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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Fifth Word''' The lesson I have learnt from the mutual consultation enjoined by the Shari‘a is this: in this age, the single sin of one person does not remain as one; it sometimes swells, spreads and becomes a hundred sins. And sometimes a single good deed does not remain as one, but progresses to the order of thousands of good deeds. The reason for this is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("It is because of this fact that at this time, and particularly in forty to fifty years’ time, evil and bad deeds will not remain with the perpetrator; they will transgress the rights of millions of Muslims. Numerous examples of this shall be seen in forty to fifty years’ time." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Fifth Word''' The lesson I have learnt from the mutual consultation enjoined by the Shari‘a is this: in this age, the single sin of one person does not remain as one; it sometimes swells, spreads and becomes a hundred sins. And sometimes a single good deed does not remain as one, but progresses to the order of thousands of good deeds. The reason for this is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
311. satır: 311. satır:
It is because of this fact that at this time, and particularly in forty to fifty years’ time, evil and bad deeds will not remain with the perpetrator; they will transgress the rights of millions of Muslims. Numerous examples of this shall be seen in forty to fifty years’ time.
It is because of this fact that at this time, and particularly in forty to fifty years’ time, evil and bad deeds will not remain with the perpetrator; they will transgress the rights of millions of Muslims. Numerous examples of this shall be seen in forty to fifty years’ time.

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O brothers who are listening to these words of mine here in the Umayyad Mosque! And O Muslim brothers in the mosque of the world of Islam forty to fifty years’ later! Do not make apologies, saying: “We do no harm, but neither do we have the power to do anything beneficial; therefore we are excused.” Such an apology is not acceptable. Your laziness and saying: “What is it to me?”, and your displaying no effort and not getting into the working spirit through Islamic unity and true Islamic brotherhood, have done much damage and are an injustice to you.
Ey bu sözlerimi dinleyen bu Cami-i Emevî’deki kardeşler ve kırk elli sene sonra âlem-i İslâm camiindeki ihvan-ı Müslimîn! “Biz zarar vermiyoruz fakat menfaat vermeye iktidarımız yok, onun için mazuruz.” diye böyle özür beyan etmeyiniz. Bu özrünüz kabul değil. Tembelliğiniz ve “Neme lâzım!deyip çalışmamanız ve ittihad-ı İslâm ile milliyet-i hakikiye-i İslâmiye ile gayrete gelmediğiniz, sizler için gayet büyük bir zarar ve bir haksızlıktır.

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Just as bad deeds thus mount to thousands, so also at this time good deeds, that is, good deeds that affect the sacredness of Islam, do not remain restricted to the one who performs them. Indeed, such good deeds may in fact be beneficial to millions of believers; they may strengthen the bonds of moral, spiritual, and material life. Therefore, this is not the time to cast oneself on the bed of idleness, saying: “What is it to me?
İşte seyyie böyle binlere çıktığı gibi bu zamanda hasene –yani İslâmiyet’in kudsiyetine temas eden iyilik– yalnız işleyene münhasır kalmaz. Belki o hasene, milyonlar ehl-i imana manen fayda verebilir. Hayat-ı maneviye ve maddiyesinin rabıtasına kuvvet verebilir. Onun için “Neme lâzım!deyip kendini tembellik döşeğine atmak zamanı değil!..

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O my brothers here in this mosque and my brothers forty to fifty years later in the mighty mosque of the world of Islam! Do not suppose I have mounted this place of delivering lessons in order to give you advice. I have done so to claim my rights from you. That is to say, the interests and happiness in this world and the hereafter of small groups are bound to masterly teachers like you, the Arabs and Turks, who are a vast and esteemed body. We, the Muslim groups who are your unhappy small brothers suffer harm through your idleness and laxity.
Ey bu camideki kardeşlerim ve kırk elli sene sonraki âlem-i İslâm mescid-i kebirindeki ihvanlarım! Zannetmeyiniz ki ben bu ders makamına size nasihat etmek için çıktım. Belki buraya çıktım, sizde olan hakkımızı dava ediyoruz. Yani Kürt gibi küçük taifelerin menfaati ve saadet-i dünyeviyeleri ve uhreviyeleri, sizin gibi büyük ve muazzam taife olan Arap ve Türk gibi hâkim üstadlarla bağlıdır. Sizin tembelliğiniz ve füturunuz ile biz bîçare küçük kardeşleriniz olan İslâm taifeleri zarar görüyoruz.

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