The Eleventh Ray

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    13.48, 4 Ekim 2024 tarihinde Ferhat (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 162996 numaralı sürüm ("Due to my wretched situation, this Topic is confused and graceless. But I knew definitely that beneath the confused wording was a most valuable sort of miraculousness, though unfortunately I was incapable of expressing it. But however dull the wording, since it concerns the Qur’an, it is both worship in the form of reflection, and the shell of a sacred, elevated, shining jewel. The diamond in the hand should be looked at, not its torn clothes. Also, I..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)

    A Fruit of Denizli Prison

    This is a defence of the Risale-i Nur against atheism and absolute disbelief. It is our true defence in this imprisonment of ours, for it is only this we are working at.

    This treatise is a fruit and souvenir of Denizli Prison, and the product of two Fridays.

    Said Nursî

    The Fruits of Belief

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

    And he languished in prison for a number of years more.(*[1])According to an inner meaning of this verse, Joseph (Peace be upon him) is the patron of prisoners and prison is a sort of ‘School of Joseph.’ Since this is the second time the Risale-i Nur students have been sent to prison in large numbers, it is necessary to study and teach in this school, which has been opened to give this training, the brief summaries of a number of matters connected with prison that the Risale-i Nur proves, and to benefit from them thoroughly. We shall explain five or six of those summaries.

    The First Topic

    As is explained in the Fourth Word, everyday our Creator bestows on us the capital of twenty-four hours of life so that with it we may obtain all the things necessary for our two lives.

    If we spend twenty-three hours on this fleeting worldly life and neglect to spend the remaining one hour, which is sufficient for the five obligatory prayers, on the very lengthy life of the hereafter, it may be understood what an unreasonable error it is, and what a great loss to suffer distress of the mind and spirit as the penalty for the error, and to behave badly because of the distress, and to fail to rectify one’s conduct due to living in a state of despair, indeed, to do the opposite. We may make the comparison.

    We should think of what a profitable ordeal it is —if we spend the one hour on the five obligatory prayers— each hour of this calamitous term of imprisonment sometimes becoming a day’s worship and one of its transient hours becoming many permanent hours, and our despair and distress of the spirit and heart in part disappearing, and its being atonement for the mistakes that led to the imprisonment and the cause of their being forgiven, and being trained and improved, which is the purpose of imprisonment; we should think of its being instruction and a pleasant and consoling meeting with our companions in disaster.

    As is said in the Fourth Word, it may be understood how contrary it is to a person’s interests to give five or ten liras out of his twenty-four to a lottery in which a thousand people are taking part in order to win the thousand-lira prize, and not give a single lira out of the twenty-four for a ticket for an everlasting treasury of jewels, and to rush to the fomer and flee from the latter,

    —although the chance of winning the thousand liras in the worldly lottery is one in a thousand because there are a thousand people taking part, while in the lottery of man’s destiny which looks to the hereafter the chance of winning for the people of belief, who  experience happy deaths, is nine hundred and ninety-nine out of a thousand, as has been  stated by one hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets and  confirmed by incalculable  numbers of truthful informers from among the saints and purified scholars as a result of their illuminations.

    Prison governors and chief warders, and indeed the country’s administrators and the guardians of public order, should be grateful at this lesson of the Risale-i Nur, for the government and disciplining of a thousand believers who constantly have in mind the prison of Hell is far easier than that of ten who have no belief and do not perform the obligatory prayers, only think of worldly prisons, do not know what is licit and what is illicit, and are in part accustomed to living undisciplined lives.

    A Summary of the Second Topic

    As is well explained in A Guide For Youth from the Risale-i Nur, it is as definite and obvious that death will befall us as the night will follow today and winter, this autumn. Just as this prison is a temporary guest-house for those who continuously enter it and leave it; so the face of the earth is a hostel on the road of the swiftly travelling caravans which alight for one night then pass on. Surely death, which has emptied all the cities into the graveyard a hundred times over, has demands greater than life. The Risale-i Nur has solved the riddle of this awesome truth and discovered its answer. A short summary of it is this:

    Since death cannot be killed nor the door of the grave be closed, if there is a way of being saved from the executioner of the appointed hour and the solitary confinement of the grave, it is a question, an anxiety, for man of greater importance than anything. Yes, there is a solution, and through the mystery of the Qur’an, the Risale-i Nur has proved it as certainly as two plus two equals four. A brief summary of it is as follows:

    Death is either eternal annihilation, a gallows on which will be hanged both man and all his friends and relations; or it comprises the release papers to depart for another, eternal, realm, and to enter, with the document of belief, the palace of bliss.

    The grave is either a bottomless pit and dark place of solitary confinement, or it is a door opening from the prison of this world onto an eternal, light-filled garden and place of feasting. A Guide For Youth has proved this truth with a comparison.

    For example; gallows have been set up in this prison yard, and behind the wall immediately beyond them a huge lottery office has been opened in the lottery of which the whole world has taken part. We five hundred people in this prison are certain to be summoned one by one without exception to that arena; to avoid it is not possible. Everywhere announcements are being made: “Come and receive your decree of execution, and mount the gallows!”, or: “Take the note for everlasting solitary confinement, and take that door!”, or: “Good news for you! The winning ticket worth millions has come up for you. Come and receive it!” We see with our own eyes that one after the other they are mounting the gallows. We observe that some are being hanged, while others are making the gallows a step, and moving onto the lottery office beyond the wall. Just at that point, which we know as though we have seen it from the certain information given by the high-ranking officials there, two groups have entered our prison.

    One group are holding musical instruments, wine, and apparently sweet confections and pastries which they are trying to make us eat. But the sweets are in fact lethal, for satans in human form have laced them with poison.

    The second group are carrying instructive writings, licit foods, and blessed drinks. They present them to us and all together say to us with great earnestness: “If you take and eat the gifts the first group gave you by way of testing you, you shall be hanged on these gallows before us like the others you have seen. Whereas if you accept the gifts we have brought you on the command of this country’s Ruler in place of them, and recite the supplications and prayers in the instructive writings, you shall be saved from execution. Believe as though you were seeing it that each of you shall receive the winning ticket worth millions in the lottery office as a royal favour. These decrees say, and we ourselves say the same thing, that if you eat those illicit, dubious, and poisonous sweets, you shall suffer terrible pains from the poison until you go to be hanged.”

    Like this comparison, for the people of belief and worship —on condition they have happy deaths— the ticket for an everlasting and inexhaustible treasury will come up from the lottery of man’s destiny beyond the gallows of the appointed hour, which we always see. For those who persist in vice, unlawful actions, unbelief, and sin, however, there is a hundred per cent probability that on condition they do not repent, they will receive the summons to either eternal annihilation (for those who do not believe in the hereafter), or to permanent, dark solitary confinement (for those who believe in the immortality of man’s spirit, but take the way of vice) and eternal perdition. Certain news of this has been given by the hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets(*[2])with their innumerable miracles, which confirm them; and by the more than one hundred and twenty-four million saints, who see in their illuminations the traces and shadows —as though on a cinema screen— of what the prophets have told, and put their signatures to it, affirming it; and by the more than thousands of millions of investigative scholars,(*[3])interpreters of the law, and veracious ones who, with decisive proofs and powerful arguments, prove according to reason and absolutely certainly the things told by those two eminent groups of mankind, and have set their signatures to them. The situation then of someone who does not heed the news given unanimously by the decrees of these three vast and elevated communities and groups of the people of reality, who are the suns, moons, and stars of mankind and the sacred leaders of humanity, and does not take the straight path which they have pointed out, and disregards the awesome ninety-nine per cent danger, and abandons that way due to one person saying there is danger on it and takes another, lengthy, way — his situation is as follows:

    The wretch who since he has abandoned, according to the certain news of innumerable well-informed observers, the shortest and easiest of the two ways, which with a hundred per cent certainty will lead to Paradise and eternal happiness, and has chosen the roughest, longest way, which is most fraught with difficulties and is ninety- nine per cent certain will lead to incarceration in Hell and everlasting misery, and leaves the short way because, according to the false information of a single informer, there is a one per cent chance of danger and the possibility of a month’s imprisonment, and chooses the long way, which is without benefit, just because it holds no danger, like drunken lunatics, —such a wretch has lost his humanity, mind, heart, and spirit to the extent that he ignores the terrible dragons which are seen from afar and are pestering him, and struggles against mosquitoes, attaching importance to them alone.

    Since this is the reality of the situation, so that we avenge ourselves totally for this calamity of prison, we prisoners should accept the gifts of the second, blessed, group. That is to say, just as the pleasure of a minute’s revenge or a minute or two, or an hour of two, of vice, or this calamity, has put us in this prison for fifteen, five, ten, or two or three years, and made our worlds into a prison; so to spite it, we should avenge ourselves on this calamity by transforming an hour or two of our prison lives into a day or two of worship, and our two or three-year-sentences —through the gifts of the blessed group— into twenty or thirty years of permanent life, and our prison sentences of twenty or thirty years into a means of forgiveness from millions of years of incarceration in the dungeons of Hell. In the face of our transitory worlds’ weeping, we should make our everlasting lives smile. We should show prison to be a place of training and education, and each of us try to be well-behaved, reliable, useful members of our nation and country. While the prison officers, administrators, and governors should see that the men they supposed to be criminals, bandits, layabouts, murderers, depraved, and harmful to the country are students studying in this blessed place of instruction, and should proudly offer thanks to God.

    The Third Topic

    This is the summary of an instructive incident which is described in A Guide For Youth.

    One time, I was sitting by my window in Eskishehir Prison during the ‘Republic Festival.’ Opposite me, the older girls of the High School were laughing and dancing in the schoolyard.

    Suddenly their condition fifty years hence appeared to me, as though on a cinema screen. I saw that of those fifty to sixty girl students, forty to fifty had become earth in their graves, and were suffering torments. While ten were ugly seventy to eighty-year-olds who were despised where they might have expected love because they did not preserve their chastity when young. This I observed with complete certainty and I wept at their piteable states. Some of my friends in the prison heard my weeping, and came and asked me about it. I told them: “Leave me alone for now, I want to be alone.”

    Yes, what I saw was reality, not imagination. Just as the summer and autumn are followed by winter, so the summer of youth and autumn of old age are followed by the winter of the grave and Intermediate Realm. If there was a cinema which showed the events of fifty years in the future, the same as those of fifty years ago are shown in the present, and the people of misguidance and vice were to be shown their circumstances of fifty or sixty years hence, they would weep in horror and disgust at their unlawful pleasures and those things at which they now laugh.

    When preoccupied with these observations in Eskishehir Prison, a collective personality which spreads vice and misguidance was embodied before me like a human satan. It said:“We want to experience all the pleasures and joys of life, and to make others experience them; don’t interfere with us!”

    I replied:

    Since you do not recall death and plunge yourself into vice and misguidance for pleasure and enjoyment, you should certainly know that due to your misguidance, all the past is dead and non-existent; it is a desolate graveyard full of rotted bodies. The suffering arising from those innumerable separations and the eternal deaths of those numberless friends inflicted on your head through the concern of your humanity and your misguidance, and on your heart if you have one and it is not dead, will soon destroy your insignificant drunken pleasure of the present. The future too, due to your unbelief, is a non-existent, black, dead, and desolate wasteland. And since the heads of the unfortunates who appear from there, sticking them out into existence while stopping by in the present, are struck off by the executioner’s sword of the appointed hour and thrown into non-existence, due to the concern of your intellect, it continuously rains down grievous worries on your unbelieving head, completely overturning your petty, dissolute pleasure.

    If you give up vice and misguidance and enter the sphere of certain, verified belief(*[4])and righteousness, you will see through the light of belief that the past is not non-existent and a graveyard that rots everything, but an existent, light-filled world which is transformed into the future and into a waiting-room for the immortal spirits who will enter palaces of bliss in the future. Since it appears thus, it affords not pain,but according to the strength of belief, a sort of paradaisical pleasure. The future, too, appears to the eye of belief not as a dark wasteland, but where banquets and exhibitions of gifts have been set up in palaces of everlasting bliss by the Most Merciful and Compassionate One of Glory and Bestowal, Whose mercy and munificence are infinite and Who makes the spring and summer into tables laden with bounties. Since, knowing he will be despatched there, a person observes this on the cinema screen of belief, he may experience in a way the pleasures of the eternal realm. All may do this according to their degree. That is to say, true, painfree pleasure is found only in belief in God, and is possible only through belief.

    Being related to our discussion, we shall explain here by means of a comparison,which is included in A Guide For Youth as a footnote, only a single benefit and pleasure out of the thousands that belief produces in this world too. It is as follows:

    For example, your beloved only child is suffering the pangs of death and you are thinking despairingly of your being eternally parted from him. Then suddenly a doctor like Khidr or Luqman the Wise arrives with a wondrous medicine. Your lovely and lovable child opens his eyes, delivered from death. You can understand what joy and happiness it would give you.

    Now, like the child, millions of people whom you earnestly love and are concerned for are —in your view— rotting in the graveyard of the past and are about to be annihilated, when suddenly the reality of belief, like Luqman the Wise, shines a light from the window of heart onto the graveyard, which is imagined to be a vast place of execution. Through it, all the dead spring to life. On their declaring through the tongue of disposition: “We had not died and shall not die; we shall meet with you again,” you feel an endless joy, which belief gives in this world too, proving that belief in God is a seed that were it to be embodied, a private paradise would emerge from it, becoming the Tuba-tree of that seed.

