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Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Second Category''' of workers in this palace of the universe are animals. Since animals also have an appetitive soul and faculty of will, their work is not ‘purely for the sake of God;’ to some extent, they take a share for their souls. Therefore, since the Glorious and Munificent Lord of All Dominion is all-generous, He bestows a wage on them during their work so that their souls receive a share. For example, the All-Wise Creator employs t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The angels who are in the position of shepherd and farmer do not bear any resemblance to human beings, for their supervision is purely for the sake of Almighty God, and in His name and through His power and command. Their supervision of animals consists only of beholding the manifestations of dominicality in the species where they are employed; studying the manifestations of power and mercy in it; making known to that species the Di..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Second Category''' of workers in this palace of the universe are animals. Since animals also have an appetitive soul and faculty of will, their work is not ‘purely for the sake of God;’ to some extent, they take a share for their souls. Therefore, since the Glorious and Munificent Lord of All Dominion is all-generous, He bestows a wage on them during their work so that their souls receive a share. For example, the All-Wise Creator employs t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
295. satır: 295. satır:
These duties of the angels are meritorious actions of a sort by reason of the angels’ faculty of will. Indeed,  they  are a kind of worship and adoration. But the angels have no real power of disposal, for on everything is a stamp peculiar to the Creator of all things. Another’s hand cannot interfere in creation. That is to say, this sort of work of the angels forms their worship. It is not a custom like with human beings.
These duties of the angels are meritorious actions of a sort by reason of the angels’ faculty of will. Indeed,  they  are a kind of worship and adoration. But the angels have no real power of disposal, for on everything is a stamp peculiar to the Creator of all things. Another’s hand cannot interfere in creation. That is to say, this sort of work of the angels forms their worship. It is not a custom like with human beings.

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'''The Second Category''' of workers in this palace of the universe are animals. Since animals also have an appetitive soul and faculty of will, their work is not ‘purely for the sake of God;’ to some  extent,  they take a share for their souls. Therefore, since the Glorious and Munificent Lord of All Dominion is all-generous, He bestows a wage on them during their work so that their souls receive a  share. For example, the All-Wise
'''Ve bu saray-ı kâinatta ikinci kısım amele:''' Hayvanattır. Hayvanat dahi iştiha sahibi bir nefis ve bir cüz-i ihtiyarîleri olduğundan amelleri hâlisen livechillah olmuyor. Bir derece nefislerine de bir hisse çıkarıyorlar. Onun için Mâlikü’l-mülki Zülcelali ve’l-ikram, Kerîm olduğundan onların nefislerine bir hisse vermek için amellerinin zımnında onlara bir maaş ihsan ediyor. Mesela, meşhur bülbül kuşu (Hâşiye<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Bülbül şairane konuştuğu için şu bahsimiz de bir parça şairane düşüyor. Fakat hayal değil, hakikattir. </ref>) gülün aşkıyla maruf o hayvancığı, Fâtır-ı Hakîm istihdam ediyor. Beş gaye için onu istimal ediyor:
Creator employs the famous nightingale,(*<ref>*Since the nightingale speaks poetically, our discussion also becomes poetic for a bit. But it is not imaginary, it is the truth.</ref>) renowned for his love of the rose, for five aims.

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