Translations:Yirmi Beşinci Lem'a/118/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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    ("Then ask someone struck by disaster or a worker or poor man living in penury: “How are you?” If he is sensible, he will reply: “All thanks be to God, I am working. If only the evening did not come so quickly, I could have finished this work! Time passes so quickly, and so does life; they flash by. For sure things are hard for me, but that will pass too. Everything passes quickly.” He in effect says how valuable life is and how regretful he is at..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    Then ask someone struck by disaster or a worker or poor man living in penury: “How are you?” If he is sensible, he will reply: “All thanks be to God, I am working. If only the evening did not come so quickly, I could have finished this work! Time passes so  quickly, and so does life; they flash by. For sure things are hard for me, but that will pass too. Everything passes quickly.” He in effect says how valuable life is and how regretful he is at its passing. That means he perceives the pleasure and value of life through hardship and labour. As for ease and health, they make life bitter and make one hope for its speedy passing.
    Then ask someone struck by disaster or a worker or poor man living in penury: “How are you?” If he is sensible, he will reply: “All thanks be to God, I am working. If only the evening did not come so quickly, I could have finished this work! Time passes so  quickly, and so does life; they flash by. For sure things are hard for me, but that will pass too. Everything passes quickly.” He in effect says how valuable life is and how regretful he is at its passing.

    14.14, 18 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

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    İleti tanımı (Yirmi Beşinci Lem'a)
    Sen bir musibetzede veya işçi ve meşakkatli bir halde olan bir fakirden sor “Ne haldesin?” Aklı başında ise diyecek ki “Şükürler olsun Rabb’ime, iyiyim, çalışıyorum. Keşke çabuk güneş gitmeseydi, bu işi de bitirseydim. Vakit çabuk geçiyor, ömür durmuyor gidiyor. Vakıâ zahmet çekiyorum fakat bu da geçer, her şey böyle çabuk geçiyor.” diye manen ömür ne kadar kıymettar olduğunu, geçmesindeki teessüfle bildiriyor.

    Then ask someone struck by disaster or a worker or poor man living in penury: “How are you?” If he is sensible, he will reply: “All thanks be to God, I am working. If only the evening did not come so quickly, I could have finished this work! Time passes so quickly, and so does life; they flash by. For sure things are hard for me, but that will pass too. Everything passes quickly.” He in effect says how valuable life is and how regretful he is at its passing.