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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"establishes constitutionalism on a firm base; saves the doubtful and anxious from the abyss of their bewilderment;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("9 Rebîülevvel 1327/ 18 Mart 1325/ 31 March 1909" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("establishes constitutionalism on a firm base; saves the doubtful and anxious from the abyss of their bewilderment;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
654. satır: 654. satır:
'''Secondly:'''Since in constitutionalism sovereignity belongs to the nation, the nation’s existence has to be demonstrated, and our nation is only Islam. For the strongest bond of Arab, Turk, Kurd, Albanian, Circassian, and Laz, and their firmest nationhood, is nothing other than Islam. The foundations of an array of states are being laid, due to negligence and strife incited through the revival of the partisanship and tribalism of the Age of Ignorance, which died one thousand three hundred years ago. We have seen this.
'''Secondly:'''Since in constitutionalism sovereignity belongs to the nation, the nation’s existence has to be demonstrated, and our nation is only Islam. For the strongest bond of Arab, Turk, Kurd, Albanian, Circassian, and Laz, and their firmest nationhood, is nothing other than Islam. The foundations of an array of states are being laid, due to negligence and strife incited through the revival of the partisanship and tribalism of the Age of Ignorance, which died one thousand three hundred years ago. We have seen this.

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'''Second Groundless Fear:'''By using this name specifically you make non-members feel alarm and anxiety?
'''İkinci Vehim:''' Bu unvan tahsisiyle, müntesip olmayanları vehim ve telaşa düşürüyor?

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'''The Answer:'''I have explained this before, but because it has not been read or has been misunderstood, I am obliged to repeat it. It is like this:
'''Elcevap:''' Evvel de söylemiştim. Ya mütalaa olunmamış veya sû-i tefehhüme uğramış olduğundan tekrarına mecbur oldum. Şöyle ki:

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What is meant when we say the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (Muhammad Union), which is Islamic Unity, is the unity between all believers, whether potential or actual. It does not refer to the society in Istanbul and Anatolia. A single drop of water is still water. The word cannot be thought of as specific. Its true definition is as follows:
İttihad-ı İslâm olan İttihad-ı Muhammedî –aleyhissalâtü vesselâm– dediğimiz vakit, umum mü’minlerin mabeyninde bi’l-kuvve veya bilfiil sabit olan ittihat muraddır. Yoksa İstanbul ve Anadolu’daki cemaat murad değildir. Amma bir katre su da sudur. Bu unvandan tahsis çıkmaz. Tarif-i hakikisi şöyledir:

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Its foundations stretch from east to west and from north to south; its centre are the holy places of Mecca and Medina; its point of unity is Divine Unity; its oath and pledge is belief; its code of regulations, the practices of the Prophet (PBUH); its code of laws, the commands and prohibitions of the Shari‘a; its clubs and councils, all the religious schools, mosques, and Sufi meeting-houses; the society’s eternal press organ are all Islamic books, and its constant one is foremost the Qur’an and all Qur’anic commentaries (and at this time, the Risale-i Nur, which is a Qur’anic commentary), as well as all moderate religious papers and journals whose aim is to uphold the Word of God; its membership consists of all believers; and its leader is the Glory of the World (PBUH).
Esas temeli, şarktan garba cenuptan şimale mümted ve merkezi Haremeyn-i Şerifeyn ve cihet-i vahdeti tevhid-i İlahî; peyman ve yemini iman; nizamnamesi, sünnet-i Ahmediye aleyhissalâtü vesselâm; kanunnamesi, evamir ve nevahi-i şer’iye; kulüp ve encümenleri, umum medaris, mesacid ve zevaya; o cemaatin ile’l-ebed ve muhalled nâşir-i efkârı, umum kütüb-ü İslâmiye ve her vakit nâşir-i efkârı başta Kur’an ve tefsirleri (ve bu zamanda bir tefsiri, Risale-i Nur) ve i’lâ-yı kelimetullahı hedef ve maksat eden umum dinî ve müstakim ceraiddir. Müntesibîni, umum mü’minlerdir. Reisi de Fahr-i Âlem’dir aleyhissalâtü vesselâm.