    I told the collective personality this, and in its stubbornness, it said: “At least we can live like animals, passing our lives in pleasure and enjoyment, and by indulging in amusement and dissipation not thinking about these difficult matters.”

    I told it by way of an answer:“You cannot be like an animal, for animals have no past and future. They feel neither sorrows or regrets at the past, nor anxiety and fear at the future. It receives perfect pleasure; it sleeps and rises and thanks its Creator. An animal held down to be slaughtered, even, does not feel anything. It wants to feel it as the knife cuts, but that feeling disappears as well, and it is saved from the pain. This means that a great instance of Divine mercy and compassion is not making known the Unseen, and veiling the things that will befall one. It is more complete for innocent animals. But, O man, your past and future emerge from the Unseen to an extent because of your reason, so you are entirely deprived of the unconcern of the animals due to the Unseen being concealed from them. The regrets and painful separations coming from the past, and the anxieties coming from the future reduce to nothing your insignificant pleasure; they make it a hundred times less than that which the animals receive. Since the reality is this, either throw away your intellect, become an animal and be saved, or come to your senses through belief; listen to the Qur’an, and receive pure pleasure a hundred times greater than that of the animals in this transitory world too.” Saying this, I silenced it.

    Yet, that obdurate collective personality still turned to me and said: “At least we can live like those Westerners who are without religion.”

    I replied: “You cannot be like the irreligious people of Europe, either. For even if they deny one prophet, they can believe in the others. If they do not know the prophets, they may believe in God. And even if they do not know God, they may possess certain personal qualities through which they find fulfilment. But if a Muslim denies the Prophet of the End of Time (Peace and blessings be upon him), who was the final and greatest of the prophets and whose religion and cause are universal, and if he abandons his religion, he will accept no other prophet and perhaps not even God. For he knows all the prophets and God and all perfections through the Prophet of the End of Time (Peace and blessings be upon him); they can have no place in his heart without him. It is for this reason that since early times people have entered Islam from all other religions, but no Muslim has become a true Jew, Magian, or Christian. Muslims who abandon their religion rather become irreligious, their characters are corrupted, and they become harmful for the country and nation.” I proved this, and the obstinate collective personality could find no further straw to clutch at, so it vanished and went to Hell.

    My friends who are studying together with me in this School of Joseph! Since the reality is this and the Risale-i Nur proves it so clearly and decisively, like sunlight, that for twenty years it has broken the obstinacy of the obdurate and brought them to believe; we should therefore follow the way of belief and right conduct, which is easy and safe and beneficial for both our own worlds, and our futures, and our lives in the hereafter, and our country and nation; and spend our free time reciting the suras of the Qur’an that we know instead of indulging in distressing fancies, and learn the meaning from friends who teach them; and make up for the prayers we have failed to perform in the past, when we should have done; and taking advantage of one another’s good qualities, transform this prison into a blessed garden raising the seedlings of good character. With good deeds like these, we should do our best to make the prison governor and those concerned not torturers like the Angels of Hell standing over criminals and murderers, but righteous masters and kindly guards charged with the duties of raising people for Paradise in the School of Joseph and supervising their training and education.

    The Fourth Topic

    Again, there is an explanation of this in A Guide For Youth. One time, I was asked the following question by the brothers who assist me:

    “For fifty days now —and now seven years have passed(*[5])— you have asked nothing at all about this ghastly World War, which has plunged the whole world into chaos and is closely connected with the fate of the Islamic world, nor have you been curious about it. Whereas some religious and learned persons are leaving the congregation in the mosques and racing to listen to the radio. Is there some event more momentous than the war? Or is it harmful in some way to be preoccupied with it?”

    I replied to them:

    Life’s capital is very little and the work to be done is much. There are spheres one within the other like concentric circles, from the sphere of man’s heart and stomach, and that of his home and body, and that of the quarter in which he lives and his town, and his country and land, and the globe and mankind, to the spheres of animate beings and the world. Each person may have duties in each of those spheres, but the most important and permanent of these are those in the smallest sphere. While his least important and temporary duties may be in the largest sphere. According to this analogy, the largest and smallest are in inverse proportion.

    But because of the attractiveness of the largest sphere, it causes the person to neglect his important, necessary duties in the small sphere, busying him with unnecessary, trivial, peripheral matters. It destroys the capital of his life for nothing. It kills his precious life on worthless things. Sometimes, the one following curiously the struggles of the war comes to earnestly support one side. He looks favourably on their tyranny, and becomes a partner in it.

    The Answer to the first point: Yes, an event more momentous than this World War and a case more important than that of world supremacy has been opened over the heads of everyone and especially Muslims, so that if everyone had the wealth and power of the Germans and English and sense as well, they would unhesitatingly spend all of it to win that single case.

    The case is this: relying on the thousands of promises and pledges of the universe’s Owner, Who has disposal over it, hundreds of thousands of the most eminent of mankind, and uncounted numbers of its stars and guides, have unanimously given news —and some of them have actually seen— that for everyone the case has opened by which they may either win, in return for belief, or lose, eternal properties as broad as the earth set with palaces and gardens. If they do not secure the document of belief, they will lose. And this age, many are losing the case because of the plague of materialism. One of the diviners of reality and investigators of truth observed in one place that out of forty people who died, only a few won; the others lost. Can anything take the place of that lost suit, even rule over the whole world?

    Since we Risale-i Nur students know it would be pure lunacy to give up the duties which will win the case and abandon the wondrous lawyer who saves ninety per cent from losing it and the task which the lawyer employs us in, and become involved with peripheral trivia as though we were going to remain in the world for ever, we are certain that if each of us had intelligence a hundred times greater than what we have, we still would use it only on this task.

    My new brothers here in this calamity of prison! You have seen the Risale-i Nur the same as my old brothers, who entered here together with me. Citing them and thousands of students like them as witnesses, I say, I prove, and have proved, that it is the Risale-i Nur that wins that supreme case for ninety people out of a hundred, obtains for them certain, verified belief, which is the document and warrant that has won the case for twenty thousand people in twenty years.

    It has proceeded from the miraculousness of the All-Wise Qur’an and is the leading lawyer at this time. Although these eighteen years my enemies and the atheists and materialists have duped some members of the government with their exceedingly cruel plots against me, and have had us sent to prison to have us done away with — in the past as now, they have been able to cause harm to only two or three of the one hundred and thirty pieces of equipment in the steel fortress of the Risale-i Nur. That means, to obtain it is sufficient for those who want to engage a lawyer.

    Also, fear not, the Risale-i Nur cannot be banned! With the exception of two or three, its treatises are circulating freely among the deputies serving the Government of the Republic, and its leaders. God willing, at some time happy governors and guards will distribute those lights to the prisoners, like bread and medicine, and so make the prisons into truly effective places of reform.

    The Fifth Topic

    As is described in A Guide For Youth, there is no doubt that youth will depart; it will change into old age and death as certainly as the summer gives its place to autumn and winter, and the day changes into evening and night. All the revealed scriptures give the good news that if fleeting, transient youth is spent on good works, in chastity and within the bounds of good conduct, it will gain for the person immortal youth.

    If, on the other hand, youth is spent on vice, just as murder resulting from a minute’s anger leads to millions of minutes of imprisonment, so quite apart from being called to account in the hereafter, and the torments of the grave, and the regrets arising from their passing, and sins, and the penalties suffered in this world, the unlawful pleasures of youth contain more pain than pleasure; every youth with sense will corroborate this from his own experience.

    For example, the pains of jealousy, separation, and unreciprocated love transform the partial pleasure to be found in illicit love into poisonous honey. If you want to know how they end up in hospitals due to illnesses resulting from their misspent youth, and in prison due to their excesses, and in bars and dens of vice and the graveyard due to the distress arising from their unnourished hearts and spirits not performing their right functions, go and ask at the hospitals, prisons, bars, and graveyards. More than anything, you will hear the weeping and sighs of regret at the blows youths have received as the penalty for abusing their youth, and their excesses, and illicit pleasures.

    Foremost the Qur’an, with numerous of its verses, and all the revealed scriptures and books, give the glad tidings that if spent within the bounds of moderation, youth is an agreeable Divine bounty and sweet, powerful means to good works, which yields the result of shining, immortal youth in the hereafter.

    Since the reality is this, and since the bounds of the licit are sufficient for enjoyment, and since an hour of unlawful pleasure leads sometimes to a punishment of one, or ten, years’ imprisonment; surely it is absolutely necessary to spend the sweet bounty of youth chastely, on the straight path, as thanks for the bounty.

    The Sixth Topic

    [This consists of a single, brief proof of the pillar of belief, ‘Belief in God,’ for which there are numerous decisive proofs and explanations in many places in the Risale-i Nur.]

    In Kastamonu a group of high-school students came to me, saying: “Tell us about our Creator, our teachers do not speak of God.”

    I said to them: “All the sciences you study continuously speak of God and make known the Creator, each with its own particular tongue. Do not listen to your teachers; listen to them.

    “For example, a well-equipped pharmacy with life-giving potions and cures in every jar weighed out in precise and wondrous measures doubtless shows an extremely skilful, practised, and wise pharmacist.

    In the same way, to the extent that it is bigger and more perfect and better stocked than the pharmacy in the market-place, the pharmacy of the globe of the earth with its living potions and medicaments in the jars which are the four hundred thousand species of plants and animals shows and makes known to eyes that are blind even —by means of the measure or scale of the science of medicine that you study— the All-Wise One of Glory, Who is the Pharmacist of the mighty pharmacy of the earth.

    “To take another example; a wondrous factory which weaves thousands of sorts of cloth from a simple material doubtless makes known a manufacturer and skilful mechanic.

    In the same way, to whatever extent it is larger and more perfect than the human factory, this travelling dominical machine known as the globe of the earth with its hundreds of thousands of heads, in each of which are hundreds of thousands of factories, shows and makes known —by means of the measure or scale of the science of engineering which you study— its Manufacturer and Owner.

    “And, for example, a depot, store, or shop in which has been brought together and stored up in regular and orderly fashion a thousand and one varieties of provisions undoubtedly makes known a wondrous owner, proprietor, and overseer of provisions and foodstuffs.

    In just the same way, to whatever degree it is vaster and more perfect than such a store or factory, this foodstore of the Most Merciful One known as the globe of the earth, this Divine ship, this dominical depot and shop holding goods, equipment, and conserved food, which in one year travels regularly an orbit of twenty- four thousand years, and carrying groups of beings requiring different foods and passing through the seasons on its journey and filling the spring with thousands of different provisions like a huge waggon, brings them to the wretched animate creatures whose sustenance has been exhausted in winter, —by means of the measure or scale of the science of economics which you study— this depot of the earth makes known and makes loved its Manager, Organizer, and Owner.

    “And, for example, let us imagine an army which consists of four hundred thousand nations, and each nation requires different provisions, uses different weapons, wears different uniforms, undergoes different drill, and is discharged from its duties differently. If this army and camp has a miracle-working commander who on his own provides all those different nations with all their different provisions, weapons, uniforms, and equipment without forgetting or confusing any of them, then surely the army and camp show the commander and make him loved appreciatively.

    In just the same way, the spring camp of the face of the earth in which every spring a newly recruited Divine army of the four hundred thousand species of plants and animals are given their varying uniforms, rations, weapons, training, and demobilizations in utterly perfect and regular fashion by a single Commander-in-Chief Who forgets or confuses not one of them —to whatever extent the spring camp of the face of the earth is vaster and more perfect than that human army, —by means of the measure or scale of the military science that you study— it makes known to the attentive and sensible, its Ruler, Sustainer, Administrator, and Most Holy Commander, causing wonderment and acclaim, and makes Him loved and praised and glorified.

    “Another example: millions of electric lights that move and travel through a wondrous city, their fuel and power source never being exhausted, self-evidently make known a wonder-working craftsman and extraordinarily talented electrician who manages the electricity, makes the moving lamps, sets up the power source, and brings the fuel; they cause others to congratulate and applaud him, and to love him.

    In just the same way, although some of the lamps of the stars in the roof of the palace of the world in the city of the universe —if they are considered in the way that astronomy says— are a thousand times larger than the earth and move seventy times faster than a cannon-ball, they do not spoil their order, nor collide with one another, nor become extinguished, nor is their fuel exhausted.

    According to astronomy, which you study, for our sun to continue burning, which is a million times larger than the earth and a million times older and is a lamp and stove in one guest-house of the Most Merciful One, as much oil as the seas of the earth and as much coal as its mountains or as many logs and much wood as ten earths are necessary for it not to be extinguished.

    And however much greater and more perfect than this example are the electric lamps of the palace of the world in the majestic city of the universe, which point with their fingers of light to an infinite power and sovereignty which illuminates the sun and other lofty stars like it without oil, wood, or coal, not allowing them to be extinguished or to collide with one another, though travelling together at speed, to that degree —by means of the measure of the science of electricity which you either study or will study— they testify to and make known the Monarch, Illuminator, Director, and Maker of the mighty exhibition of the universe; they make Him loved, glorified, and worshipped.

    “And, for example, take a book in every line of which a whole book is finely written, and in every word of which a sura of the Qur’an is inscribed with a fine pen. Being most meaningful with all of its matters corroborating one another, and a wondrous collection showing its writer and author to be extraordinarily skilful and capable, it undoubtedly shows its writer and author together with all his perfections and arts as clearly as daylight, and makes him known. It makes him appreciated with phrases like, “What wonders God has willed!” and “Blessed be God!”

