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Yirmi Sekizinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And just as unbelief is the reason for being sent to Hell, so it is the cause of Hell’s existence and creation." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As is proved in the Second and Eighth Words, belief bears the seed of a sort of Paradise, while unbelief conceals the seed of a sort of Hell. And just as unbelief is a seed of Hell, so Hell is one of its fruits." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("And just as unbelief is the reason for being sent to Hell, so it is the cause of Hell’s existence and creation." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
101. satır: 101. satır:
As is proved in the Second and Eighth Words, belief bears the seed of a sort of Paradise, while unbelief conceals the seed of a sort of Hell. And just as unbelief is a seed of Hell, so Hell is one of its fruits.
As is proved in the Second and Eighth Words, belief bears the seed of a sort of Paradise, while unbelief conceals the seed of a sort of Hell. And just as unbelief is a seed of Hell, so Hell is one of its fruits.

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And just as unbelief is the reason for being sent to Hell, so it is the cause of Hell’s existence and  creation.  
Nasıl ki küfür, cehennemin bir çekirdeğidir. Öyle de cehennem, onun bir meyvesidir.

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For if an insignificant ruler of small dignity, small pride, and small majesty is told impudently  by some unmannerly person: “You may not punish me and you cannot,” if there is no prison in that place, the ruler will certainly have one built for him and will throw him into it.
Nasıl küfür, cehenneme duhûlüne sebeptir; öyle de cehennemin vücuduna ve icadına dahi sebeptir. Zira küçük bir hâkimin küçük bir izzeti, küçük bir gayreti, küçük bir celali bulunsa bir edepsiz ona serkeşane dese: “Beni te’dib etmezsin ve edemezsin.Herhalde o yerde hapishane yoksa da tek o edepsiz için bir hapishane teşkil edecek, onu içine atacaktır.

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However, by denying Hell, the unbeliever is giving the lie to One of infinite dignity, pride, and glory, Who is sublimely and infinitely powerful, and is accusing Him of impotence, lying, and powerlessness;  he  is  insulting  His  dignity  and  offending  His  pride  terribly. He  is rebelliously causing affront to His glory. If, to  suppose the impossible, there was no reason for Hell’s existence, it would certainly be created for unbelief, which comprises denial and ascribing impotence to this degree, and such an unbeliever would certainly be cast into it.
Halbuki kâfir, cehennemi inkâr ile nihayetsiz izzet ve gayret ve celal sahibi ve gayet büyük ve nihayetsiz kadîr bir zatı tekzip ve isnad-ı acz ediyor, yalancılıkla ve acz ile ittiham ediyor, izzetine şiddetle dokunuyor, gayretine dehşetli dokunduruyor, celaline âsiyane ilişiyor. Elbette farz-ı muhal olarak, cehennemin hiçbir sebeb-i vücudu bulunmazsa da şu derece tekzip ve isnad-ı aczi tazammun eden küfür için bir cehennem halk edilecek, o kâfir içine atılacaktır.

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