Translations:Otuz Birinci Söz/290/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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    ("'''In Short:''' It is required by wisdom and by reason that the heavens are formed of ether, that they are the source of subtle energies like electricity, light, heat, and gravity, and that, in accordance with the Hadith, “The heavens are waves held back,”9 they are favourable for the motion of stars and planets. It is further required that from majarrat al- sama’10 (the Milky Way) to the closest planet they should consist of seven levels in dif..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    '''In Short:''' It is required by wisdom and by reason that the heavens are formed of ether, that they are the source of subtle energies like electricity, light, heat, and gravity, and that, in accordance with the Hadith, “The heavens are waves held back,”9  they are favourable for the motion of stars and planets. It is further required that from majarrat al- sama’10  (the Milky Way) to the closest  planet they should consist of seven levels in different states and formations, and that each level, each  world, from the world of the earth to the Intermediate Realm and World of Similitudes, to the World of the Hereafter, should have a heaven, like a roof.
    '''In Short:''' It is required by wisdom and by reason that the heavens are formed of ether, that they are the source of subtle energies like electricity, light, heat, and gravity, and that, in accordance with the Hadith, “The heavens are waves held back,”(*<ref>*Tirmidhi, Tafsir Sura al-Hadid, 1; Musnad, ii, 370.</ref>) they are favourable for the motion of stars and planets. It is further required that from majarrat al- sama’(*<ref>*Tabarani, al-Mu’jam al-Kabir, xx, 123; Ibn Hajar, Majma’ al-Zawa’id, viii, 135.</ref>) (the Milky Way) to the closest  planet they should consist of seven levels in different states and formations, and that each level, each  world, from the world of the earth to the Intermediate Realm and World of Similitudes, to the World of the Hereafter, should have a heaven, like a roof.

    09.55, 27 Ağustos 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

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    İleti tanımı (Otuz Birinci Söz)
    Elhasıl, esîrden yapılmış; elektrik, ziya, hararet, cazibe gibi seyyalat-ı latîfenin medarı olmuş ve hadîste   اَلسَّمَاءُ مَو۟جٌ مَك۟فُوفٌ   işaretiyle, seyyarat ve nücumun harekâtına müsait olmuş ve Samanyolu denilen “Mecerretü’s-Sema”dan tâ en yakın seyyareye kadar, muhtelif vaziyet ve teşekkülde yedi tabaka, her bir tabaka âlem-i arzdan tâ âlem-i berzaha, âlem-i misale tâ âlem-i âhirete kadar birer âlemin damı hükmünde birer semanın bulunması, hikmeten, aklen iktiza eder.

    In Short: It is required by wisdom and by reason that the heavens are formed of ether, that they are the source of subtle energies like electricity, light, heat, and gravity, and that, in accordance with the Hadith, “The heavens are waves held back,”(*[1]) they are favourable for the motion of stars and planets. It is further required that from majarrat al- sama’(*[2]) (the Milky Way) to the closest planet they should consist of seven levels in different states and formations, and that each level, each world, from the world of the earth to the Intermediate Realm and World of Similitudes, to the World of the Hereafter, should have a heaven, like a roof.

    1. *Tirmidhi, Tafsir Sura al-Hadid, 1; Musnad, ii, 370.
    2. *Tabarani, al-Mu’jam al-Kabir, xx, 123; Ibn Hajar, Majma’ al-Zawa’id, viii, 135.