince bütün kardeşleriniz olan Nur şakirdlerinin manevî kazançlarına ve dualarına da hissedar oluyorsunuz.

    Ben, şimdi daha ziyade yazacaktım fakat çok hasta ve çok zayıf ve çok ihtiyar ve tashihat gibi çok vazifelerim bulunduğundan şimdilik bu kadarla iktifa ettim.

    اَل۟بَاقٖى هُوَ ال۟بَاقٖى

    Duanıza muhtaç kardeşiniz

    Said Nursî

    1. *Part of my defence for the Appeal Court, which opposed the [Eskişehir] Court and silenced it: “I say to this court of law that if there is justice on the face of the earth, it will surely quash the decision to convict a person who has expounded a most sacred, true, and right divine principle which has been in force in the social life of three hundred and fifty million people every century for one thousand three hundred and fifty years, relying on the confirmation and unanimity of three hundred and fifty thousand Qur’anic commentaries and following the beliefs of our forefathers for one thousand three hundred and fifty years; it will surely quash such a ruling!”
    2. *al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, iii, 269, No: 3366; al-‘Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa’, No: 1021; al-Suyuti,Jami‘ al-Saghir, No: 3366.
    3. *For the Medresetü’z-Zehra, See note 21, page 325.