    Just the same is the mighty book of the universe; we see with our eyes a pen at work which writes on the face of the earth, which is a single of its pages, and on the spring, which is a single folio, the three hundred thousand plant and animal species, which are like three hundred thousand different books, all together, one within the other, without fault or error, without mixing them up or confusing them, perfectly and with complete order, and sometimes writes an ode in a word like a tree, and the complete index of a book in a point-like seed. However much vaster and more perfect and meaningful than the book in the example mentioned above is this compendium of the universe and mighty embodied Qur’an of the world, which is infinitely full of meaning and in every word of which are numerous instances of wisdom, to that degree —in accordance with the extensive measure and far-seeing vision of the natural science that you study and the sciences of reading and writing that you have practised at school— it makes known the Inscriber and Author of the book of the universe together with His infinite perfections. Proclaiming “God is Most Great!”, it makes Him known. Uttering phrases like “Glory be to God!”, it describes Him. Acclaiming Him with words like “All praise be to God!”, it makes Him loved.

    “Thus, hundreds of other sciences like these make known the Glorious Creator of the universe together with His Names, each through its broad measure or scale, its particular mirror, its far-seeing eyes, and searching gaze; they make known His attributes and perfections.

    “It is in order to give instruction in this matter, which is a brilliant and magnificent proof of Divine unity, that the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition teaches us about our Creator most often with the verses, Sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth,(*[6])and, He created the Heavens and Earth.”(*[7])I said this to the schoolboys, and they accepted it completely, affirming it by saying: “Endless thanks be to God, for we have received an absolutely true and sacred lesson. May God be pleased with you!” And I said:

    “Man is a living machine who is grieved with thousands of different sorrows and receives pleasure in thousands of different ways, and despite his utter impotence has innumerable enemies, physical and spiritual, and despite his infinite poverty, has countless needs, external and inner, and is a wretched creature continuously suffering the blows of death and separation. Yet, through belief and worship, he at once becomes connected to a Monarch so Glorious he finds a point of support against all his enemies and a source of help for all his needs, and like everyone takes pride at the honour and rank of the lord to whom he is attached, you can compare for yourselves how pleased and grateful and thankful and full of pride man becomes at being connected through belief to an infinitely Powerful and Compassionate Monarch, at entering His service through worship, and transforming for himself the announcement of the execution of the appointed hour into the papers releasing him from duty.”

    I repeat to the calamity-stricken prisoners what I said to the schoolboys: “One who recognizes Him and obeys Him is fortunate even if he is in prison. While one who forgets Him is wretched and a prisoner even if he resides in a palace.”

    Even, one wronged but fortunate man said to the wretched tyrants who were executing him: “I am not being executed but being demobilized and departing for where I shall find happiness. But I see that you are being condemned to eternal execution and am therefore taking perfect revenge on you.” And declaring: “There is no god but God!”, he happily surrendered up his spirit.

    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(*[8])

    The Seventh Topic

    [The fruit of a Friday in Denizli Prison]

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The command of the Hour [of resurrection] will be like the glance of an eye, or briefer.(*[9])* The creation of you all and the resurrection of you all is but like that of a single soul.(*[10])* So look to the signs of God’s mercy, how He gives life to the earth after its death; He it is Who will raise the dead to life, and He is Powerful over all things.(*[11])

    The prisoners in Denizli Prison who were able to have contact with me, read the lesson in the Sixth Topic I had at one time given in the tongues of the sciences to the high school pupils in Kastamonu, who had asked me: “Tell us about our Creator,” and having acquired a firm belief, they felt a longing for the hereafter. They requested of me: “Teach us also about the hereafter so that we won’t be led astray by our souls and the satans of these times, and they will not again be the cause of our being sent to prison.”So in the face of this request of the Risale-i Nur students in Denizli Prison and the readers of the Sixth Topic, need arose for an explanatory summary of the pillar of belief in the hereafter, as well, and I offered them a brief summary of various passages from the Risale-i Nur.

    In the Sixth Topic we asked the heavens and the earth about our Creator, and they described Him to us as clearly as the sun in the tongues of the sciences. Now, in the same way, we shall ask firstly our Sustainer, Whom we have learnt about, about the hereafter, then our Prophet, then the Qur’an, then the other prophets and holy scriptures, then the angels, and then the universe.

    In the first stage, we ask God about the hereafter. He replies through all the envoys He has sent, and His decrees, and all His Names and attributes: “Yes, the hereafter exists, and I shall send you there.” The Tenth Word has proved and elucidated with twelve brilliant, decisive truths the answers about the hereafter of a number of Names. Deeming those explanations to be sufficient, here we shall point them out briefly.

    Yes, since there is no sovereignty that does not reward those who obey it and punish the rebellious, an eternal sovereignty which is at the degree of absolute dominicality rewarding those who form a relation with it through belief and submit to its decrees, and its punishing rebellious disbelievers who deny its proud sovereignty will be in a manner fitting for its mercy and beauty, its dignity and glory. Thus, the Names Sustainer of All the Worlds and Just Monarch reply to our question.

    Also, we see as clearly as the sun, as daylight, a general mercy and all-embracing compassion and munificence on the face of the earth. For example, every spring that mercy adorns all the fruit-bearing trees and plants like houris; it fills their hands with every sort of fruit and they hold them out to us, saying: “Help yourselves, and eat!” So does it give us sweet, healing honey to eat from the poisonous bee, and dresses us in the softest silk by means of a handless insect. It deposits for us in a handful of tiny seeds pounds of food, making those tiny stores into reserve supplies.

    Such a mercy and compassion surely would not execute these lovable, grateful, worshipping believers which they nurture so kindly. They rather dismiss them from their duties in this worldly life to bestow on them still more brilliant instances of mercy, and in so doing the Names of All-Compassionate and Munificent answer our question.

    Also, we see before our eyes that a hand of wisdom works in all creatures on the face of the earth and a justice is in force with its measures, nothing superior to which the human mind can conceive of. For example, a pre-eternal wisdom inscribes in man’s faculty of memory, which is one instance of wisdom in his thousands of faculties and physical systems and is as tiny as a miniscule seed, his entire life-story and the numerous events which touch on him, making it into a small library. He then places it in the pocket of his mind as a note from the register of his actions which will be published for his judgement at the Great Gathering, in order to continuously remind him of this. And an eternal justice places on all creatures their members with the finest balance, and makes all of them —from the microbe to the rhinoceros, and the fly to the simurgh bird, and from a flowering plant to the flower of the spring, which opens thousands of millions of flowers in the spring— with a beauty of art and balance with no waste within a mutual proportion, equilibrium, order and beauty; it gives all living creatures their rights of life with perfect balance, and makes good things produce good results and bad things, bad results; and since the time of Adam it has made itself felt forcefully through the blows it has dealt to rebellious and tyrannous peoples.

    Certainly and without doubt, just as the sun cannot be without the day, so that pre-eternal wisdom and eternal justice cannot be without the hereafter. The Names of All-Wise and Sapient, Just and Equitable would never permit the awesome injustice, inequity, and unwisdom of oppressed and oppressor being equal in death, and thus they decisively answer our question.

    Also, since whenever living creatures seek their natural wishes, which are beyond their power, through the tongues of their innate abilities and essential needs, which is supplication of a sort, all their needs are given to them by a most compassionate, hearing, kind unseen hand; and since six or seven out of ten of human supplications, which are voluntary, especially those of the prophets and the elect, are accepted in a way contrary to the normal course of things; it is understood certainly that behind the veil of the Unseen is one who listens and hears the sighs of the suffering and prayers of the needy, and replies to them; he sees the least need of the smallest living being and compassionately replying by action, gratifies it.

    it is understood certainly that behind the veil of the Unseen is one who listens and hears the sighs of the suffering and prayers of the needy, and replies to them; he sees the least need of the smallest living being and compassionately replying  by action,  gratifies it.

    There is no possibility of doubting therefore that the one who includes in his supplication all the most important, general supplications of man, the most important of creatures, which are connected with all the Divine Names and attributes and are for immortality; and takes behind him all the other prophets, who are the suns, stars, and leaders of mankind, making them exclaim: “Amen! Amen!”; and for whom benedictions are recited several times every day; and to whose supplication all the members of his community rejoin: “Amen! Amen!”, indeed, in whose supplication all creatures take part, saying: “Yes, O Lord! Do give what he asks! We too want what he seeks!” — of all the causes necessitating resurrection under these irresistible conditions, only a single supplication of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) for immortality in the hereafter and eternal happiness would have been sufficient reason for the existence of Paradise and creation of the hereafter, which are as easy for Divine power as the creation of the spring — stating this, the Names of Answerer of Prayer, All-Hearing, and All- Compassionate answer our question.

    Also, since as clearly as the sun is shown by daylight, behind the veil is One Who has disposal over the universal death and revivification in the alternation of the seasons on the earth; and a pen of power inscribes the globe with the ease and orderliness of a garden or even a tree, and the splendid spring with the facility and symmetrical adornment of a flower, and the species of plants and animals as though they were three hundred thousand books displaying three hundred thousand samples of resurrection, all one within the other and intermingled and mixed up together yet without disarrangement or disorder, all resembling each other yet without confusion, error, or fault; perfectly, regularly, and meaningfully; and since despite this vast profusion that One works with boundless mercy and infinite wisdom; and since He has subjugated, decorated, and furnished the vast universe for man like a house, and appointing him vicegerent of the earth, committing to him the supreme trust, from the bearing of which the mountains, sky, and earth shrank, and has raised him to the rank of commanding officer over other living beings, honoured him with the Divine address and conversation, and since He has thus bestowed on man this supreme station and in all the revealed decrees promised him eternal happiness and immortal life in the hereafter;

    certainly and without doubt He will open up that realm of bliss for ennobled and honoured man, which is as easy for His power as the spring, and bring about the resurrection of the dead and Last Judgement —stating this, the Names of Granter of Life and Dealer of Death, Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent, and All-Powerful and Knowing reply to the question we asked of our Creator.

    Yes, if one considers the power which every spring raises to life identically the roots of all the trees and plants and creates the three hundred thousand plant and animal samples of the resurrection of the dead, and if one visualizes the thousand year period of each of the communities of Moses and Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon them), and they are pictured in the imagination, it will be seen that the two thousand springs(*[12])

    display a thousand samples of resurrection and a  thousand evidences. It is to be blind and unreasonable a thousand times over to consider bodily resurrection difficult for such a power.

    Also, just as relying on Almighty God’s thousands of promises, the twenty-four thousand prophets, who are the most renowned of mankind, have unanimously proclaimed and proved through their miracles that eternal happiness and immortality in the hereafter are true; so innumerable people of sainthood have put their signature to the same truth through their illuminations and unfoldings. Since this is so, surely this truth is as clear as the sun, and those who doubt it are crazy.

    Yes, the ideas and judgements of one or two experts in a science or art concerning their science refute the opposing ideas of ten men who are not experts in it, even if they are experts in their own fields. Similarly, two people making a positive statement about a subject, for example, proving the crescent moon of Ramadan on the day it is uncertain, or claiming: “there is a garden on the earth where coconuts resembling cans of milk are grown” defeat a thousand deniers, and win the case.

    For the one making the positive statement has only to point out the place where the coconuts are found to easily win. Whereas the one who denies it can prove his case only by searching the whole face of the earth and demonstrating that the coconuts are not to be found anywhere. So one who makes a report of Paradise and the realm of bliss and asserts that they exist wins his case by only demonstrating through illumination a shadow or distillation of it, like in the cinema, while those who deny it can only win by proving their denial by seeing the whole universe and all time from pre-eternity to post-eternity, and demonstrating it.

    It is because of this that the investigative scholars have agreed on the rule “on condition they are not inherently impossible, denials which are not specific but look to the whole universe like the truths of belief, cannot be proved,” and have accepted it as a fundamental principle.

    In consequence of this definite truth, while the opposing ideas of thousands of philosophers should not cast the slightest doubt, or even suspicion, on even a single truthful report concerning the questions of belief, you may understand what a lunacy it is to fall into doubt at the denials of a handful of philosophers who concerning the pillars of belief understand no further than their eyes see, have no heart, are blind, and have grown distant from spiritual matters.

    For the pillars of faith have been agreed upon by one hundred and twenty thousand expert scholars and truthful reporters with their positive assertions, and innumerable specialists in the field of reality and investigative scholars. Also, we see with our own eyes as clearly as daylight both in ourselves and all around us a comprehensive mercy and all-embracing wisdom and constant bestowal of grace. We observe too the traces and manifestations of an awesome sovereignty of dominicality, a precise and lofty justice, and a proud and glorious government. Indeed, the wisdom which attaches instances of wisdom to a tree to the number of its fruits and flowers; and the mercy which bestows bounties and favours on every human being to the number of his faculties, members, and feelings; and the proud, yet gracious justice which deals blows at rebellious peoples like those of Noah, Hud, and Salih (Peace be upon them) and the ‘Ad, Thamud, and people of Pharoah, and protects the rights of the least living being; and the verse: And among His signs is this, that heaven and earth stand by His command; then when He calls you, by a single call, from the earth, behold, you [straightway] come forth(*[13])all state the following with a majestic conciseness:

    Just as at the summons of their commander and the sound of the bugle, the disciplined soldiers stationed in two barracks spring to arms and their duties; so whenever the bugle-call of Israfil (Peace be upon him) summons those lying in death in the vast heavens and in the earth, which are like two orderly barracks for the soldiers of the Pre-Eternal Monarch, obedient to His command, they will immediately don the uniforms of their bodies and rise up. Proving and demonstrating this is the same situation displayed by the beings in the barracks of the earth in the spring at the trumpet-blast of the Angel of Thunder, and from it is understood the infinite grandeur of the sovereignty of dominicality.

