Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark
("O my lazy soul! That turbulent place of war is this stormy worldly life, and the army divided into regiments, human society. The regiment in the comparison is the community of Islam in this century. One of the two soldiers is a devout Muslim who knows the obligations of his religion and performs them, and struggles with Satan and his own soul in order to give up serious misdoings and not to commit sins. While the other is a degenerate wrongdoer who is s..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu) Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği |
("Indeed, whoever made and bestowed life, which is a most brilliant miracle of the Eternally Besought One’s art and a wonder of dominical wisdom, is the one who maintains and perpetuates it through sustenance. It cannot be another. Do you want proof? The most impotent and stupid animals are the best nourished; like fish, and worms in fruit." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu) Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği |
23. satır: | 23. satır: | ||
foremost the prescribed prayers and worship. And the war is the struggle against the soul and its desires, and against the satans among jinn and men, to deliver them from sin and bad morals, and save the heart and spirit from eternal perdition. And the first of the two duties is to give life and sustain it, while the other is to worship and beseech the Giver and Sustainer of life. It is to trust in Him and rely on Him. | foremost the prescribed prayers and worship. And the war is the struggle against the soul and its desires, and against the satans among jinn and men, to deliver them from sin and bad morals, and save the heart and spirit from eternal perdition. And the first of the two duties is to give life and sustain it, while the other is to worship and beseech the Giver and Sustainer of life. It is to trust in Him and rely on Him. | ||
Indeed, whoever made and bestowed life, which is a most brilliant miracle of the Eternally Besought One’s art and a wonder of dominical wisdom, is the one who maintains and perpetuates it through sustenance. It cannot be another. Do you want proof? The most impotent and stupid animals are the best nourished; like fish, and worms in fruit. | |||
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14.05, 25 Temmuz 2024 tarihindeki hâli
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Indeed, God is with those who fear Him and those who do good.(*[1])
If you want to see what a truly human duty and what a natural, appropriate result of man’s creation it is to perform the prescribed prayers and not to commit serious sins, listen to and take heed of the following comparison:
Once, at a time of general mobilization, two soldiers found themselves together in a regiment. One was well-trained and conscientious, the other, a raw recruit and self- centred. The conscientious soldier concentrated on training and the war, and did not give a thought to rations and provisions, for he knew that it was the state’s duty to feed and equip him, treat him if he was ill, and even to put the food in his mouth if the need arose. He knew that his essential duty was to train and fight. But he would also attend to some of the rations and equipment as part of his work. He would boil up the saucepans, wash up the mess-tins, and bring them.
If it was then asked him: “What are you doing?”,
he would reply: “I am doing fatigue duty for the state.” He would not say: “I am working for my living.”
The raw recruit, however, was fond of his stomach and paid no attention to training and the war. “That is the state’s business. What is it to me?”, he would say. He thought constantly of his livelihood, and pursuing it would leave the regiment and go to the market to do shopping.
One day his well-trained friend said to him:
“Your basic duty is training and fighting, brother. You were brought here for that. Trust in the king; he will not let you go hungry. That is his duty. Anyway, you are powerless and wanting; you cannot feed yourself everywhere. And this is a time of mobilization and war; he will tell you that you are mutinous and will punish you. Yes, there are two duties which concern us. One is the king’s duty: sometimes we do his fatigue duties and he feeds us for it. The other is our duty: that is training and fighting, and sometimes the king helps us with it.”
Of course you will understand in what danger the layabout soldier would be if he did not pay attention to the striving, well-trained one.
O my lazy soul! That turbulent place of war is this stormy worldly life, and the army divided into regiments, human society. The regiment in the comparison is the community of Islam in this century. One of the two soldiers is a devout Muslim who knows the obligations of his religion and performs them, and struggles with Satan and his own soul in order to give up serious misdoings and not to commit sins. While the other is a degenerate wrongdoer who is so immersed in the struggle for livelihood that he casts aspersions on the True Provider, abandons his religious obligations, and commits any sins that come his way as he makes his living. As for the training and instruction, it is foremost the prescribed prayers and worship. And the war is the struggle against the soul and its desires, and against the satans among jinn and men, to deliver them from sin and bad morals, and save the heart and spirit from eternal perdition. And the first of the two duties is to give life and sustain it, while the other is to worship and beseech the Giver and Sustainer of life. It is to trust in Him and rely on Him.
Indeed, whoever made and bestowed life, which is a most brilliant miracle of the Eternally Besought One’s art and a wonder of dominical wisdom, is the one who maintains and perpetuates it through sustenance. It cannot be another. Do you want proof? The most impotent and stupid animals are the best nourished; like fish, and worms in fruit.
Evet, vasıta-i rızk-ı helâl, iktidar ve ihtiyar ile olmadığını; belki acz ve zaaf ile olduğunu anlamak için balıklar ile tilkileri, yavrular ile canavarları, ağaçlar ile hayvanları muvazene etmek kâfidir.
Demek derd-i maişet için namazını terk eden, o nefere benzer ki talimi ve siperini bırakıp çarşıda dilencilik eder. Fakat namazını kıldıktan sonra Cenab-ı Rezzak-ı Kerîm’in matbaha-i rahmetinden tayinatını aramak, başkalara bâr olmamak için kendisi bizzat gitmek; güzeldir, mertliktir, o dahi bir ibadettir.
Hem insan ibadet için halk olunduğunu, fıtratı ve cihazat-ı maneviyesi gösteriyor. Zira hayat-ı dünyeviyesine lâzım olan amel ve iktidar cihetinde en edna bir serçe kuşuna yetişmez. Fakat hayat-ı maneviye ve uhreviyesine lâzım olan ilim ve iftikar ile tazarru ve ibadet cihetinde hayvanatın sultanı ve kumandanı hükmündedir.
Demek ey nefsim! Eğer hayat-ı dünyeviyeyi gaye-i maksat yapsan ve ona daim çalışsan en edna bir serçe kuşunun bir neferi hükmünde olursun. Eğer hayat-ı uhreviyeyi gaye-i maksat yapsan ve şu hayatı dahi ona vesile ve mezraa etsen ve ona göre çalışsan; o vakit hayvanatın büyük bir kumandanı hükmünde ve şu dünyada Cenab-ı Hakk’ın nazlı ve niyazdar bir abdi, mükerrem ve muhterem bir misafiri olursun.
İşte sana iki yol, istediğini intihab edebilirsin. Hidayet ve tevfiki Erhamü’r-Râhimîn’den iste.
- ↑ *Qur’an, 16:128.