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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If, to suppose the impossible, I claimed to be the master, since we have a way of saving all the classes of the people of belief – from the common people to the elite – from the doubts and scepticism to which they are exposed, then let those scholars either find an easier solution, or let them take the part of our solution and teach it and support it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As for my work and service, through His mercy, Almighty God has given such brothers in the service of belief and the Qur’an that through my death it will be carried out in numerous centres instead of one. If my tongue is silenced by death, powerful tongues will speak in its place, continuing my work. I can even say that just as a single seed produces the life of a shoot by entering the earth and dying, and a hundred seeds perform their duties in pla..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If, to suppose the impossible, I claimed to be the master, since we have a way of saving all the classes of the people of belief – from the common people to the elite – from the doubts and scepticism to which they are exposed, then let those scholars either find an easier solution, or let them take the part of our solution and teach it and support it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
701. satır: 701. satır:
On what force do you rely that you are so bold as to violate the principle of freedom of conscience, which governs almost everywhere in mankind, especially in this age of freedom and in civilized circles, and to treat it lightly and so indirectly to insult mankind and dismiss their objections? What power do you have that you attack religion and the people of religion in this way as though you had taken irreligion as a religion for yourselves in bigoted fashion, although by calling yourselves secular you proclaim that you will interfere with neither religion nor irreligion? Such a thing will not remain secret! You will have to answer for it!  So  what answer will you give? Although you could not hold out against the objections of  the smallest of twenty governments,  you  try to  violate  by  force  freedom  of  conscience,  as  though  you completely disregard the objections of twenty governments.
On what force do you rely that you are so bold as to violate the principle of freedom of conscience, which governs almost everywhere in mankind, especially in this age of freedom and in civilized circles, and to treat it lightly and so indirectly to insult mankind and dismiss their objections? What power do you have that you attack religion and the people of religion in this way as though you had taken irreligion as a religion for yourselves in bigoted fashion, although by calling yourselves secular you proclaim that you will interfere with neither religion nor irreligion? Such a thing will not remain secret! You will have to answer for it!  So  what answer will you give? Although you could not hold out against the objections of  the smallest of twenty governments,  you  try to  violate  by  force  freedom  of  conscience,  as  though  you completely disregard the objections of twenty governments.

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'''The Third'''
'''Üçüncüsü:''' Mezheb-i Hanefî’nin ulviyetine ve safiyetine münafî bir surette, vicdanını dünyaya satan bir kısım ulemaü’s-sûun yanlış fetvalarıyla, benim gibi Şafiiyyü’l-mezhep adamlara, hangi usûl ile teklif ediyorsunuz? Bu meslekte milyonlar etbaı bulunan Şafiî mezhebini kaldırıp bütün Şafiîleri, Hanefîleştirdikten sonra, bana zulüm suretinde cebren teklif edilse sizin gibi dinsizlerin bir usûlüdür denilebilir. Yoksa keyfî bir alçaklıktır! Öylelerin keyfine tabi değiliz ve tanımayız!
According to what principle do you propose to people like me who follow the Shafi‘i school of law, the Hanafi school, in a way opposed to the elevatedness and purity of that school, due to the false fatwas of certain corrupt religious scholars who have sold their consciences to gain the world? If, after abrogating the Shafi‘i school, which has millions of followers, and making them all follow the Hanafi school, it is forcibly proposed to me in  tyrannical fashion, it may perhaps be said that it is a principle of irreligious people like you. Otherwise it is arbitrary and despicable, and we do not follow the whims of people such as that, and we do not recognize them!

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'''The Fourth'''
'''Dördüncüsü:''' İslâmiyet ile eskiden beri imtizaç ve ittihat eden, ciddi dindar ve dinine samimi hürmetkâr Türklük milliyetine bütün bütün zıt bir surette, Frenklik manasında Türkçülük namıyla, tahriftarane ve bid’akârane bir fetva ile “Türkçe kamet et!” diye benim gibi başka milletten olanlara teklif etmek hangi usûlledir? Evet, hakiki Türklere pek hakiki dostane ve uhuvvetkârane münasebettar olduğum halde, böyle sizin gibi Frenk-meşreplerin Türkçülüğü ile hiçbir cihette münasebetim yoktur. Nasıl bana teklif ediyorsunuz? Hangi kanun ile?
In accordance with which principle do you propose through a corrupt, innovating fatwa, to  “perform the iqama in Turkish” in a way completely contrary to Turkish nationalism, which is sincerely religious and sincerely respectful towards religion and has since early times blended and united with Islam, in the name of Turkism, which has the meaning of Europeanism, to those like me who belong to another nation? Yes, although I have friendly and brotherly relations with true Turks, I have in no respect any relation with the Turkism of imitators of Europe like you. How can you propose such a thing to me? Through which law?

