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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The First:''' I was not going to send anything to Ankara, lest it delay your release. But since the court mixed up the treatises that are confidential and those which are not and the old letters and the new, and sent them to Ankara, it was essential to send to those departments Müdafaat Risalesi (The Defences), which supplies extremely powerful replies concerning the confidential treatises, especially the Sufyan and Islamic Dajjal (Antichrist) in..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("There being blessed scholars, good organizers, and sincerely devoted students among you, I felt firmly confident that you would preserve your unity and solidarity in the face of our powerful, cunning, and numerous enemies. I felt easy and was not preoccupied with you. But it has now become necessary to explain a number of matters." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The First:''' I was not going to send anything to Ankara, lest it delay your release. But since the court mixed up the treatises that are confidential and those which are not and the old letters and the new, and sent them to Ankara, it was essential to send to those departments Müdafaat Risalesi (The Defences), which supplies extremely powerful replies concerning the confidential treatises, especially the Sufyan and Islamic Dajjal (Antichrist) in..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
609. satır: 609. satır:
There  being blessed scholars, good organizers, and sincerely devoted students among you, I felt firmly confident that you would preserve your unity and solidarity in the face of our  powerful, cunning, and numerous enemies. I felt easy and was not preoccupied  with you. But it has now become necessary to explain a number of matters.
There  being blessed scholars, good organizers, and sincerely devoted students among you, I felt firmly confident that you would preserve your unity and solidarity in the face of our  powerful, cunning, and numerous enemies. I felt easy and was not preoccupied  with you. But it has now become necessary to explain a number of matters.

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'''The First:''' I was not going to send anything to Ankara, lest it delay your release. But since the court mixed up the treatises that are confidential and those which are not and the old letters and the new, and sent them to Ankara, it was essential to send to those  departments Müdafaat Risalesi (The  Defences), which  supplies  extremely powerful replies concerning the confidential treatises, especially the Sufyan and Islamic Dajjal (Antichrist) in the Fifth Ray, and The  Fruits of Belief, which smashes the arrogant disbelief arising from Naturalist philosophy and its insolent attacks on belief, so that  the committee of experts there would not base their judgements on those confidential treatises and rule against us like the first committee.
'''Birincisi:''' Tahliyeniz uzamamak için ben, Ankara’ya bir şey gönderip müracaat etmeyecektim. Fakat mahkeme, mahrem ve gayr-ı mahrem risaleleri ve eski ve yeni mektupları karıştırarak Ankara’ya gönderdiğinden, mecburiyetle buradaki ehl-i vukuf gibi mahrem risaleleri esas ederek oradaki ehl-i vukuf aleyhimize hükmetmemek için mahremlere, hususan Beşinci Şuâ’nın Süfyan ve İslâm Deccalı hakkında gayet kuvvetli cevap veren Müdafaat Risalesi’ni ve felsefe-i tabiiyenin verdiği küfr-ü mağruraneyi ve iman aleyhinde cüretkârane tecavüzünü kıran Meyve Risalesi’ni o makamata göndermek zarurî ve lâzım idi.

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