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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O my brothers here in this Umayyad Mosque! And O my brothers who, forty to fifty years later, form the four hundred million believers in the vast mosque of the world of Islam! Salvation is only to be found through truthfulness and honesty. The “support most unfailing”14 is honesty. That is to say, the strongest chain with which to be bound to salvation is honesty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("“Even if a thing is not wholly obtained, it should not be wholly left.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("O my brothers here in this Umayyad Mosque! And O my brothers who, forty to fifty years later, form the four hundred million believers in the vast mosque of the world of Islam! Salvation is only to be found through truthfulness and honesty. The “support most unfailing”14 is honesty. That is to say, the strongest chain with which to be bound to salvation is honesty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
264. satır: 264. satır:
Truthfulness and lying are as distant from one another as are belief and unbelief. With Muhammad’s rising to the highest of the high by means of truthfulness in the Era of Bliss, and with the treasury of the truths of belief and the truths of the universe being unlocked with the key of truthfulness, truthfulness became the most valuable merchandise in the market of human society, and the goods most in demand.
Truthfulness and lying are as distant from one another as are belief and unbelief. With Muhammad’s rising to the highest of the high by means of truthfulness in the Era of Bliss, and with the treasury of the truths of belief and the truths of the universe being unlocked with the key of truthfulness, truthfulness became the most valuable merchandise in the market of human society, and the goods most in demand.

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Because of lying, the likes of Musaylima the Liar fell to the lowest of the low. Since that mighty revolution showed that at that time lying and falsehood were the key to blasphemies and superstition, they became one of the worst and filthiest goods on the market of the universe, and it was not as though everyone wanted to buy them, indeed, everyone detested them. Certainly the Companions, who were in the first line of that mighty revolution and in whose nature it was to buy things that were the cause of pride and to be customers for the most valuable goods and those most in demand, would never knowingly have advocated any falsehood. They would not have soiled themselves with lying. They would not have made themselves resemble Musaylima the Liar.
Ve kizb vasıtasıyla Müseylime-i Kezzab’ın emsali, esfel-i safilîne sukut etmiş. Ve kizb o zamanda küfriyat ve hurafatın anahtarı olduğunu o inkılab-ı azîm gösterdiğinden, kâinat çarşısında en fena en pis bir mal olup o malı satın almak değil; herkes nefret etmesi hükmüne geçen kizb ve yalana, elbette o inkılab-ı azîmin saff-ı evveli olan ve fıtratlarında en revaçlı ve medar-ı iftihar şeyleri almak ve en kıymetli ve revaçlı mallara müşteri olmak fıtratında bulunan sahabeler; elbette şüphesiz bilerek ellerini yalana uzatmazlar. Kizb ile kendilerini mülevves etmezler. Müseylime-i Kezzab’a kendilerini benzetemezler. Belki bütün kuvvetleriyle ve meyl-i fıtrîleriyle en revaçlı mal ve en kıymettar meta ve hakikatlerin anahtarı Muhammed aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın a’lâ-yı illiyyîne çıkmasının basamağı olan sıdk ve doğruluğa müşteri olup mümkün olduğu kadar sıdktan ayrılmamaya çalıştıklarından, ilm-i hadîsçe ve ulema-i şeriat içinde bir kaide-i mukarrere olan “Sahabeler, daima doğru söylerler. Onlardaki rivayet tezkiyeye muhtaç değil. Peygamber’den aleyhissalâtü vesselâm rivayet ettikleri hadîsler, bütün sahihtir.” diye ehl-i şeriat ve ehl-i hadîsin ittifakına kat’î hüccet, bu mezkûr hakikattir.
Indeed, since with all their strength and through innate disposition they were customers for truthfulness and honesty, which formed the steps whereby Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) rose to the highest of the high, and were the most sought-after merchandise and the most valuable commodity and the key to realities, and since as far as was possible they tried not to depart from truthfulness, it became an established principle in the science of Hadith and among scholars of the Shari‘a that “the Companions always spoke the truth. Their narrations do not require to be investigated in the same way as other narrations. The Hadiths they related from the Prophet (PBUH) are all sound.” A decisive argument for the consensus of the scholars of Hadith and the Shari‘a is this fact.

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Thus, at the time of the mighty revolution in the Era of Bliss truthfulness and lying were as far from one another as belief and unbelief, yet with the passing of time they have gradually drawn closer to each other. Political propaganda has sometimes given greater currency to lies, and evil and lying have to some degree taken the stage. It is because of this fact that no one could attain to the level of the Companions. Since this has been discussed in the Addendum to the Twenty-Seventh Word, which is about the Companions, we refer you to that and cut short the matter here.
İşte asr-ı saadetteki inkılab-ı azîm, sıdk ile kizb, iman ile küfür kadar birbirinden uzak iken zaman geçtikçe gele gele birbirine yakınlaştı. Ve siyaset propagandası bazen yalana ziyade revaç verdi. Fenalık ve yalancılık bir derece meydan aldı. İşte bu hakikat içindir ki sahabelere kimse yetişemez. Yirmi Yedinci Söz’ün zeyli olan sahabeler hakkındaki risaleye havale edip kısa kesiyoruz.

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O my brothers here in this Umayyad Mosque! And O my brothers who, forty to fifty years later, form the four hundred million believers in the vast mosque of the world of Islam! Salvation is only to be found through truthfulness and honesty. The “support most unfailing”14 is honesty. That is to say, the strongest chain with which to be bound to salvation is honesty.
Ey bu Cami-i Emevî’deki kardeşlerim! Ve kırk elli sene sonra âlem-i İslâm mescid-i kebirindeki dört yüz milyon ehl-i iman olan ihvanımız! Necat yalnız sıdkla, doğrulukla olur. “Urvetü’l-vüska” sıdktır. Yani en muhkem ve onunla bağlanacak zincir doğruluktur.

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