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Perhaps, if you abolish the nationhood of  the Kurds, of whom there are millions and who for thousands of years have not forgotten their nationhood and language, and are the true fellow-citizens and companions in jihad of  the  Turks, and make them forget their language, then perhaps your proposal to those like me who are reckoned to be of a different race would be in accordance with some sort of savage principle. Otherwise it is purely arbitrary. The arbitrary whims of individuals may not be followed, and we do not follow them!
Eğer milyonlarla efradı bulunan ve binler seneden beri milliyetini ve lisanını unutmayan ve Türklerin hakiki bir vatandaşı ve eskiden beri cihad arkadaşı olan Kürtlerin milliyetini kaldırıp onların dilini onlara unutturduktan sonra; belki bizim gibi ayrı unsurdan sayılanlara teklifiniz, bir nevi usûl-ü vahşiyane olur. Yoksa sırf keyfîdir. Eşhasın keyfine tebaiyet edilmez ve etmeyiz!

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'''The Fifth'''
'''Beşincisi:''' Bir hükûmet, kendi raiyetine ve raiyet kabul ettiği adamlara her bir kanununu tatbik etse de raiyet kabul etmediği adamlara, kanununu tatbik edemez. Çünkü onlar diyebilirler ki: “Madem biz raiyetiniz değiliz, siz de bizim hükûmetimiz değilsiniz!”
A government may apply all laws to its citizens and to those it accepts as its citizens, but it cannot apply its laws to those it does not accept. For they are able to say: “Since we are not citizens, you are not our government!”

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Furthermore, no government can inflict two penalties at the same time. It either imprisons a murderer, or it executes him. To punish by both imprisonment and capital punishment is a principle nowhere!
Hem hiçbir hükûmet, iki cezayı birden vermez. Bir kātili, ya hapse atar veyahut idam eder. Hem hapisle ceza hem idamla ceza bir yerde vermek, hiçbir usûlde yoktur!

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However, despite the fact that I have caused no harm whatsoever to this country and nation, for eight years you have held me in captivity in a way not inflicted on even a criminal belonging to the wildest and most foreign nation. Although you have pardoned criminals, you have negated my freedom and deprived me of all civil rights. You have not said: “He too is a son of this land,so in accordance with what principle and  law  do  you  propose,  contrary to  the  wishes  of  your  nation,  these  freedom- destroying principles to someone like me who is a foreigner to you in every respect?
İşte madem vatana ve millete hiçbir zararım dokunmadığı halde; beni sekiz senedir, en yabani ve hariç bir milletten cani bir adama dahi yapılmayan bir esaret altına aldınız. Canileri affettiğiniz halde, hürriyetimi selbedip hukuk-u medeniyeden ıskat ederek muamele ettiniz. “Bu da vatan evladıdır.” demediğiniz halde; hangi usûl ile hangi kanun ile bîçare milletinize rızaları hilafına olarak tatbik ettiğiniz bu hürriyet-şiken usûlünüzü, benim gibi her cihetle size yabancı bir adama teklif ediyorsunuz?

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Since in the Great War you have counted as nothing all the heroic deeds to which this person  was  the  means  and  were  testified  to  by  the  Army’s  commanders, and considered his self-sacrficing struggles for the sake of this country to be crimes; and since you deemed his preserving the good morality of this unfortunate nation and his serious and effective work to secure its happiness in this world  and  the next to be treason; and since you have punished for eight years (and now the  punishment has been for twenty-eight years) someone who does not for himself accept your injurious, dangerous, arbitrary principles, which in reality are without benefit and spring from unbelief and from Europe; the punishment is the same. I did not accept its application so you made me suffer it. So according to what principle is it to enforce a second punishment?
Madem Harb-i Umumî’de ordu kumandanlarının şehadetiyle, vasıta olduğumuz çok fedakârlıkları ve vatan uğrunda cansiperane mücahedeleri cinayet saydınız. Ve bîçare milletin hüsn-ü ahlâkını muhafaza ve saadet-i dünyeviye ve uhreviyelerinin teminine pek ciddi ve tesirli çalışmayı hıyanet saydınız. Ve manen menfaatsiz, zararlı, hatarlı, keyfî, küfrî Frenk usûlünü kendinde kabul etmeyen bir adama sekiz sene ceza verdiniz. (Şimdi ceza yirmi sekiz sene oldu.) Ceza bir olur. Tatbikini kabul etmedim, cezayı çektirdiniz. İkinci bir cezayı cebren tatbik etmek, hangi usûl iledir?

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