    As is proved in the Tenth Word, it is certainly therefore utterly impossible that the realm of the hereafter and arena of the resurrection and Great Gathering, which are most definitely demanded by that mercy, wisdom, grace, and justice, should not be inaugurated, and for that infinitely beautiful mercy to be transformed into ugly cruelty, and for that boundless perfection of wisdom to be turned into infinitely faulty futility and purposeless wastefulness, and that sweet grace to be transformed into bitter treachery, and that finely balanced and equitable justice to be turned into severe tyranny, and that utterly powerful and majestic eternal sovereignty to decline, and with the resurrection not occuring for it to lose all its splendour, and for the perfections of its dominicality to be marred by impotence and defect. This would be completely unreasonable and a compounded impossibility, outside the bounds of possibility and false and precluded.

    For all those with intelligence would surely understand what a cruel unkindness it would be, having nurtured man so solicitously and given him through faculties like the heart and intellect a sense of longing for eternal happiness and everlasting life in the hereafter, to despatch him to eternal non-being; and how contrary to wisdom it would be, having attached hundreds of purposes and instances of wisdom to only his brain, to waste through endless death all his faculties and his abilities with their thousands of purposes thus making them devoid of all use, purpose and result; and how utterly opposed to the splendour of that sovereignty and perfect dominicality it would be, by not carrying out His thousands of promises, to demonstrate —God forbid!— His impotence and ignorance.

    You may make an analogy with these for grace and justice. Thus, the Names of Most Merciful, All-Just, All-Wise, Munificent, and Ruler answer with the above truths the question we asked our Creator about the hereafter, and prove it as indubitably and clearly as the sun.

    Moreover, we observe that prevailing over everything is a vast and comprehensive preservation which records in their seeds, on the tablets of the World of Similitudes, in their memories, which are tiny samples of the Preserved Tablet, and particularly in the faculty of memory, which is a tiny library in man’s brain which is at the same time very large, and in other mirrors, physical and non-physical, in which they are reflected, the numerous forms of all living creatures and all things, and the notebooks of the duties they perform in accordance with their essential natures, and the pages of their deeds pertaining to the glorifications they perform towards the Divine Names through the tongues of their beings; it inscribes them in these, and records and preserves them. Then, when the time comes—every spring, which is a flower of Divine power— they display to us all those immaterial inscriptions in physical form, proclaim to the universe with millions of tongues within that supreme flower, and with the strength of millions of examples, evidences, and samples, the wondrous truth of resurrection expressed in the verse:

    When the pages are spread out.(*[14])It proves most cogently that foremost man, and all living beings and all things, were created not to topple over into nothingness, to fall into non-existence, to be annihilated, but to win immortality through progressing, and permanence through being purified, and to take up the eternal duties required by their innate capacities.

    Yes, we observe every spring that the innumerable plants which die in the doomsday of the autumn, and all the trees, roots, seeds, and grains in the resurrection of the spring recite the verse When the pages are spread out. Expounding each in its own tongue one meaning of the verse, one facet of it, with examples of the duties it performed in previous years, they all testify to that vast preservation.

    They display in everything the four vast truths of the verse, He is the First, and the Last, the Evident, and the Inward,(*[15]) and instruct us with the ease and certainty of the spring.

    The manifestations of these four Names occur in all things from the most particular to the most universal. For example, through manifesting the Name of First, a seed, the source of a tree, is a precise programme of it and a small receptacle containing the faultless systems of the tree’s creation and all the conditions of its formation, thus proving the vastness of Divine preservation.

    Then, together with the tree’s seeds, its fruit manifests the Name of Last; they are coffers containing the indexes of all the duties the tree has performed in accordance with its nature and the principles of its second life, thus testifying at a maximum level to Divine preservation.

    The tree’s physical form, which manifests the Name of Evident, is a finely proportioned, skilfully decorated garment. Like a seventy-hued robe of the houris which has been embroidered with gilded motifs, it demonstrates visibly the vast power, perfect wisdom, and beautiful mercy within Divine preservation.

    As for the machinery within the tree, which manifests the Name of Inward, it is a regular, miraculous, faultless factory and workbench, a balanced cauldron of food which leaves unnourished none of its branches, fruits, or leaves, thus proving as brilliantly as the sun the perfect power, justice, and beautiful mercy and wisdom within Divine preservation.

    Similarly, in respect of the annual seasons the globe is a tree. Through the manifestation of the Name of First, all the seeds and grains entrusted to Divine preservation in the season of autumn are small collections of the Divine commands concerning the formation of the tree of the face of the earth, which when it is enrobed in the garment of spring, puts forth millions of branches and twigs, and fruits and flowers. So too those seeds are lists of the principles proceeding from Divine Determining, and the tiny pages of the tree’s deeds of the previous summer, and the notebooks of its tasks, which demonstrate self-evidently that they function through the infinite power, justice, wisdom, and mercy of a Glorious and Munificent Preserver.

    Then the end of the annual tree of the earth is —in the second autumn, its depositing in those tiny containers all the duties it has performed, all the glorifications it has recited before the Divine Names in accordance with its creation, and all the pages of its deeds that it will publish the following resurrection of spring,— its handing them over to the hand of wisdom of the Glorious Preserver and reciting the Name of He is the Last before the whole universe in innumerable tongues.

    The evident face of the tree is, —by its opening three hundred thousand universal sorts of blossoms, which demonstrate three hundred thousand examples and signs of the resurrection of the dead; and its spreading out innumerable tables of mercifulness, providence, compassionateness, and munificence; and its offering banquets to living beings,— its reciting the Name of He is the Evident with tongues to the number of its fruits, flowers, and foods, and offering praise and laudation, and showing as clearly as daylight the truth of When the pages are spread out.

    The inner face of this majestic tree is a cauldron and workbench running precisely and in orderly fashion incalculable numbers of regular machines and finely balanced factories, which cook thousands of pounds of food out of one ounce and offer it to the hungry. It works with such precision and balance that it leaves no room for chance to interfere. Like some angels who glorify God with a thousand tongues, with the inner face of the earth it proclaims the Name of He is the Inward in a hundred thousand ways, and proves it.

    Just as in respect of its annual life, the earth is a tree and makes the Divine preservation within those four Names a key to the door of resurrection, so in respect of its worldly life, it is again a well-ordered tree, whose fruits are sent to the market of the hereafter. It is a place of manifestation of those four Names and mirror to them so broad, and road leading to the hereafter so lengthy, our minds are incapable of comprehending and describing it; we can only say this much:

    As the hands of a weekly clock which count the seconds, minutes, hours, and days resemble each other and prove each other, and one who sees the movement of the second hand is bound to assent to the movement of the others;

    so the days, which count the seconds of this world, which is a vast clock of the Glorious Creator of the Heavens and Earth, and the years, which count its minutes, and the centuries, which show its hours, and the ages, which make known its days, all resemble and prove each other. So too the Name of Preserver and those of He is the First, and the Last, the Evident, and the Inward inform us through innumerable signs that as certainly as the morning of this night will come, and this winter’s spring, so will the everlasting spring and eternal morning come of the dark winter of this transitory world, thus answering with the above truths the question of resurrection concerning which we asked our Creator.

    Also, since we see with our eyes and understand with our minds that


    is the final and most comprehensive fruit of the tree of the universe..

    and in respect of the Muhammadan (Peace and blessings be upon him) Reality is its original seed..

    and the supreme sign of the Qur’an of the universe..

    and he is its Throne Verse bearing the Greatest Name..

    and the most honoured guest in the palace of the universe..

    the most active functionary empowered over the other inhabitants of the palace..

    the official charged with overseeing the income and expenditure, and the planting and cultivation of the gardens in the quarter of the earth in the city of the universe.. and is its most noisy and responsible minister, equipped with hundreds of sciences and thousands of arts..

    and an inspector and sort of vicegerent of the Monarch of Pre-Eternity and Post- Eternity, under His close scrutiny, in the region of the earth in the country of the universe..

    and one with disposal over it whose actions, particular and universal, are all recorded..

    who has undertaken the Supreme Trust, from which the heavens and earth and mountains shrank.. and before whom are two roads, on one of which he is the most wretched of living beings, and on the other, the most fortunate..

    and he is a universal bondsman charged with most extensive worship.. the place of manifestation of the Greatest Name of the Monarch of the universe and a comprehensive mirror of all His Names..

    a special addressee of His, with the best understanding of His Divine addresses and speech..

    the most needy of the living beings of the universe.. and is a wretched living creature who has innumerable desires and goals, numberless enemies and things that harm him, despite his infinite poverty and impotence..

    is the richest in regard to abilities and potentialities..

    the most suffering in respect of the pleasures of life, whose enjoyment is marred by ghastly pains..

    and a wondrous miracle of the power of the Eternally Besought One and marvel of Divine power who is the most needy and wanting,

    and worthy and deserving of immortality, and seeks and beseeches eternal happiness with endless prayers,

    and if all the pleasures of this world were given him, his desire for immortality would not be satisfied,

    and who loves to the degree of worshipping Him the One Who bestows bounties on him, and makes Him loved and is loved.. and all of whose faculties, which encompass the universe, testify that he was created to go to eternity..

    and through the above twenty universal truths is bound to Almighty God’s Name of Truth;

    and whose actions are continuously recorded by the All-Glorious Preserver’s Name of Preserver, Who sees the most insignificant need of the tiniest animate being, hears it plaint and responds in action; and being related to the whole universe whose deeds are written down by the “noble scribes” of that Name and who more than anything else receives its attention..As required by the above twenty truths, most certainly and without any doubt there will be a resurrection and judgement for man, and in accordance with the Name of Truth, he will receive reward for his above duties and punishment for his faults, and in accordance with the Name of Preserver, he will be questioned and called to account for his actions, all of which have been recorded, and the doors will be opened of the feasting halls of everlasting bliss in the eternal realm, and of the prison of eternal misery; man, who has been an officer with command over numerous species of beings in this world, and has intervened in them and sometimes thrown them into confusion, will not enter the soil never to be questioned concerning his actions, nor lay down in concealment not to be roused.

    For to hear the buzz of the fly and to answer it actively by giving it its rights of life, and not to hear the prayers for eternity made through the tongues of the above twenty truths of innumerable human rights which reverberate through the heavens and earth like thunder, and to transgress all those rights, and for a wisdom which as is testified to by the order of the fly’s wing wastes not even such a wing, to waste utterly man’s abilities, which are bound by those truths, and his hopes and desires, which reach out to eternity, and the many bonds and truths of the universe which nourish those abilities and desires, would be such an injustice and so impossible and such a tyrannical ugliness that all beings which testify to the Names of Truth, Preserver, All-Wise, All-Beauteous, and All-Compassionate reject it, declaring it to be utterly impossible and precluded.

    Thus, in reply to our question to our Creator about resurrection, the Names of Truth, Preserver, All-Wise, All-Beauteous, and All-Compassionate, say: “Just as we are truth and reality, and the beings that testify to us are true, so the resurrection of the dead is true and certain.”

    And since...

    I was going to write more, but since the above is as clear as the sun, I have curtailed the discussion.

    Thus, making an analogy with the matters in the above examples and “sinces,” through their manifestations and reflections in beings, all Almighty God’s hundred, indeed a thousand, Names which look to the universe prove self-evidently the one they signify; so too do they demonstrate the resurrection of the dead and hereafter, and prove them definitively.

    Also, just as through all His decrees and the scriptures He has revealed and most of His Names, by which he is described, our Sustainer gives us sacred and decisive answers to the question we asked our Creator; so He causes it to be answered through His angels, and in another fashion through their tongue:

    “There have been hundreds of incidents unanimously attested to since the time of Adam of your meeting both with spirit beings and with us, and there are innumerable signs and evidences of our existence and worship and that of the spirit beings. In agreement with each other, we have told your leaders when we have met with them that we travel through the halls of the hereafter and in some of its apartments, and we always say this. We have no doubt that the fine, eternal halls that we have wandered through, and the well-appointed decorated palaces and dwellings beyond them await important guests, in order to accommodate them. We give you certain news of this.” They reply to our question thus.

    Also, since our Creator appointed Muhammad the Arabian (Peace and blessings be upon him) as the greatest teacher, best master, and truest guide, who is neither confused nor confuses, and sent him as His last envoy, before anything, in order to progress and advance from the degree of ‘knowledge of certainty’ to those of ‘vision of certainty’ and ‘absolute certainty,’ we should ask this master the question we asked of our Creator. For just as that Being, through his thousand miracles, which were a mark of our Creator’s confirmation, and as a miracle of the Qur’an, proved that the Qur’an is true and God’s Word; so, through its forty aspects of miraculousness, as a miracle of his, the Qur’an proves that he was true and God’s Messenger. The reality of resurrection which they prove —one, the tongue of the Manifest World, claimed it throughout his life, confirmed by all the prophets and saints, and the other, the tongue of the World of the Unseen, claims it with thousands of its verses, confirmed by all the revealed scriptures and truths of the universe,— is as certain as the sun and daylight.

    Yes, a question like resurrection, which is the most strange and awesome matter and beyond the reason, could only be solved through the instruction of two such wondrous masters, and understood.

