Translations:Otuzuncu Lem'a/145/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("Moreover, since, through the mystery of the manifestation of divine oneness, the tiniest living creature is a miniature sample of the universe and a small index of it, only the One who holds the whole universe in the grasp of His power can lay claim to it. And since, in regard to creation, a seed is not inferior to a tree, and a tree is a small universe, and all living beings are like small universes and small worlds, this mystery of divine oneness has..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    Moreover, since, through the mystery of the manifestation of divine oneness, the tiniest  living creature is a miniature sample of the universe and a small index of it, only the One who holds the whole universe in the grasp of His power can lay claim to it. And since, in regard to creation, a seed is not inferior to a tree, and a tree is a small universe, and all living beings are like small universes and small worlds, this mystery of divine oneness has made the association of partners with God impossible.
    Yes, since the realms of beings in the universe are interwoven and interbonded and the  functions of each look to all, it has made the  universe, in  respect  of dominicality and creation, like an indivisible whole. So too, the all-encompassing general acts in the universe are interwoven and interpenetrated. For example, the acts of nurturing and giving of sustenance are apparent at the same instant within the act of giving life. And the acts of ordering and decking out the living creature’s body are observed at the same time within those acts of nurturing and giving of life. And at the same time the acts of giving of form, raising, and regulating strike the eye within those acts of  nurturing,  giving  life,  ordering, and decking out. And so on, since such  all- encompassing  and  general acts are interpenetrated  and  one within the other and blended together like the seven colours in light, indeed, are united; and since each of those acts encompasses and embraces most beings and are a single act and by nature are the same; and  since the one who performs the acts must be the same; and since each of them pervades the  whole universe  and  unites with the  other  acts  in co- operation and assistance; it has made the universe into an indivisible whole.
    By virtue of this mystery, the universe is not only an indivisible whole, but is also by its nature, a universal whose division and being broken up into parts is impossible and which does  not accept participation and numerous hands in its creation. Thus, since each part  of it  is a  particular  and  individual part, and  the  whole also  is a universal, it precludes the participation of others in it. It proves to the degree of being self-evident the greatest  manifestation of the name of Single, the reality of divine unity, and this mystery of divine oneness. Yes, since the realms of beings in the universe are interwoven and interbonded and the  functions of each look to all, it has made the  universe,in  respect  of dominicality and creation, like an indivisible whole. So too, the all-encompassing general acts in the universe are interwoven and interpenetrated. For example, the acts of nurturing and giving of sustenance are apparent at the same instant within the act of giving life. And the acts of ordering and decking out the living creature’s body are observed at the same time within those acts of nurturing and giving of life. And at the same time the acts of giving of form, raising, and regulating strike the eye within those acts of  nurturing,  giving  life,  ordering, and decking out. And so on, since such  all- encompassing  and  general acts are interpenetrated  and  one within the other and blended together like the seven colours in light, indeed, are united; and since each of those acts encompasses and embraces most beings and are a single act and by nature are the same; and  since the one who performs the acts must be the same; and since each of them pervades the  whole universe  and  unites with the  other  acts  in co- operation and assistance; it has made the universe into an indivisible whole. Similarly, since all living creatures are like seeds, indexes, and samples of the universe, it has made the universe from the point of view of  dominicality like a universal whose division and breaking into parts is impossible.

    11.53, 24 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

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    İleti tanımı (Otuzuncu Lem'a)
    Evet, kâinatın envaları birbiri içine girift olması ve kenetleşmesi ve her birinin vazifesi umuma baktığı cihetle kâinatı rububiyet ve icad noktasında tecezzi kabul etmez bir küll hükmüne getirdiği misillü; kâinatta faaliyet gösteren ef’al-i umumiye-i muhita dahi birbirinin içinde tedahül cihetiyle, yani mesela hayat vermek fiili içinde, aynı anda iaşe ve terzîk fiili görünüyor. Ve o iaşe, ihya fiilleri içinde aynı zamanda o zîhayatın cesedini tanzim, teçhiz fiilleri müşahede olunuyor. Ve o iaşe, ihya, tanzim, teçhiz fiilleri içinde; aynı vakitte tasvir, terbiye ve tedbir fiilleri nazara çarpıyor. Ve hâkeza… Böyle muhit ve umumî ef’alin birbiri içine tedahülü ve girift olması ve ziyadaki yedi renk gibi imtizaç belki ittihat etmesi haysiyetiyle ve o ef’alin her biri, mahiyetçe bir birlik ve vahdet içinde ekser mevcudata ihatası ve şümulü ve vahdanî birer fiil olduğundan herhalde fâilinin bir tek zat olması ve her biri, umum kâinatı istila etmesi ve sair ef’al ile muavenettarane birleşmesi itibarıyla, kâinatı tecezzi kabul etmez bir küll hükmüne getirdiği gibi zîhayat mahlukların her birisi; kâinatın bir çekirdeği, bir fihristesi, bir numunesi hükmünde olduğundan, kâinatı rububiyet noktasında tecezzi ve inkısamı imkân haricinde bir küllî hükmüne getirmiştir.

    Yes, since the realms of beings in the universe are interwoven and interbonded and the functions of each look to all, it has made the universe, in respect of dominicality and creation, like an indivisible whole. So too, the all-encompassing general acts in the universe are interwoven and interpenetrated. For example, the acts of nurturing and giving of sustenance are apparent at the same instant within the act of giving life. And the acts of ordering and decking out the living creature’s body are observed at the same time within those acts of nurturing and giving of life. And at the same time the acts of giving of form, raising, and regulating strike the eye within those acts of nurturing, giving life, ordering, and decking out. And so on, since such all- encompassing and general acts are interpenetrated and one within the other and blended together like the seven colours in light, indeed, are united; and since each of those acts encompasses and embraces most beings and are a single act and by nature are the same; and since the one who performs the acts must be the same; and since each of them pervades the whole universe and unites with the other acts in co- operation and assistance; it has made the universe into an indivisible whole.