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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, by showing through most of its comparisons the grievous and terrible results in this world of disbelief and misguidance, the Risale-i Nur makes even the most stubborn and arrogant people feel disgust at those inauspicious, illicit pleasures, leading them to repent. The short comparisons in the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Words, and the long one in the Third Stopping-Place in the Thirty-Second Word induce a person feel repugnance at the vice and misg..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As an example, I shall recount briefly the situations I beheld on a journey of the imagination, which were in fact reality. Those wishing for a more detailed account may look at the end of Sikke-i Tasdik-i Gaybi (The Ratifying Stamp of the Unseen Collection)." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, by showing through most of its comparisons the grievous and terrible results in this world of disbelief and misguidance, the Risale-i Nur makes even the most stubborn and arrogant people feel disgust at those inauspicious, illicit pleasures, leading them to repent. The short comparisons in the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Words, and the long one in the Third Stopping-Place in the Thirty-Second Word induce a person feel repugnance at the vice and misg..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
43. satır: 43. satır:
Then I saw within the animal world another grievous world which was swathed in darkness and would make anyone feel pity in which young were struggling in their need and powerlessness. I was sorry I had looked through the eyes of the people of misguidance. Suddenly, belief gave me other spectacles and I saw the Name of All-Compassionate rise in the sign of clemency; it transformed and lit up that pitiful world in joyous and beautiful fashion, changing my tears of complaint and sorrow into tears of joy and thanks.
Then I saw within the animal world another grievous world which was swathed in darkness and would make anyone feel pity in which young were struggling in their need and powerlessness. I was sorry I had looked through the eyes of the people of misguidance. Suddenly, belief gave me other spectacles and I saw the Name of All-Compassionate rise in the sign of clemency; it transformed and lit up that pitiful world in joyous and beautiful fashion, changing my tears of complaint and sorrow into tears of joy and thanks.

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Then the world of humanity appeared to me as though on a cinema screen. I looked through the telescope of the people of misguidance and saw that world to be so dark and terrifying that I cried out from the depths of my heart. “Alas!” I cried. For they had desires and hopes that stretched to eternity, thoughts and imaginings that embraced the universe, the earnest desire for everlasting happiness and Paradise, an innate capacity and powers on which no limit had been placed and which were free, yet despite their innumerable needs and their weakness and impotence they were exposed to the attacks of innumerable enemies and the blows of innumerable calamities. Under the perpetual threat of death, they lived out their brief and tumultuous lives in wretched circumstances. Ever looking to the grave, which for the misguided is the door to everlasting darkness, they suffered the continuous blows of death and separation, the most painful state for the heart and conscience. I saw that singly and in groups they were being thrown into that black well.
Sonra sinema perdesi gibi insan âlemi bana göründü. Ehl-i dalaletin dürbünü ile baktım. O âlemi o kadar karanlıklı, dehşetli gördüm ki en derin kalbimden feryat ettim. “Eyvah!” dedim. Çünkü insanlarda ebede uzanıp giden arzuları, emelleri ve kâinatı ihata eden tasavvurat ve efkârları ve ebedî beka ve saadet-i ebediyeyi ve cenneti gayet ciddi isteyen himmetleri ve fıtrî istidatları ve fıtrî had konulmayan, serbest bırakılan kuvveleri ve hadsiz maksatlara müteveccih ihtiyaçları ve zaaf ve aczleriyle beraber hücumlarına maruz kaldıkları hadsiz musibet ve a’daları ile beraber gayet kısa bir ömür, her gün ve her saat ölüm endişesi altında, gayet dağdağalı bir hayat, yaşamak için gayet perişan bir maişet içinde kalbe, vicdana en elîm ve en müthiş halet olan mütemadî zeval ve firak belasını çekmek içinde ehl-i gaflet için zulümat-ı ebediye kapısı suretinde görülen kabre ve mezaristana bakıyorlar. Birer birer ve taife taife o zulümat kuyusuna atılıyorlar.

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