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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"But if such a man attains to Divine guidance and belief enters his heart, and if the tyranny of his soul is smashed and he heeds God’s Book, he will resemble my second state in the vision. Then the universe will suddenly take on the colour of day and be filled with Divine light. The world will recite the verse, God is the light of the heavens and the earth. (*<ref>*Qur’an, 24:35.</ref>) Then he will see with the eye of the heart that the past is not..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, one who relies on his ego, who falls into the darkness of heedlessness and is afflicted with the blackness of misguidance resembles my first state in the vision, which, like with the pocket-torch and due to deficient and misguided knowledge, saw the past in the form a huge grave amid darkness imbued with non-existence. It showed the future to be a stormy and desolate wasteland governed by coincidence, and events and beings, which are all submissive..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("But if such a man attains to Divine guidance and belief enters his heart, and if the tyranny of his soul is smashed and he heeds God’s Book, he will resemble my second state in the vision. Then the universe will suddenly take on the colour of day and be filled with Divine light. The world will recite the verse, God is the light of the heavens and the earth. (*<ref>*Qur’an, 24:35.</ref>) Then he will see with the eye of the heart that the past is not..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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38. satır: 38. satır:
Thus, one who relies on his ego, who falls into the darkness of heedlessness and is afflicted with the blackness of misguidance resembles my first state in the vision, which, like with the pocket-torch and due to deficient and misguided knowledge, saw the past in the form a huge grave amid darkness imbued with non-existence. It showed the future to be a stormy and desolate wasteland governed by coincidence, and events and beings, which are all submissive officials of One  All-Wise and All-Compassionate to be monsters. Such a person as though manifests the verse, And those who reject belief, their protectors are the evil ones; they lead them out of light into darkness. (*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:257.</ref>)
Thus, one who relies on his ego, who falls into the darkness of heedlessness and is afflicted with the blackness of misguidance resembles my first state in the vision, which, like with the pocket-torch and due to deficient and misguided knowledge, saw the past in the form a huge grave amid darkness imbued with non-existence. It showed the future to be a stormy and desolate wasteland governed by coincidence, and events and beings, which are all submissive officials of One  All-Wise and All-Compassionate to be monsters. Such a person as though manifests the verse, And those who reject belief, their protectors are the evil ones; they lead them out of light into darkness. (*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:257.</ref>)

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But if such a man attains to Divine guidance and belief enters his heart, and if the tyranny of his soul is smashed and he heeds God’s Book, he will resemble my second state in the vision. Then the universe will suddenly take on the colour of day and be filled with Divine light. The world will recite the verse, God is the light of the heavens and the earth. (*<ref>*Qur’an, 24:35.</ref>)
Eğer hidayet-i İlahiye yetişse, iman kalbine girse, nefsin firavuniyeti kırılsa, Kitabullah’ı dinlese, o vakıada ikinci halime benzeyecek. O vakit birden kâinat bir gündüz rengini alır, nur-u İlahî ile dolar. Âlem اَللّٰهُ نُورُ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَال۟اَر۟ضِ âyetini okur. O vakit zaman-ı mazi, bir mezar-ı ekber değil, belki her bir asrı bir nebinin veya evliyanın taht-ı riyasetinde, vazife-i ubudiyeti îfa eden ervah-ı safiye cemaatlerinin vazife-i hayatlarını bitirmekle “Allahu ekber” diyerek makamat-ı âliyeye uçmalarını ve müstakbel tarafına geçmelerini kalp gözü ile görür. Sol tarafına bakar ki dağlar-misal bazı inkılabat-ı berzahiye ve uhreviye arkalarında cennetin bağlarındaki saadet saraylarında kurulmuş bir ziyafet-i Rahmaniyeyi o nur-u iman ile uzaktan uzağa fark eder. Ve fırtına ve zelzele, taun gibi hâdiseleri, birer musahhar memur bilir. Bahar fırtınası ve yağmur gibi hâdisatı; sureten haşin, manen çok latîf hikmetlere medar görüyor. Hattâ mevti, hayat-ı ebediyenin mukaddimesi ve kabri, saadet-i ebediyenin kapısı görüyor. Daha sair cihetleri sen kıyas eyle. Hakikati temsile tatbik et.
Then he will see with the eye of the heart that the past is not a vast grave, but where the groups of purified spirits who each century having performed their duties of worship under the leadership of a prophet or saint exclaim, “God is Most Great!” on completion of the duties of their lives, and fly to elevated abodes, moving on to the past. He will look to the left, and through the light of belief distinguish in the distance a feasting-place of the Most Merciful set up in palaces of bliss in the gardens of  Paradise, beyond the mountainous revolutions of the Intermediate Realm and the hereafter. And he will realize that the storms and earthquakes and tempestuous events are all submissive officials, and understand  that they are the means for instances of wisdom which though apparently harsh are in fact most gentle, like the storms and rains of spring. He will even see death to be the introduction to eternal life, and the grave, the door to everlasting happiness. You can deduce further aspects for yourself. Apply the reality to the comparison!

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