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Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For example, if the globe of the earth is considered from the point of view of the people of science, its reality is this: as a middle-sized planet, it revolves around the sun amid countless stars; it is a small creature in relation to the stars. But as is explained in the Fifteenth Word, if it is considered from the point of view of the people of the Qur’an, its reality is this: since man, the fruit of the world, is a most comprehensive, most wondrou..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Furthermore, when something is considered from two points of view, it shows two different truths, and both of them may be the truth. No certain fact of science can touch the sacred truths of the Qur’an. The short hand of science cannot reach up to its pure sublimity. We shall mention an example to illustrate this:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For example, if the globe of the earth is considered from the point of view of the people of science, its reality is this: as a middle-sized planet, it revolves around the sun amid countless stars; it is a small creature in relation to the stars. But as is explained in the Fifteenth Word, if it is considered from the point of view of the people of the Qur’an, its reality is this: since man, the fruit of the world, is a most comprehensive, most wondrou..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
252. satır: 252. satır:
Furthermore, when something is considered from two points of view, it shows two different truths, and both of them may be the truth. No certain fact of science can touch the sacred truths of the Qur’an.  The short hand of science cannot reach up to its pure sublimity. We shall mention an example to illustrate this:
Furthermore, when something is considered from two points of view, it shows two different truths, and both of them may be the truth. No certain fact of science can touch the sacred truths of the Qur’an.  The short hand of science cannot reach up to its pure sublimity. We shall mention an example to illustrate this:

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For example, if the globe of the earth is considered from the point of view of the people of science, its reality is this: as a middle-sized planet, it revolves around the sun amid countless stars; it is a small creature in relation to the stars. But as is explained in the Fifteenth Word, if it is considered from the point of view of the people of the Qur’an, its reality is this: since man, the fruit of the world, is a  most comprehensive, most wondrous, most impotent, most weak, and most subtle miracle of Divine  power, the earth, his cradle and dwelling-place, is in regard to meaning and art, the universe’s heart and centre; despite its smallness and lowliness in relation to the heavens, it is the display and exhibition of all the miracles of Divine art; the place of reflection and point of focus of the manifestations of all the  Divine Names; the place of display and reflection of infinite dominical activity; the means and market  of boundless Divine creativity and especially the munificent creation of the numerous species of plants and small animals; and the place in small measure of samples of the creatures of the broad worlds of the hereafter; it is  a  rapidly  working  loom weaving  everlasting  textiles; the  swiftly  changing  place producing views for eternal panoramas; and the narrow and temporary arable field and seed-bed producing at speed the seeds for everlasting gardens.
Mesela küre-i arz, ehl-i hikmet nazarıyla bakılsa hakikati şudur ki: Güneş etrafında mutavassıt bir seyyare gibi hadsiz yıldızlar içinde döner. Yıldızlara nisbeten küçük bir mahluk. Fakat ehl-i Kur’an nazarıyla bakıldığı vakit –On Beşinci Söz’de izah edildiği gibi– hakikati şöyledir ki: Semere-i âlem olan insan, en câmi’ en bedî’ ve en âciz en aziz en zayıf en latîf bir mu’cize-i kudret olduğundan, beşik ve meskeni olan zemin; semaya nisbeten maddeten küçüklüğüyle ve hakaretiyle beraber manen ve sanaten bütün kâinatın kalbi, merkezi; bütün mu’cizat-ı sanatının meşheri, sergisi; bütün tecelliyat-ı esmasının mazharı, nokta-i mihrakıyesi; nihayetsiz faaliyet-i Rabbaniyenin mahşeri, ma’kesi; hadsiz hallakıyet-i İlahiyenin hususan nebatat ve hayvanatın kesretli enva-ı sağiresinden cevvadane icadın medarı, çarşısı ve pek geniş âhiret âlemlerindeki masnuatın küçük mikyasta numunegâhı ve mensucat-ı ebediyenin süratle işleyen tezgâhı ve menazır-ı sermediyenin çabuk değişen taklitgâhı ve besatin-i daimenin tohumcuklarına süratle sümbüllenen dar ve muvakkat mezraası ve terbiyegâhı olmuştur.

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