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Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The sphere of influence of Paradise too, which is from the world of eternity and everlasting realm, stretches out and spreads in luminous fashion beneath the veil of the manifest, despite its infinite distance." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In whichever corner of the world you listen, you will hear about it. And sometimes some vast mobilization is not against the enemy’s forces, but for a show of pomp and majesty. For example, the event of Muhammad (UWBP) and sacred occurrence of the Qur’an’s revelation were the most important events in the land of the heavens and were bruited in every corner of it. Then there were more falling stars, which was a dominical sign proclaiming the degr..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The sphere of influence of Paradise too, which is from the world of eternity and everlasting realm, stretches out and spreads in luminous fashion beneath the veil of the manifest, despite its infinite distance." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
462. satır: 462. satır:
it is not a question of their going as far as the capital of the land of the heavens and gathering particular news; but of there being certain places resembling police outposts – if the metaphor is not mistaken – in the country of the heavens, which encompasses the atmosphere. In these they have relations with the country of the earth. The satans eavesdrop on particular events in those particular places. The human heart even is one such place, where the angel of inspiration and personal devil do battle.
it is not a question of their going as far as the capital of the land of the heavens and gathering particular news; but of there being certain places resembling police outposts – if the metaphor is not mistaken – in the country of the heavens, which encompasses the atmosphere. In these they have relations with the country of the earth. The satans eavesdrop on particular events in those particular places. The human heart even is one such place, where the angel of inspiration and personal devil do battle.

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Also, however particular the truths of belief and the  Qur’an and the  events connected  with  Muhammad  (UWBP), they are as though the greatest  and most universal and important events and are published at the sublime throne and in the sphere of the heavens, the  most universal  sphere, in  –  if  the  comparison is  not mistaken  –  the  newspapers  of  the  appointed  events of the universe.  They  are discussed on every corner. Since from the heart of Muhammad (UWBP) to the sphere of the throne there is no way the  satans can interfere, they do nothing apart from listening  to  the heavens.  Thus, the verse proclaims and shows  most eloquently, indeed, miraculously, how elevated  and true are the Qur’anic  revelation and prophethood of Muhammad (UWBP), and that it is in no way possible to oppose them or draw close to them with subterfuge or falsehood.
Ve hakaik-i imaniye ve Kur’aniye ve hâdisat-ı Muhammediye (asm) ise ne kadar cüz’î de olsa en büyük, en küllî bir hâdise-i mühimme hükmünde en küllî bir daire olan arş-ı a’zamda ve daire-i semavatta –temsilde hata olmasın– mukadderat-ı kâinatın manevî ceridelerinde neşrolunuyor gibi her köşede medar-ı bahis oluyor diye beyan ile beraber, kalb-i Muhammedîden (asm) tâ daire-i arşa varıncaya kadar ise hiçbir cihetle müdahale imkânı olmadığından, semavatı dinlemekten başka, şeytanların çaresi kalmadığını ifade ile vahy-i Kur’anî ve nübüvvet-i Ahmediye (asm) ne derece yüksek bir derece-i hakkaniyette olduğunu ve hiçbir cihetle hilaf ve yanlış ve hile ona yanaşmak mümkün olmadığını, gayet beliğane belki mu’cizane ilan etmek ve göstermektir.

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