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What we want now is the awakening and attention of believers, for the effect of public attention is undeniable. The aim of the Union and its purpose is to uphold the Word of God, and its way is to wage the ‘greater jihad’ with one’s own soul, and to guide others. Ninety-nine per cent of the endeavours of this blessed society are not political. They are rather turned towards good morals and moderation, which are the opposite of politics, and other lawful aims. For very few societies have adopted this as their function, although its value and importance is immense. Only one out of a hundred of its members will be connected with politics by way of offering guidance to politicians. Their swords are decisive proofs. And just as their way is love, so will they encourage the love included in the seed of the brotherhood between believers to grow, like a tree of Tuba.
Şimdi istediğimiz nokta, mü’minlerin teveccühleri ve teyakkuzlarıdır. Teveccüh-ü umumînin tesiri inkâr edilmez. İttihadın hedefi ve maksadı i’lâ-yı kelimetullah ve mesleği de kendi nefsiyle cihad-ı ekber ve başkalarını irşaddır. Bu mübarek heyetin yüzde doksan dokuz himmeti siyaset değildir. Siyasetin gayrı olan hüsn-ü ahlâk ve istikamet vesaire gibi makasıd-ı meşruaya masruftur. Zira bu vazifeye müteveccih olan cemiyetler pek az, kıymet ve ehemmiyeti ise pek çoktur. Ancak yüzde biri, siyasiyyunu irşad tarîkiyle siyasete taalluk edecektir. Kılınçları, berahin-i kat’iyedir. Meşrepleri de muhabbet olduğu gibi beyne’l-mü’minîn uhuvvet çekirdeğinde mündemic olan muhabbete şecere-i tûba gibi neşv ü nema vermektir.

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'''Fifth Groundless Fear:'''Is there not the possibility that the Europeans will be perturbed by it?
'''Beşinci Vehim:''' Ecnebilerin bundan tevahhuş etmek ihtimali var?

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'''The Answer:'''Those who consider this to be a possibility are themselves perturbed. For it is refuted by the Europeans praising Islam in lectures(*<ref>*This alludes to lectures given by Bismarck, Carlyle, and others.</ref>)and describing its elevatedness, in the very centres of their bigotry. Also, it is not they who are our enemies; what has in reality brought us this low is opposition to the Shari‘a, which is the result of ignorance, thus preventing us from upholding the Word of God; and poverty and its fruits of immorality and bad conduct; and conflict and its products of strife and hatred; the attacks of our Union are directed at these three enemies.
'''Elcevap:''' Bu ihtimale ihtimal verenler mütevahhiştir. Zira merkez-i taassuplarında İslâmiyet’in ulviyetine dair konferanslarla '''(Hâşiye'''<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Bismark ve Mister Karlayl gibilerin malûm beyanatlarına işaret eder.</ref>''')''' takdis etmeleri bu ihtimali reddeder. Hem de düşmanlarımız onlar değil; asıl bizi bu kadar düşürüp i’lâ-yı kelimetullaha mani olan ve cehalet neticesi olan muhalefet-i şeriattır. Ve zaruret ve onun semeresi olan sû-i ahlâk ve harekettir ve ihtilaf ve onun mahsulü olan ağraz ve nifaktır ki ittihadımız bu üç insafsız düşmana hücumdur.

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In the Middle Ages, Islam was compelled to be bigoted and hostile in the face of the Europeans’ savagery, but it nevertheless maintained its justice and moderation. It never instituted inquisitions and such like. In this time of modern civilization, the Europeans are civilized and powerful, and harmful hostility and bigotry have therefore disappeared. For in respect of religion, the civilized are to be conquered through persuasion, not through force, and through showing by conforming to its commands in actions and conduct that Islam is elevated and lovable. Force and enmity are only to combat the barbarity of savages.
Amma ecnebilerin vahşi oldukları kurûn-u vustâda; İslâmiyet, vahşete karşı husumet ve taassuba mecbur olduğu halde, adalet ve itidalini muhafaza etmiş. Hiçbir vakit engizisyon gibi etmemiş. Ve zaman-ı medeniyette ecnebiler medeni ve kuvvetli olduklarından, zararlı olan husumet ve taassup zâil olmuştur. Zira din nokta-i nazarından medenilere galebe çalmak ikna iledir, icbar ile değildir. Ve İslâmiyet’i, mahbub ve ulvi olduğunu, evamirine imtisalen ef’al ve ahlâk ile göstermek iledir. İcbar ve husumet, vahşilerin vahşetine karşıdır.

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