Translations:Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/293/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("When I was twenty years old I used to say repeatedly: “Towards the end of my life I shall withdraw from the life of society into a cave or onto a mountain like the people of olden times who abandoned the world and withdrew into caves.” Then when in the Great War I was being held as a prisoner in the north-east, I took this decision: “After this I shall spend my life in caves. I shall slip away from political and social life. Enough now of mixing..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    When I was twenty years old I used to say repeatedly: “Towards the end of my life I shall withdraw from the life of society into a cave or onto a mountain like the people of  olden  times who abandoned the world and withdrew into caves.” Then when in the Great War I was being held as a prisoner in the north-east, I took this decision: “After this I shall spend my life in caves. I shall slip away from political and social life. Enough now of mixing in them.” At that point both dominical grace and the justice of divine determining were  manifested. It transformed the caves I had imagined into prisons, places of seclusion, loneliness in places of ordeal and solitar y confinement in a way far better than my decision and wish, compassionately for my old age.
    When I was twenty years old I used to say repeatedly: “Towards the end of my life I shall withdraw from the life of society into a cave or onto a mountain like the people of  olden  times who abandoned the world and withdrew into caves.” Then when in the Great War I was being held as a prisoner in the north-east, I took this decision: “After this I shall spend my life in caves. I shall slip away from political and social life. Enough now of mixing in them.” At that point both dominical grace and the justice of divine determining were  manifested. It transformed the caves I had imagined into prisons, places of seclusion, loneliness in places of ordeal and solitar y confinement in a way far better than my decision and wish, compassionately for my old age.It bestowed on me Schools of Joseph and places  of solitary confinement where my time would not be wasted that were far superior to the mountain caves of ascetics and recluses.

    16.53, 19 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

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    İleti tanımı (Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a)
    Ben yirmi yaşlarında iken tekrar ile derdim: “Eski zamanda mağaralara çekilen târikü’d-dünyalar gibi âhir ömrümde ben de bir mağaraya, bir dağa çekilip insanların hayat-ı içtimaiyesinden çıkacağım.” Hem Eski Harb-i Umumî’de şark-ı şimalîdeki esaretimde karar vermiştim ki: “Bundan sonra ömrümü mağaralarda geçireceğim. Hayat-ı siyasiyeden ve içtimaiyeden sıyrılacağım. Artık karışmak yeter.” derken, inayet-i Rabbaniye hem adalet-i kaderiye tecelli ettiler. Kararımdan ve arzumdan çok ziyade hayırlı bir surette ihtiyarlığıma merhameten o mutasavver mağaralarımı hapishanelere ve inzivalara ve yalnızlık içinde çilehanelere ve tecrid-i mutlak menzillerine çevirdi. Ehl-i riyazet ve münzevilerin dağlardaki mağaralarının çok fevkinde “Yusufiye Medreseleri” ve vaktimizi zayi etmemek için tecrithaneleri verdi. Hem mağara faide-i uhreviyesini hem hakaik-i imaniye ve Kur’aniyenin mücahidane hizmetini verdi.

    When I was twenty years old I used to say repeatedly: “Towards the end of my life I shall withdraw from the life of society into a cave or onto a mountain like the people of olden times who abandoned the world and withdrew into caves.” Then when in the Great War I was being held as a prisoner in the north-east, I took this decision: “After this I shall spend my life in caves. I shall slip away from political and social life. Enough now of mixing in them.” At that point both dominical grace and the justice of divine determining were manifested. It transformed the caves I had imagined into prisons, places of seclusion, loneliness in places of ordeal and solitar y confinement in a way far better than my decision and wish, compassionately for my old age.It bestowed on me Schools of Joseph and places of solitary confinement where my time would not be wasted that were far superior to the mountain caves of ascetics and recluses.