    The reason the early prophets did not explain resurrection in detail like the Qur’an was that at that time mankind was still at a primitive stage of nomadism. There is little detailed explanation in preliminary instruction.

    And since the angels inform us that they have seen the hereafter and the dwellings of the eternal realm,

    evidences testifying to the existence and worship of the angels, spirits, and spirit beings, are also indirect evidence for the existence of the hereafter.

    And since after Divine unity the thing Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) most constantly claimed and asserted throughout his life was the hereafter, certainly all his miracles and proofs which point to his messengership and veracity in one way testify indirectly to the existence of the hereafter and that it will come.

    And since one quarter of the Qur’an is about resurrection and the hereafter and it tries to prove it with thousands of its verses, and gives news of it, all the proofs and evidences of the Qur’an’s veracity prove indirectly the existence of the hereafter, and its being thrown open.

    Now see how firm and certain is this pillar of belief!

    A Summary of the Eighth Topic

    In the Seventh Topic, we questioned numerous levels of beings about the resurrection of the dead, but curtailed the discussion because since the replies given by the Creator’s Names afforded such powerful certainty, they left no need for further questions.

    Now in this Topic are summarized a hundredth of the benefits of belief in the hereafter, including those which result in happiness in this world and in the next.The Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition leaves no need for further explanation concerning the happiness of the hereafter, so we refer the subject to the Qur’an. And leaving the explanations of worldly happiness to the Risale-i Nur, here we shall describe in summary form three or four out of hundreds of results of belief in the hereafter which look to man’s individual life and social life.

    The First

    Just as, contrary to other living beings, man has relations with his home, so he has relations with the world, and just as he has relations with his relatives, so by nature he has earnest relations with mankind. And just as he desires temporary permanence in this world, so he passionately desires immortality in the realm of eternity. And just as he strives to meet the need of his stomach for food, so he is by nature compelled to strive to provide for the stomachs of his mind, heart, spirit, and humanity. He has such hopes and desires that nothing apart from eternal happiness can satisfy them.

    As is mentioned in the Tenth Word, even, when small, I asked my imagination: “Do you want to live for a million years and rule the world but then cease to exist, or to live for ever but have an ordinary and difficult existence?” I saw that my imagination wanted the latter, feeling pain at the first, and said: “I want to live for ever, even if in Hell!”

    Thus, since the pleasures of this world do not satisfy the imaginative faculty, which is a servant of human nature, man’s comprehensive nature is certainly attached to eternity. For man, therefore, who despite being afflicted with these boundless hopes and desires as capital has only an insignificant faculty of will and absolute poverty, belief in the hereafter is a treasury of such strength and sufficiency; is such a means of pleasure and happiness, source of help, refuge, and means of consolation in the face of the endless sorrows of this world, and is such a fruit and benefit that if the life of this world were to be sacrificed on the way of gaining it, it would still be cheap.

    Its second fruit and benefit, which looks to man’s personal life

    This is a consequence of great importance which is explained in the Third Topic, and about which is a footnote in A Guide For Youth.

    Man’s greatest and most constant anxiety is his entering the place of execution that is the graveyard, the same as his friends and relations have entered it. Wretched man, who is ready to sacrifice his very soul for a single friend, thinks of the thousands, millions, or thousands of millions of friends who have been eliminated and have parted for all eternity, and suffers torments worse than Hell. Just at that point belief in the hereafter comes, opens his eyes, and raises the veil. It tells him: “Look!” He looks with belief, and seeing that those friends have been saved from eternal death and decay and are awaiting him happily in a luminous world, he receives a pleasure of the spirit that intimates the pleasures of Paradise. Sufficing with the explanations and proofs of this consequence in the Risale-i Nur, we cut this short here.

    A third benefit pertaining to personal life

    Man’s superiority over other living beings and his high rank are in respect of his elevated qualities, comprehensive abilities, universal worship, and his extensive spheres of existence. However, the virtues he acquires like zeal, love, brotherhood, and humanity are to the extent of the fleeting present, which is squeezed between the past and the future, which are both non-existent, and dead, and black.

    For example, he loves and serves his father, brother, wife, nation, and country, whom he formerly did not know and after parting from them, will never see again. He would very rarely be able to achieve complete loyalty and sincerity, and his virtues and perfections would diminish proportionately. Then, just as because of his intelligence, he is about to fall headlong from being the highest of the animals to the lowest and most wretched, belief in the hereafter comes to his assistance. It expands the present, as constricting as the grave, so that it encompasses the past and future and is as broad as the world, and shows the bounds of existence to stretch from pre-eternity to post- eternity.

    Thinking of his father being in the realm of bliss and world of spirits and the fraternity of his brothers continuing to eternity, and knowing that his wife will be a beautiful companion in Paradise also, he will love and respect them, be kindly and assist them. He will not exploit the important duties which are for relationships in that broad sphere of life and existence for the worthless matters of this world, with its petty hatreds and interests. His good qualities and attainments will advance to the degree he is successful in being earnestly loyal and truly sincere, and his humanity will increase.

    Although he does not receive the pleasure from life that a sparrow receives, he becomes the most eminent and happy guest in the universe, superior to all the animals, and the best loved and most acceptable servant of the universe’s Owner. This consequence has also been elucidated with proofs in the Risale-i Nur, so here we suffice with this.

    A fourth benefit of belief in the hereafter, which looks to man’s social life

    A summary of this result is set forth in the Ninth Ray of the Risale-i Nur, it is as follows:

    Children, which form a quarter of mankind, can live a human existence only through belief in the hereafter, and sustain their human capacity. They otherwise live only childish, empty existences, blunting their grievous pains with trifling playthings. For the effect of the constant deaths around them of children like themselves on their sensitive minds, and weak hearts which in the future will nurture far-reaching desires, and their vulnerable spirits, makes their minds and lives into instruments of torture. But then, through instruction in belief in the hereafter, in place of their anxieties, and the playthings behind which they hid so as not to see those deaths, they feel a joy and expansion, and say:

    “My brother or my friend has died and become a bird in Paradise. He is flying around and enjoying himself better than we are. And my mother has died, but she has gone to Divine mercy. She will again take me into her embrace in Paradise and I shall see her again.” They may live in a state befitting humanity.

    It is only in belief in the hereafter that the elderly, who form another quarter of mankind, can find consolation, in the face of the close extinction of their lives and their entering the soil, and their fine and lovable worlds coming to an end. Those kindly, venerable fathers and devoted, tender mothers would otherwise feel such a disturbance of the spirit and tumult of the heart that the world would become a despairing prison for them and life, a ghastly torture.

    But then belief in the hereafter says to them: “Don’t worry! You have an immortal youth; a shining, endless life awaits you. You will be joyfully reunited with the children and relatives you have lost. All your good deeds have been preserved and you will receive your reward.” It affords them such solace and joy that were they to experience old age a hundred times over all at the same time, it would not cause them despair.

    One third of mankind is formed by the youth. With their turbulent emotions, the youths are not always able to control their bold intelligences and are overcome by their passions. If then they lose their faith in the hereafter and do not recall the torments of Hell, it puts in danger the property and honour of the upright people in society, and the peace and self-respect of the weak and elderly. One youth may destroy the happiness of a contented home for one minute’s pleasure, then pay the penalty in prison for four or five years, degenerating into a wild animal.

    If belief in the hereafter comes to his assistance and he swiftly comes to his senses, saying: “It’s true the government informers can’t see me and I can hide from them, but the angels of a Glorious Monarch who has a prison like Hell see me and are recording all my evil deeds. I am not free and independent; I am a traveller charged with duties. One day I too will be old and weak.” He suddenly starts to feel a sympathy and respect for those he wanted to cruelly assault. This too is explained with proofs in the Risale-i Nur, so deeming that sufficient, we here cut it short.

    Another important section of mankind are the sick, the oppressed, the disaster- stricken like us, the poor and the life prisoners; if belief in the hereafter does not come to their aid, death, of which they are continuously reminded by illness, unavenged wrongs, the arrogant treachery of the oppressor, from whom they cannot save their honour, the terrible despair of having lost their property or children in serious disasters, the distress at having to suffer the torments of prison for five or ten years because of a minute or two, or an hour or two, of pleasure — these surely make the world into a prison for such unfortunates, and life into agonizing torment.

    But if belief in the hereafter comes to their assistance, they suddenly breathe freely, and according to the degree of their belief, their distress, despair, anxiety, anger, and desire for vengeance abate, sometimes partially, sometimes entirely.

    I can even say that if belief in the hereafter had not helped me and some of my brothers in this fearsome calamity of our being imprisoned for no reason, to stand it for one day would have been as grievous as death and driven us to resign from life. But endless thanks be to God, despite suffering the distress of my brothers, whom I love as much as my life, as well as my own, in addition to the weeping and sorrow of thousands of copies of the Risale-i Nur and my gilded, decorated, valuable books, which I love as much as my eyes, and although I could never stand the slightest insult or to be dominated, I swear that the light and strength of belief in the hereafter afforded me the patience, endurance, solace, and steadfastness;

    indeed, it filled me with enthusiasm to gain greater reward in the profitable, instructive exertions of this ordeal, for as I said at the beginning of this treatise, I knew myself to be in a good medrese or school worthy of the title of ‘Medrese-i Yusufiye’ (School of Joseph). If it were not for the occasional sickness and irritability arising from old age, I would have worked at my lessons even better and with greater ease of mind. However, we have strayed from the subject; I hope it will be forgiven.

    Also, everyone’s home is a small world for him, and even a small Paradise. If belief in the hereafter is not at the basis of the happiness of that home, the members of the family will suffer anguish and anxiety to the extent of their compassion, love, and attachment. Their paradise will either turn into Hell, or it will numb their minds with amusements and dissipation. Like the ostrich, who sees the hunter but can neither fly nor escape and sticks its head in the sand so as not to be seen, they plunge their heads into heedlessness so that death, decline, and separation do not spot them. They find a way out by temporarily blocking out their feelings in lunatic fashion.

    Because, for example, the mother trembles constantly at seeing her children, for whom she would sacrifice her soul, exposed to dangers. While the children all the time feel sorrow and fear at being unable to save their father and brother from unceasing calamities. Thus, in the upheavals of this worldly life, the supposedly happy life of the family loses its happiness in many respects, and the relations and closeness in this brief life do not result in true loyalty, heartfelt sincerity, disinterested service and love. Good character declines proportionately, and is even lost.

    Whereas if belief in the hereafter enters that home, it illuminates it completely, and its members have sincere respect, love, and compassion for each other, are loyal and disregard each other’s faults, in the measure not of their relations, closeness, kindness, and love in this brief life, but of their continuation in the realm of the hereafter, in everlasting happiness, and their good character increases accordingly. The happiness of true humanity starts to unfold in that home. Since this too is elucidated with proofs in the Risale-i Nur, we cut this short here.

    Towns are also households for their inhabitants. If belief in the hereafter does not govern among the members of that large family vices like malice, self-interest, false pretences, selfishness, artificiality, hypocrisy, bribery, and deception will dominate, displacing sincerity, cordiality, virtue, zeal, self-sacrifice, seeking God’s pleasure and the reward of the hereafter, which are bases of good conduct and morality. Anarchy and savagery will govern under the superficial order and humanity, poisoning the life of the town. The children will become troublemakers, the youth will take to drink, the strong will embark on oppression, and the elderly start to weep.

    By analogy, the country is also a household, and the fatherland, the home of the national family. If belief in the hereafter rules in these broad homes, true respect, earnest compassion, disinterested love, mutual assistance, honest service and social relations, unhypocritical charity, virtue, modest greatness, and excellence will all start to develop.

    It says to the children: “Give up messing around; there is Paradise to be won!”, and teaches them self-control through instruction in the Qur’an.

    It says to the youth: “There is Hell-fire; give up your drunkenness!”, and brings them to their senses.

    It says to the oppressor: “There is severe torment; you will receive a blow!”, and makes them bow to justice.

    It says to the elderly: “Awaiting you is everlasting happiness in the hereafter far greater than all the happiness you have lost here, and immortal youth; try to win them!” It turns their tears into laughter.

    It shows its favourable effects in every group, particular and universal, and illuminates them. The sociologists and moralists, who are concerned with the social life of mankind, should take special note.

    If the rest of the thousands of benefits and advantages of belief in the hereafter are compared with the five or six we have alluded to, it will be understood that it is only belief that is the means of happiness in this world and the next, and in the lives of both.

    Deeming sufficient the powerful replies to the frail doubts concerning bodily resurrection described in the Twenty-Eighth Word of the Risale-i Nur and in others of its treatises, we merely make the following brief indication:

    The most comprehensive mirror of the Divine Names lies in corporeality. The richest and most active centre of the Divine aims in the creation of the universe lies in corporeality. The greatest variety of the multifarious dominical bounties lies in corporeality. The greatest multiplicity of the seeds of the supplications and thanks man offers to his Creator through the tongues of his needs again lies in corporeality. And the greatest diversity of the seeds of the non-physical and spirit worlds also lies in corporeality.

    By analogy with this, since hundreds of universal truths are centred in corporeality, in order to multiply corporeality and make it manifest the above truths on the face of the earth, with awesome activity and speed, the All-Wise Creator clothes the successive caravans of beings in existence and sends them to that exhibition. Then he discharges them and sends others in their place, constantly making the factory of the universe run. Weaving corporeal products, He makes the earth into a seed-bed of the hereafter and Paradise.

