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Yirmi Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, it is because of this that if someone now was to memorize the Qur’an at the age of four and have the intelligence of a mujtahid like Sufyan ibn Uyayna, who held discussions with religious scholars at an early age, he would need ten times longer than Sufyan to become qualified to interpret the law. If Sufyan acquired the learning in ten years, this man would need one hundred years. Because the period of Sufyan’s natural study began at the age o..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("At this time, however, due to the domination of European civilization and the supremacy of natural philosophy and the preponderance of the conditions of worldly life, minds and hearts have become scattered, and endeavour and favour divided. Minds have become strangers to non-material matters." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, it is because of this that if someone now was to memorize the Qur’an at the age of four and have the intelligence of a mujtahid like Sufyan ibn Uyayna, who held discussions with religious scholars at an early age, he would need ten times longer than Sufyan to become qualified to interpret the law. If Sufyan acquired the learning in ten years, this man would need one hundred years. Because the period of Sufyan’s natural study began at the age o..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
33. satır: 33. satır:
At  this  time,  however,  due  to  the  domination  of European civilization and  the supremacy of natural philosophy and the preponderance of the conditions of worldly life, minds and hearts have become scattered, and endeavour and favour divided. Minds have become strangers to non-material matters.
At  this  time,  however,  due  to  the  domination  of European civilization and  the supremacy of natural philosophy and the preponderance of the conditions of worldly life, minds and hearts have become scattered, and endeavour and favour divided. Minds have become strangers to non-material matters.

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Thus, it is because of this that if someone now was to memorize the Qur’an at the age of four and have the  intelligence of a mujtahid like Sufyan ibn Uyayna, who held discussions with religious scholars at an early age, he would need ten times longer than Sufyan to become qualified to interpret the law. If Sufyan acquired the learning in ten years, this man would need one hundred years. Because the period of Sufyan’s natural study began at the age of reason. His disposition  and abilities were slowly prepared and illuminated; they took lessons from everything and became like a match.
İşte bunun içindir ki şu zamanda birisi; dört yaşında Kur’an’ı hıfzedip, âlimlerle mübahase eden Süfyan İbn-i Uyeyne olan bir müçtehidin zekâsında bulunsa, Süfyan’ın içtihadı kazandığı zamana nisbeten, on defa daha fazla zamana muhtaçtır. Süfyan, on senede içtihadı tahsil etmiş ise şu adam yüz seneye muhtaçtır ki tahsil edebilsin. Çünkü Süfyan’ın iptida-i tahsil-i fıtrîsi sinn-i temyiz zamanından başlar. Yavaş yavaş istidadı müheyya olur, nurlanır, her şeyden ders alır, kibrit hükmüne geçer.

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