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Yirmi Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Now, evidence for the fact that the story of everything’s life is written after its existence are all fruits, which in this world tell of the Clear Book and the Clear Record, and the faculty of memory in man, which points to the Preserved Tablet; these all hint and testify to this fact. Indeed, the appointed events of a tree’s life are written in its seeds, which are like the hearts of its fruits. And man’s life-history together with some of the pa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Since there is such a manifestation of Divine Determining in the most common and simple of things, it surely demonstrates that all things are written before they come into existence; this may be understood with little attention." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Now, evidence for the fact that the story of everything’s life is written after its existence are all fruits, which in this world tell of the Clear Book and the Clear Record, and the faculty of memory in man, which points to the Preserved Tablet; these all hint and testify to this fact. Indeed, the appointed events of a tree’s life are written in its seeds, which are like the hearts of its fruits. And man’s life-history together with some of the pa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
115. satır: 115. satır:
Since there is such a manifestation of Divine Determining in the most common and simple of things, it surely demonstrates that all things are written before they come into existence; this may be understood with little attention.
Since there is such a manifestation of Divine Determining in the most common and simple of things, it surely demonstrates that all things are written before they come into existence; this may be understood with little attention.

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Now, evidence for the fact that the story of everything’s life is written after its existence are all fruits, which in this world tell of the Clear Book and the Clear Record, and the faculty of memory in man, which points to the Preserved Tablet; these all hint and testify to this fact. Indeed, the appointed events of a tree’s life are written in its seeds, which are like the hearts of its fruits. And man’s life-history together with some of the past events of the world are written in his memory in such a way that, as though copying out with the hand of power and pen of Divine Determining in a faculty as tiny as a mustard seed a small note from the page of his actions, the memory gives the note to man’s hand and puts it in the pocket of his mind, so that with it he will call his actions to mind at the time of reckoning. So too, due to it he may be confident that within the upheavals of  transience and death there are numerous lasting mirrors in which the All-Powerful and Wise One  depicts  and makes permanent  the  identities of transient  beings; and truly numerous tablets which  shall endure for all eternity on which that All-Knowing Preserver inscribes the meanings of transitory beings.
Şimdi, vücudundan sonra her şeyin sergüzeşt-i hayatı yazıldığına delil ise âlemde “Kitab-ı Mübin” ve “İmam-ı Mübin”den haber veren bütün meyveler ve “Levh-i Mahfuz”dan haber veren ve işaret eden insandaki bütün kuvve-i hâfızalar birer şahittir, birer emaredir. Evet, her bir meyve, bütün ağacın mukadderat-ı hayatı onun kalbi hükmünde olan çekirdeğinde yazılıyor. İnsanın sergüzeşt-i hayatıyla beraber kısmen âlemin hâdisat-ı maziyesi, kuvve-i hâfızasında öyle bir surette yazılıyor ki güya hardal küçüklüğünde bu kuvvecikte dest-i kudret, kalem-i kaderiyle insanın sahife-i a’malinden küçük bir senet istinsah ederek, insanın eline verip dimağının cebine koymuş. Tâ muhasebe vaktinde onunla hatırlatsın. Hem tâ mutmain olsun ki bu fena ve zeval herc ü mercinde beka için pek çok âyineler var ki Kadîr-i Hakîm zâillerin hüviyetlerini onlarda tersim edip ibka ediyor. Hem beka için pek çok levhalar var ki Hafîz-i Alîm fânilerin manalarını onlarda yazıyor.

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