    In fact, in order to gratify man’s physical stomach, he listens to and accepts the prayer for immortality his stomach makes through the tongue of disposition, affording it the greatest importance, and in order to answer it, prepares in corporeality incalculable numbers of innumerable sorts and kinds of artistic foods and precious bounties, all affording different pleasures. This demonstrates self-evidently and without doubt that in the hereafter, the most numerous and various of the pleasures of Paradise will be corporeal, and that the bounties of the eternal abode of bliss, which everyone wants and is familiar with, will be corporeal.

    Is it at all possible that the Most Compassionate All-Powerful One, the All- Knowing and Munificent One, Who accepts the prayer offered through the tongue of disposition by the common stomach, and gratifying it with infinitely miraculous physical foods, always replies in fact, intentionally and without chance, would not accept the numerous, general prayers of man —who is the most important result of the universe, the Divine vicegerent on earth, and the Creator’s choice being and worshipper— which he offers through the supreme stomach of humanity for universal, elevated corporeal pleasures in the eternal realm, which he always desires and with which he is familiar and which by nature he wants; that He should not respond in fact with bodily resurrection, and not gratify him eternally? Should He hear the buzz of the fly, and not hear the crashing thunder? Should He equip a common soldier to perfection, and ignore the army, giving it no importance? To do so would be impossible and absurd.

    Yes, in accordance with the explicit statement of the verse:There will be there all that the souls could desire, all that the eyes could delight in,(*[16])man will experience in Paradise in fitting form the physical pleasures with which he is most familiar and samples of which he has tasted in this world. The rewards for the sincere thanks and particular worship each of his members, like the tongue, eye, and ear, offers, will be given through physical pleasures particular to those members. The Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition describes the physical pleasures so explicitly, it is impossible not to accept the apparent meaning, and to make forced interpretations of them.

    The fruits and results of belief in the hereafter, then, show that just as the reality and needs of the stomach, one of the human members, are decisive evidence for the existence of food; so the reality and perfections of man, and his innate needs and desire for eternity, and his abilities and potentialities, which demand the above-mentioned consequences and benefits of belief in the hereafter, are certain evidence for the hereafter and Paradise and eternal physical pleasures, and they testify to their certain existence. Similarly, the reality of the universe’s perfections and its meaningful creational signs, and all its truths connected with the above human truths are evidence for the certain existence of the realm of the hereafter, the resurrection of the dead, and the opening up of Heaven and Hell. This has been proved so brilliantly in the Risale-i Nur, and particularly in the Tenth, Twenty-Eighth (both Stations), and Twenty-Ninth Words, and the Ninth Ray, and the Supplication of the Third Ray, that they leave no room for doubt. Referring readers to them, we cut short this long story here.

    The Qur’anic descriptions of Hell are also so clear and explicit they leave no need for further description. Only, referring to the Risale-i Nur detailed explanation of one or two points which dispel one or two flimsy doubts, we shall set forth a very brief summary.

    First Point: The thought of Hell and the fear it induces does not dispel the pleasures of the above fruits of belief. For boundless Divine mercy says to the fearful man: Come to me! Enter the door of repentance, then the existence of Hell will not frighten you, but make known completely the pleasures of Paradise, and avenge you and all creatures whose rights have been transgressed, and give you enjoyment.

    If you are so submerged in misguidance you cannot extricate yourself, the existence of Hell is still immeasurably better than eternal annihilation, and is also a sort of kindness for the disbelievers. For man, and even animals with young, receive pleasure at the pleasure and happiness of their relatives, offspring, and friends, and in one respect are happy.

    Therefore, O atheist! Because of your misguidance, you will either tumble into non-being at your eternal execution, or you will enter Hell! As for non-existence, which is absolute evil, since it consists of the annihilation together with yourself of all your relatives, forbears and descendants, whom you love and at whose happiness you are to an extent happy, it causes pain to your spirit, heart, and inner nature severer than a thousand Hells. For if there was no Hell, there would be no Paradise. Through your disbelief, everything falls into non-existence.

    If you go to Hell and remain within the sphere of existence, those you love and your relatives will be happy in Paradise, or will be the recipients of compassion in some respects within the spheres of existence. This means you should support the idea of Hell existing. To oppose it is to support non-existence, which is to support the elimination of innumerable friends’ happiness.

    Yes, Hell is an awesome, majestic, existent land which performs the wise and just function of being the place of incarceration of the Glorious Sovereign of the sphere of existence, which is pure good. It performs numerous other functions, besides that of prison, and fulfils many purposes and carries out many duties connected with the eternal realm. It is also the awe-inspiring habitation of many living creatures like the Angels of Hell.

    Second Point: There is no contradiction between the existence and ghastly torments of Hell, and infinite mercy, true justice, and wisdom with its balance and absence of waste. Indeed, mercy, justice, and wisdom require its existence. For to punish a tyrant who tramples the rights of a thousand innocents and to kill a savage animal who tears to pieces a hundred cowed animals, is for the oppressed a thousandfold mercy within justice. While to pardon the tyrant and leave the savage beast free, is for hundreds of wretches a hundredfold pitilessness in place of that single act of misplaced mercy.

    Similarly, among those who will enter Hell is the absolute disbeliever. For through his disbelief and denial he both transgresses the rights of the Divine Names, and through denying the testimony of beings to those Names, he transgresses their rights, and by denying the elevated duties of glorification of creatures before the Divine Names he violates their rights, and through denying their being mirrors to and responding with worship to the manifestation of Divine dominicality, which is the purpose of the universe’s creation and a reason for its existence and continuance, he transgresses their rights in a way. His disbelief is therefore a crime and wrong of such vast proportions it may not be forgiven, and deserves the threat of the verse,God forgives not [the sin of] joining other gods with Him.(*[17])

    Not to cast him into Hell would comprise innumerable instances of mercilessness to innumerable claimants whose rights had been transgressed, in place of a single misplaced act of mercy. Just as those claimants demand the existence of Hell, so do Divine dignity and majesty, and tremendousness and perfection most certainly demand it.

    Yes, if a worthless rebel who assaults the people says to the proud ruler of the place: “You can’t put me in prison!”, affronting his dignity, if there is not a prison in the town, the ruler will have one made just to throw the ill-mannered wretch into it.

    In just the same way, through his disbelief the absolute disbeliever affronts seriously the dignity of Divine glory, and through his denial offends the splendour of His power, and through his aggression disturbs the perfection of His dominicality. Even if there were not many things necessitating the functions of Hell and many reasons for and instances of wisdom in its existence, it is the mark of that dignity and glory to create a Hell for disbelievers such as that, and to cast them into it.

    Moreover, even the nature of disbelief makes known Hell. Yes, just as if the true nature of belief was to be embodied, it could with its pleasures take on the form of a private paradise, and in this respect gives secret news of Paradise;

    so, as is proved with evidences in the Risale-i Nur and is also alluded to in the previous Topics, disbelief, and especially absolute disbelief, and dissembling, and apostasy, are the cause of such dark and awful pains and spiritual torment that if they were to be embodied, they would become a private Hell for the apostate, and in this way tell of the greater Hell in concealed manner. The tiny truths in the seed-bed of this world produce shoots in the hereafter. Thus, this poisonous seed indicates that particular tree of Zaqqum, saying: “I am its origin. For the unfortunate who bears me in his heart, my fruit is a private sample of that Zaqqum-tree.”

    Since disbelief is aggression against innumerable rights, it is certainly an infinite crime and deserves infinite punishment. Human justice considers a sentence of fifteen years imprisonment (nearly eight million minutes) to be justice for a one minute’s murder, and conformable with general rights and interests. Therefore, since one instance of disbelief is the equivalent of a thousand murders, to suffer torments for nearly eight thousand million minutes for one minute’s absolute disbelief, is in conformity with that law of justice. A person who passes a year of his life in disbelief deserves punishment for close on two million million eight hundred eighty thousand million minutes, and manifests the meaning of the verse, They will dwell therein for ever.(*[18])However...

    The All-Wise Qur’an’s miraculous descriptions of Heaven and Hell, and the proofs of their existence in the Risale-i Nur, a Qur’anic commentary which proceeds from the Qur’an, leave no need for others.

    As is shown by numerous verses like,They reflect on the creation of the heavens and earth, saying: “O our Sustainer! Indeed You have not created this in vain; glory be unto You; and protect us from the torment of the Fire!”(*[19])* O our Sustainer! Avert from us the torment of Hell; indeed its torment is a grievous affliction, * And evil it is as a resting-place and abode,(*[20])and indicated by foremost God’s Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and all the prophets and people of reality always repeating in their supplications, “Preserve us from Hell-fire! Deliver us from Hell-fire! Save us from Hell-fire!”, which due to their revelations and illuminations for them was certain, the most momentous question facing mankind is to be saved from Hell. Hell is also a vast, awesome, and supremely important truth of the universe which some of the people of illumination and witnessing and those who investigate the realities have observed, and seeing some of its distillations and shadows, have cried out in terror: “Preserve us from the Fire!”

    Yes, the confrontation and interpenetration of good and evil in the universe, and pain and pleasure, light and darkness, heat and cold, beauty and ugliness, and guidance and misguidance are for a vast instance of wisdom. For if there were no evil, good would not be known. If there were no pain, pleasure would not be understood. Light without darkness would lack all importance. The degrees of heat are realized through cold. Through ugliness, a single instance of beauty becomes a thousand in-stances, and thousands of varying degrees of beauty come into existence. If there were no Hell, many of the pleasures of Paradise would remain concealed. By analogy with these, in one respect everything may be known through its opposite and a single truth produce numerous shoots and become numerous truths.

    Since these intermingled beings pour from this transitory realm into the eternal realm, surely just as things like good, pleasure, light, beauty, and belief are poured into Paradise; so harmful matters like evil, pain, darkness, ugliness, and disbelief flow into Hell, and the floods of this continuously agitated universe are emptied into those two pools. Referring you to the ‘Allusive Points’ at the end of the wondrous Twenty-Ninth Word, we curtail this discussion here.

    My fellow students here in this School of Joseph! The easiest way to be saved from that dreadful, everlasting prison is to profit from our worldly prison, and besides being saved from the many sins we are bound to refrain from, by repenting for our former sins and performing the obligatory worship, to make every hour of our prison life here the equivalent of a day’s worship. This is the best opportunity we may have to be saved from that eternal prison and to win luminous Paradise. If we miss this opportunity, our lives in the hereafter will weep the same as our lives here are weeping, and we shall receive the slap of the verse,He has lost this world and the hereafter.(*[21])

    It was the Feast of Sacrifices while this ‘station’ was being written

    One fifth of mankind, three hundred million people, together declaring: “God is Most Great! God is Most Great! God is Most Great!”; and in relation to its size the globe broadcasting to its fellow planets in the skies the sacred words of God is Most Great!; and the more than twenty thousand pilgrims performing the Hajj, on ‘Arafat and at the Festival, together declaring: “God is Most Great!” are all a response in the form of extensive, universal worship to the universal manifestation of Divine dominicality through God’s sublime titles of Sustainer of the Earth and Sustainer of All The Worlds, and are a sort of echo of the God is Most Great! spoken and commanded one thousand three hundred years ago by God’s Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and his Family and Companions. This I imagined and felt and was certain about.

    Then I wondered if the sacred phrase has any connection with our matter. It suddenly occurred to me that foremost this phrase and many others of these marks of Islam like There is no god but God, All praise be to God!, and Glory be to God!, which bear the title of “enduring good works,” recall particular and universal points about the matter we are discussing, and infer its realization.

    For example, one aspect of the meaning of God is Most Great! is that Divine power and knowledge are greater than everything; nothing at all can quit the bounds of God’s knowledge, nor escape or be saved from the disposals of His power. He is greater than the things we fear most. This means He is greater than bringing about the resurrection of the dead, saving us from non-existence, and bestowing eternal happiness. He is greater than any strange or unimaginable thing, so that, as explicitly stated by the verse, Your creation and your resurrection are but as a single soul,(*[22]) the resurrection of mankind is as easy for His power as the creation of a single soul. It is in connection with this meaning that when faced by serious disasters or important undertakings, everyone says: “God is Most Great! God is Most Great!”, making it a source of consolation, strength, and support for themselves.

    As is shown in the Ninth Word, the above phrase and its two fellows, that is, God is Most Great!, and Glory be to God!, and All praise be to God!, form the seeds and summaries of the ritual prayers —the index of all worship— and in order to corroborate the meaning of the prayers, are repeated in the tesbihat following them. They provide the powerful answers to the questions arising from the wonderment, pleasure, and awe man feels at the strange, beautiful, extraordinary things he sees in the universe, which cause him to offer thanks and to feel awe at their grandeur. Moreover, at the end of the Sixteenth Word, it is described how at the festival a private soldier and a field marshal enter the king’s presence together, whereas at other times the soldier has contact with the field marshal only through his commanding officer.

    Similarly, somewhat resembling the saints, a person making the Hajj begins to know God through His titles of Sustainer of the Earth and Sustainer of All the Worlds. With its repetition, it is again God is Most Great that answers all the feverish bewildered questions that overwhelm his spirit as the levels of grandeur unfold in his heart. Furthermore, at the end of the Thirteenth Flash, it is described how it is again God is Most Great that replies most effectively to Satan’s cunning wiles, cutting them at the root, as well as answering succinctly but powerfully our question about the hereafter.The phrase All praise be to God also reminds us of resurrection.

