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On İkinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If he had remained in Paradise, his rank would have been fixed like that of the angels; man’s potentialities would not have been disclosed. In any case, the angels, with their unchanging ranks, are numerous and there is no need for man to perform their sort of worship. Since divine wisdom required a realm of accountability commensurate with the potentialities of man, who would traverse infinite degrees, he was expelled from Paradise for his well- known..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:'''The reason for it concerns the charging of duties: the duty with which Adam was charged yielded such results as the unfolding of all human spiritual progress and the revealing of all human potentialities and man’s essential nature being a comprehensive mirror to all the divine names." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If he had remained in Paradise, his rank would have been fixed like that of the angels; man’s potentialities would not have been disclosed. In any case, the angels, with their unchanging ranks, are numerous and there is no need for man to perform their sort of worship. Since divine wisdom required a realm of accountability commensurate with the potentialities of man, who would traverse infinite degrees, he was expelled from Paradise for his well- known..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
18. satır: 18. satır:
'''The Answer:'''The reason for it concerns the charging of duties: the duty with which Adam was charged yielded such results as the unfolding of all human spiritual progress and the revealing of all human potentialities and man’s essential nature being a comprehensive mirror to all the divine names.
'''The Answer:'''The reason for it concerns the charging of duties: the duty with which Adam was charged yielded such results as the unfolding of all human spiritual progress and the revealing of all human potentialities and man’s essential nature being a comprehensive mirror to all the divine names.

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If he had remained in Paradise, his rank would have been fixed like that of the angels; man’s potentialities would not have been disclosed. In any case, the angels, with their unchanging ranks, are numerous and there is no need for man to perform their sort of worship. Since divine wisdom required a realm of accountability commensurate with the potentialities of man, who would traverse infinite degrees, he was expelled from Paradise for his well- known  sin, sin being the requirement of human nature and contrary to that of the angels.
Eğer Hazret-i Âdem cennette kalsaydı melek gibi makamı sabit kalırdı, istidadat-ı beşeriye inkişaf etmezdi. Halbuki yeknesak makam sahibi olan melâikeler çoktur, o tarz ubudiyet için insana ihtiyaç yok. Belki hikmet-i İlahiye, nihayetsiz makamatı katedecek olan insanın istidadına muvafık bir dâr-ı teklifi iktiza ettiği için melâikelerin aksine olarak mukteza-yı fıtratları olan malûm günahla cennetten ihraç edildi.

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