    It says to us: “I would have no meaning if there was no hereafter. For I say: to God is due all the praise and thanks that have been offered from pre-eternity to post-eternity, whoever they have been offered by and to whom, for the chief of all bounties and the only thing that makes bounty true bounty and saves all conscious creatures from the endless calamities of non-existence, is eternal happiness; it is only eternal happiness that can be equal to that universal meaning of mine.”

    Yes, every day all believers saying at least one hundred and fifty times after the obligatory prayers: All praise be to God! All praise be to God!, as enjoined by the Shari‘a, and its being the expression of praise and thanks which extend from pre- eternity to post-eternity, can only be the advance price and immediate fee for Paradise and eternal happiness. They offer thanks since bounties are not restricted to the fleeting bounties of this world, which are tainted by the pains of transience, and see them as the means to eternal bounties.

    As for the sacred phrase, Glory be to God!; with its meaning of declaring God free of all partner, fault, defect, tyranny, impotence, unkindness, need, and deception, and all faults opposed to His perfection, beauty, and glory, it recalls eternal happiness and the realm of the hereafter and Paradise within it, which are the means to His glory and beauty and the majesty and perfection of His sovereignty; the phrase alludes to them and indicates them. For, as has been proved previously, if there was no eternal happiness, both His sovereignty, and His perfection, glory, beauty, and mercy would be stained by fault and defect.

    Like these three sacred phrases, In the Name of God and There is no god but God and other blessed phrases are all seeds to the pillars of faith. Like the meat essences and sugar concentrates that have been discovered recently, they are summaries of both the pillars of belief, and the truths of the Qur’an. The three mentioned above are both the seeds of the five daily prayers, and they are the seeds of the Qur’an, sparkling like brilliants at the beginning of a number of shining suras. So too are they the true sources and bases of the Risale-i Nur, many of whose inspirations first came while I was reciting the tesbihat following the prayers; they are the seeds of its truths.

    In respect of the sainthood and worship of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), these phrases are the invocations of the Muhammadan (PBUH) way which, following each of the five daily prayers, more than one hundred million believers repeat together in a vast circle of remembrance. Their beads in their hands, they declare Glory be to God! thirty-three times, All praise be to God! thirty-three times, and God is Most Great! thirty-three times.

    You have surely understood now the great value of reciting thirty-three times after the five daily prayers, in such a splendid circle for the remembrance of God, each of those three blessed phrases, which as explained above, are the summaries and seeds of both the Qur’an, and belief, and the prayers.

    You have understood too the great reward they yield. The First Topic at the beginning of this treatise forms an excellent lesson about the obligatory five daily prayers. Then, although I did not think of it, involuntarily the end here became an important lesson about the tesbihat following the prayers.

    Praise be to God for His bounties.

    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(*[23])

    The Ninth Topic

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

    The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Sustainer. As do the men of faith. Each one [of them] believes in God, His angels, His Books, and His Messengers. “We make no distinction [they say] between one and another of His Messengers...” [to the end of the verse](*[24])

    An awesome question and a state of mind arising from the unfolding of a vast Divine bounty were the causes of my explaining a universal, lengthy point about this comprehensive, elevated and sublime verse. It was like this:

    it occurred to my spirit: why does one who denies a part of the truths of belief become a disbeliever, and one who does not accept a part of them cannot be a Muslim? Surely belief in God and the hereafter dispels the darkness like the sun. Also, why does a person who denies one of the pillars and truths of belief become an apostate, falling into disbelief, and by not accepting it, quit Islam? Whereas if he believes in the other pillars of belief, it should save him from absolute disbelief?

    The Answer: Belief is a single truth, which, composed of its six pillars, cannot be divided up. It is a universal that cannot be separated into parts. It is a whole that cannot be broken up. For each of the pillars of belief proves the other pillars with the proofs that prove itself. They are all extremely powerful proofs of each other. In which case, an invalid idea that cannot shake all the pillars together with all their proofs, cannot in reality negate any one of the pillars, or even a single of their truths, and cannot deny them. Under the veil of non-acceptance one might only, by shutting his eyes, commit ‘obstinate unbelief;’ he would by degrees fall into absolute disbelief and lose his humanity, and go to Hell, both physically and mentally.

    In this station then, with God’s grace, we shall explain this supreme matter in six Points in the form of brief summaries, just as in the Fruits Of Belief when proving the resurrection of the dead, the other pillars of belief’s proofs of resurrection were propounded in the form of brief summaries.


    Belief in God proves with its own proofs both the other pillars and belief in the hereafter, as is shown clearly in the Seventh Topic of the Fruits Of Belief. Yes, is it at all possible and can reason accept that a pre-eternal everlasting sovereignty of dominicality, a post-eternal Divine rule, which administers the boundless universe as though it were a palace, a city, or a country; and makes it revolve in balanced and ordered fashion; and changes it with wisdom; and equips and directs all together particles, planets, flies, and stars as though each were a regular army, and continuously drills them within the spheres of command and will in a lofty manoeuvre; and employing them in duties makes them act, and causes them to roam and travel, and to parade worshipfully; —is it at all possible that that eternal, everlasting, enduring rule would not have an eternal seat, a permanent and everlasting place of manifestation; that is, the hereafter? God forbid!

    That means the sovereignty of Almighty God’s dominicality and —as is described in the Seventh Topic— most of His Names and the proofs of His necessary existence, require the hereafter and testify to it. So see and understand what powerful support this pole of belief has, and believe in it as though seeing it!

    Also, just as there could be no belief in God without the hereafter; so —as is explained with brief indications in the Tenth Word— is it at all possible and could reason accept that God, the True Object of Worship, should create the universe, in order to manifest His Godhead and fitness to be worshipped, as an embodied book every page of which expresses a book of meanings and every line of which states a page of meanings, and as an embodied Qur’an all the creational signs and words, and even points and letters of which are miracles, and as a magnificent mosque of His mercy the inside of which is decorated with numberless inscriptions and adornments, and in every corner of which are species of beings each preoccupied with the worship dictated by its nature —is it at all possible He should create it in this way and not send masters to teach the meanings of that vast book, and commentators to expound the verses of that Qur’an, and not appoint prayer-leaders to that huge mosque to lead all those worshipping in their myriad ways, and that He should not give decrees to those masters, commentators, and leaders of worship? God forbid, a hundred thousand times!

    Also, is it at all possible and could reason accept that the Most Compassionate and Munificent Maker, Who in order to display to conscious beings the beauty of His mercy and the goodness of His compassion and the perfection of His dominicality, and in order to encourage them to praise and thank Him, creates the universe as a banqueting hall, exhibition, and place of excursion in which are displayed infinite varieties of delicious bounties and priceless, wondrous arts, is it at all possible that He should not speak with those conscious beings at the banquet and not inform them by means of envoys of their duties of thanks for the bounties, and their duties of worship in the face of the manifestations of His mercy and His making Himself loved? God forbid, a hundred thousand times!

    Also, is it at all possible that although the Maker loves His art and wants others to love it, and as is shown by His having taken into account the thousand pleasures of the mouth, wants it to be met with appreciation and approval, and has adorned the universe with priceless arts in a way that shows He wants through all His arts both to make Himself known, and loved, and to display a sort of His transcendent beauty, is it at all possible that He should not speak to men, the commanders of living beings in the universe, through some of the most eminent of them, and send them as envoys, and that His fine arts should not be appreciated and the exquisite beauty of His Names not be valued, and His making Himself known and loved be unreciprocated? God forbid, a hundred thousand times!

    Also, is it at all possible or reasonable that the All-Knowing Speaker Who answers clearly by act and deed through His infinite bounties and gifts, which indicate intention, choice, and will, at exactly the right time, all the supplications of living beings for their natural needs, and their desires and recourse through the tongue of disposition, that He should speak by deed and by state with the most insignificant living creature and remedy its woes and heed its troubles with His bounties, and know its needs and meet them, then not meet with the spiritual leaders of men, who are the choicest result of the universe, vicegerents of the earth, and the commanders of most of the creatures on the earth? Although He speaks with them and with all living beings, should He not speak with men verbally and send them scriptures, books, and decrees? God forbid, innumerable times!

    That is to say, with its certainty and innumerable proofs, belief in God proves belief in the prophets and sacred scriptures.

    Also, is it at all possible or reasonable that in response to the One Who makes Himself known and loved through all His creatures and seeks thanks by deed and state, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) should have known and made known, loved and made loved that Glorious Artist through the Qur’anic reality, which brings the the universe to tumult, and with his declarations of “Glory be to God!” “All praise be to God!” and “God is Most Great!” should have caused the globe to ring out so that it could be heard by the heavens, and have brought the land and seas to ecstasy; and that in one thousand three hundred years he should have taken behind him numerically a fifth of mankind and qualitatively a half of it, and responded with extensive, universal worship to all the manifestations of the Creator’s dominicality; that in the face of all the Divine purposes he should have called out with the Qur’an’s suras to the universe and the centuries, and taught them and proclaimed them; that he should have demonstrated the honour, value, and duties of man; and that he should have been confirmed through his thousand miracles — and that he should not have been the most choice creature, the most excellent of envoys, and the greatest prophet? Is this at all possible? God forbid! A hundred thousand times, God forbid!

    That is to say, with all its proofs, the truth of “I testify that there is no god but God” proves the truth of “I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

    Also, is it at all possible that the universe’s Maker should cause creatures to speak with one another in myriad tongues, and that He should listen to their speech, and know it, and Himself not speak? God forbid!

    Also, is it at all reasonable that He should not proclaim through a decree the Divine purposes in the universe? That He should not send a book like the Qur’an which will solve its riddles and provide the true answers to the three awesome universally-asked questions: “Where do they come from?”, “Where are they going?”, and “Why do they follow on caravan after caravan, stop by for a while, then pass on?” God forbid!

    Also, is it at all possible that the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which has illuminated thirteen centuries; every hour is uttered with complete veneration by a hundred million tongues; is inscribed through its sacredness in the hearts of millions of hafizes; in effect governs through its laws the greater part of mankind and trains, purifies, and instructs their souls, spirits, hearts, and minds; and forty aspects of whose miraculousness is proved in the Risale-i Nur and explained in the wondrous Nineteenth Letter, which demonstrates an aspect of its miraculousness towards each of forty classes of men, and as one of the thousand miracles of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) is proved decisively to be the true Word of God; —is it at all possible that it should not be the word and decree of the Pre-Eternal Speaker and Eternal Maker? God forbid! A hundred thousand times, God forbid!

    That is to say, with all its proofs, belief in God proves that the Qur’an is the Word of God.

    Also, is it all possible that the Glorious Monarch Who continuously fills and empties the earth with living beings and inhabits this world of ours with conscious creatures in order to make Himself known and worshipped and glorified, should leave the heavens and earth empty and vacant, and not create inhabitants suitable to them and settle them in those lofty palaces, that in His most extensive lands he should leave the sovereignty of His dominicality without servants, functionaries, envoys, and majesty; without lieutenants, supervisors, spectators, worshippers, and subjects? God forbid! To the numbers of the angels, God forbid!

    Also, is it at all possible that the All-Wise Ruler, the All-Knowing and Compassionate One, should write the universe in the form of a book; inscribe the entire life-stories of trees in all their seeds, and write in the seeds of grasses and plants all their vital duties, and record precisely the lives of conscious beings in their memories, as tiny as mustard seeds, and preserve with innumerable photographs all the actions and events in all His dominions and all the eras of His sovereignty, and create mighty Heaven and Hell and the supreme scales of justice for the manifestation and realization of justice, wisdom and mercy, the basis of His dominicality, then not have written down the acts of men connected with the universe, nor have their deeds recorded so they may meet with reward or punishment, nor write their good and bad deeds on the tablets of Divine Determining? God forbid! To the number of letters inscribed on them.

    That is to say, with its proofs, the truth of belief in God proves the truth of both belief in the angels, and belief in Divine Determining. The pillars of belief prove each other as clearly as the sun shows the daylight, and daylight shows the sun.


    All the teachings and claims of foremost the Qur’an, and all the revealed books and scriptures, and foremost Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), and all the prophets, are based on five or six points. They have continually striven to teach and prove those basic teachings. All the proofs and evidences which testify to their messengership and truthfulness look to those bases, corroborating their veracity. And those fundamentals are belief in God and belief in the hereafter and in the other pillars of belief.

    That is to say, it is not possible to separate the six pillars of belief. Each proves all of them, and requires them, and necessitates them. The six are a whole, a universal, which cannot be broken in parts and whose division is outside the bounds of possibility. Like the Tuba-tree whose roots are in the heavens, each branch, fruit and leaf of that mighty tree relies on its universal, inexhaustible life. A person unable to deny that powerful life which is as clear as the sun, cannot deny the life of a single of its leaves, attached to it. If he does deny it, the tree will refute him to the number of its branches, fruits, and leaves, and silence him. Belief, with its six pillars, is similar to this.

    At the beginning of this ‘Station,’ I intended to expound the six pillars of belief in thirty-six points, as six ‘Points,’ each with five sub-sections. I also intended to reply to and explain the awesome question at the beginning. But certain unforeseen circumstances did not permit this. I reckon, the first Point being sufficient, for the intelligent no need remained for further explanation. It was understood perfectly that if a Muslim denies one of the pillars of belief, he falls into absolute disbelief.

    For in the face of the summary explanations of other religions, Islam expounds and elucidates them completely, and the pillars of belief are bound together. A Muslim who does not recognize Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) and does not assent to him, will also not recognize God, or His attributes, and will not know the hereafter. A Muslim’s belief is based on such powerful, unshakeable and innumerable proofs that there is no excuse for denial; they quite simply compel the reason to accept them.


    One time, I said “All praise be to God!,” and searched for a bounty that would be equal to its infinitely broad meaning. Suddenly, the following sentence occurred to me:

    “All praise be to God for belief in God, and for His unity, and necessary existence, and attributes, and Names, to the number of the manifestations of His Names from pre-eternity to post-eternity.”

    I looked and saw it was completely appropriate. As follows....

    The Tenth Topic A Flower of Emirdag

    [An extremely powerful reply to objections raised against repetition in the Qur’an.]

    My Dear, Loyal Brothers!

    Due to my wretched situation, this Topic is confused and graceless. But I knew definitely that beneath the confused wording was a most valuable sort of miraculousness, though unfortunately I was incapable of expressing it. But however dull the wording, since it concerns the Qur’an, it is both worship in the form of reflection, and the shell of a sacred, elevated, shining jewel. The diamond in the hand should be looked at, not its torn clothes. Also, I wrote it in one or two days during Ramadan while extremely ill, wretched, and without food, of necessity very concisely and briefly, and including many truths and numerous proofs in a single sentence. Its deficiencies, then, should be overlooked!(*[25])

    Hem bunu gayet hasta ve perişan ve gıdasız, bir iki gün ramazanda, mecburiyetle gayet mücmel ve kısa ve bir cümlede pek çok hakikatleri ve müteaddid hüccetleri dercederek yazdım. Kusura bakılmasın. (*[26])

    Aziz, sıddık kardeşlerim!

    Ramazan-ı şerifte Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ı okurken Risale-i Nur’a işaretleri Birinci Şuâ’da beyan olunan otuz üç âyetten hangisi gelse bakıyordum ki o âyetin sahifesi ve yaprağı ve kıssası dahi Risale-i Nur’a ve şakirdlerine kıssadan hisse almak noktasında bir derece bakıyor. Hususan Sure-i Nur’dan Âyetü’n-Nur, on parmakla Risale-i Nur’a baktığı gibi arkasındaki Âyet-i Zulümat dahi muarızlarına tam bakıyor ve ziyade hisse veriyor. Âdeta o makam, cüz’iyetten çıkıp külliyet kesbeder ve bu asırda o küllînin tam bir ferdi Risale-i Nur ve şakirdleridir diye hissettim.

    Evet, Kur’an’ın hitabı, evvela Mütekellim-i Ezelî’nin rububiyet-i âmmesinin geniş makamından hem nev-i beşer, belki kâinat namına muhatap olan zatın geniş makamından hem umum nev-i benî-Âdem’in bütün asırlarda irşadlarının gayet vüs’atli makamından hem dünya ve âhiretin ve arz ve semavatın ve ezel ve ebedin ve Hâlık-ı kâinat’ın rububiyetine ve bütün mahlukatın tedbirine dair kavanin-i İlahiyenin gayet yüksek ve ihatalı beyanatının geniş makamından aldığı vüs’at ve ulviyet ve ihata cihetiyle o hitap, öyle bir yüksek i’caz ve şümul gösterir ki ders-i Kur’an’ın muhataplarından en kesretli taife olan tabaka-i avamın basit fehimlerini okşayan zâhirî ve basit mertebesi dahi en ulvi tabakayı da tam hissedar eder.

    Güya kıssadan yalnız bir hisse ve bir hikâye-i tarihiyeden bir ibret değil belki bir küllî düsturun efradı olarak her asra ve her tabakaya hitap ederek taze nâzil oluyor ve bilhassa çok tekrarla اَلظَّالِمٖينَ ، اَلظَّالِمٖينَ deyip tehditleri ve zulümlerinin cezası olan musibet-i semaviye ve arziyeyi şiddetle beyanı, bu asrın emsalsiz zulümlerine kavm-i Âd ve Semud ve Firavun’un başlarına gelen azaplar ile baktırıyor ve mazlum ehl-i imana İbrahim (as) ve Musa (as) gibi enbiyanın necatlarıyla teselli veriyor.

    Evet, nazar-ı gaflet ve dalalette, vahşetli ve dehşetli bir ademistan ve elîm ve mahvolmuş bir mezaristan olan bütün geçmiş zaman ve ölmüş karnlar ve asırlar; canlı birer sahife-i ibret ve baştan başa ruhlu, hayattar bir acib âlem ve mevcud ve bizimle münasebettar bir memleket-i Rabbaniye suretinde sinema perdeleri gibi kâh bizi o zamanlara kâh o zamanları yanımıza getirerek her asra ve her tabakaya gösterip yüksek bir i’caz ile ders veren Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan, aynı i’cazla nazar-ı dalalette camid, perişan, ölü, hadsiz bir vahşetgâh olan ve firak ve zevalde yuvarlanan bu kâinatı bir kitab-ı Samedanî, bir şehr-i Rahmanî, bir meşher-i sun’-u Rabbanî olarak o camidatı canlandırarak, birer vazifedar suretinde birbiriyle konuşturup ve birbirinin imdadına koşturup nev-i beşere ve cin ve meleğe hakiki ve nurlu ve zevkli hikmet dersleri veren bu Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan, elbette her harfinde on ve yüz ve bazen bin ve binler sevap bulunması ve bütün cin ve ins toplansa onun mislini getirememesi ve bütün benî-Âdem’le ve kâinatla tam yerinde konuşması ve her zaman milyonlar hâfızların kalplerinde zevkle yazılması ve çok tekrarla ve kesretli tekraratıyla usandırmaması ve çok iltibas yerleri ve cümleleriyle beraber çocukların nazik ve basit kafalarında mükemmel yerleşmesi ve hastaların ve az sözden müteessir olan ve sekeratta olanların kulağında mâ-i zemzem misillü hoş gelmesi gibi kudsî imtiyazları kazanır ve iki cihanın saadetlerini kendi şakirdlerine kazandırır.

    Ve tercümanının ümmiyet mertebesini tam riayet etmek sırrıyla hiçbir tekellüf ve hiçbir tasannu ve hiçbir gösterişe meydan vermeden selaset-i fıtriyesini ve doğrudan doğruya semadan gelmesini ve en kesretli olan tabaka-i avamın basit fehimlerini tenezzülat-ı kelâmiye ile okşamak hikmetiyle en ziyade sema ve arz gibi en zâhir ve bedihî sahifeleri açıp o âdiyat altındaki hârikulâde mu’cizat-ı kudretini ve manidar sutûr-u hikmetini ders vermekle lütf-u irşadda güzel bir i’caz gösterir.

    Tekrarı iktiza eden dua ve davet ve zikir ve tevhid kitabı dahi olduğunu bildirmek sırrıyla güzel, tatlı tekraratıyla bir tek cümlede ve bir tek kıssada ayrı ayrı çok manaları, ayrı ayrı muhatap tabakalarına tefhim etmekte ve cüz’î ve âdi bir hâdisede en cüz’î ve ehemmiyetsiz şeyler dahi nazar-ı merhametinde ve daire-i tedbir ve iradesinde bulunmasını bildirmek sırrıyla tesis-i İslâmiyette ve tedvin-i şeriatta sahabelerin cüz’î hâdiselerini dahi nazar-ı ehemmiyete almasında hem küllî düsturların bulunması hem umumî olan İslâmiyet’in ve şeriatın tesisinde o cüz’î hâdiseler, çekirdekler hükmünde çok ehemmiyetli meyveleri verdikleri cihetinde de bir nev-i i’cazını gösterir.

    Evet, ihtiyacın tekerrürüyle, tekrarın lüzumu haysiyetiyle yirmi sene zarfında pek çok mükerrer suallere cevap olarak ayrı ayrı çok tabakalara ders veren ve koca kâinatı parça parça edip kıyamette şeklini değiştirerek dünyayı kaldırıp onun yerine azametli âhireti kuracak ve zerrattan yıldızlara kadar bütün cüz’iyat ve külliyatı, tek bir zatın elinde ve tasarrufunda bulunduğunu ispat edecek ve kâinatı ve arz ve semavatı ve anâsırı kızdıran ve hiddete getiren nev-i beşerin zulümlerine, kâinatın netice-i hilkati hesabına gazab-ı İlahî ve hiddet-i Rabbaniyeyi gösterecek hadsiz hârika ve nihayetsiz dehşetli ve geniş bir inkılabın tesisinde binler netice kuvvetinde bazı cümleleri ve hadsiz delillerin neticesi olan bir kısım âyetleri tekrar etmek; değil bir kusur, belki gayet kuvvetli bir i’caz ve gayet yüksek bir belâgat ve mukteza-yı hale gayet mutabık bir cezalettir ve fesahattir.

    Mesela, bir tek âyet iken yüz on dört defa tekerrür eden بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ cümlesi, Risale-i Nur’un On Dördüncü Lem’a’sında beyan edildiği gibi arşı ferşle bağlayan ve kâinatı ışıklandıran ve her dakika herkes ona muhtaç olan öyle bir hakikattir ki milyonlar defa tekrar edilse yine ihtiyaç var. Değil yalnız ekmek gibi her gün, belki hava ve ziya gibi her dakika ona ihtiyaç ve iştiyak vardır.

    Hem mesela, Sure-i طٰسٓمٓ de sekiz defa tekrar edilen şu اِنَّ رَبَّكَ لَهُوَ ال۟عَزٖيزُ الرَّحٖيمُ âyeti, o surede hikâye edilen peygamberlerin necatlarını ve kavimlerinin azaplarını, kâinatın netice-i hilkati hesabına ve rububiyet-i âmmenin namına o binler hakikat kuvvetinde olan âyeti tekrar ederek, izzet-i Rabbaniye o zalim kavimlerin azabını ve rahîmiyet-i İlahiye dahi enbiyanın necatlarını iktiza ettiğini ders vermek için binler defa tekrar olsa yine ihtiyaç ve iştiyak var ve i’cazlı, îcazlı bir ulvi belâgattır.

    Hem mesela, Sure-i Rahman’da tekrar edilen فَبِاَىِّ اٰلَٓاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ âyeti ile Sure-i Mürselât’ta وَي۟لٌ يَو۟مَئِذٍ لِل۟مُكَذِّبٖينَ âyeti, cin ve nev-i beşerin, kâinatı kızdıran ve arz ve semavatı hiddete getiren ve hilkat-i âlemin neticelerini bozan ve haşmet-i saltanat-ı İlahiyeye karşı inkâr ve istihfafla mukabele eden küfür ve küfranlarını ve zulümlerini ve bütün mahlukatın hukuklarına tecavüzlerini, asırlara ve arz ve semavata tehditkârane haykıran bu iki âyet, böyle binler hakikatlerle alâkadar ve binler mesele kuvvetinde olan bir ders-i umumîde binler defa tekrar edilse yine lüzum var ve celalli bir i’caz ve cemalli bir îcaz-ı belâgattır.

    Hem mesela, Kur’an’ın hakiki ve tam bir nevi münâcatı ve Kur’an’dan çıkan bir çeşit hülâsası olan Cevşenü’l-Kebir namındaki münâcat-ı Peygamberîde yüz defa سُب۟حَانَكَ يَا لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اَن۟تَ ال۟اَمَانُ ال۟اَمَانُ خَلِّص۟نَا وَ اَجِر۟نَا وَ نَجِّنَا مِنَ النَّارِ cümlesi tekrarında tevhid gibi kâinatça en büyük hakikat ve tesbih ve takdis gibi mahlukatın rububiyete karşı üç muazzam vazifesinden en ehemmiyetli vazifesi ve şakavet-i ebediyeden kurtulmak gibi nev-i insanın en dehşetli meselesi ve ubudiyet ve acz-i beşerînin en lüzumlu neticesi bulunması cihetiyle binler defa tekrar edilse yine azdır.

    İşte –namaz tesbihatı gibi ibadetlerden bir kısmının tekrarı sünnet bulunan maddeler gibi– tekrarat-ı Kur’aniye, bu gibi metin esaslara bakıyor. Hattâ bazen bir sahifede iktiza-yı makam ve ihtiyac-ı ifham ve belâgat-ı beyan cihetiyle yirmi defa sarîhan ve zımnen tevhid hakikatini ifade eder. Değil usanç, belki kuvvet ve şevk ve halâvet verir. Risale-i Nur’da, tekrarat-ı Kur’aniye ne kadar yerinde ve münasip ve belâgatça makbul olduğu hüccetleriyle beyan edilmiş.

    Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın Mekkiye sureleriyle Medeniye sureleri belâgat noktasında ve i’caz cihetinde ve tafsil ve icmal vechinde birbirinden ayrı olmasının sırr-ı hikmeti şudur ki:

    Mekke’de birinci safta muhatap ve muarızları, Kureyş müşrikleri ve ümmileri olduğundan belâgatça kuvvetli bir üslub-u âlî ve îcazlı, mukni, kanaat verici bir icmal ve tesbit için tekrar lâzım geldiğinden ekseriyetçe Mekkî sureleri erkân-ı imaniyeyi ve tevhidin mertebelerini gayet kuvvetli ve yüksek ve i’cazlı bir îcaz ile ifade ve tekrar ederek mebde ve meâdi, Allah’ı ve âhireti, değil yalnız bir sahifede, bir âyette, bir cümlede, bir kelimede belki bazen bir harfte ve takdim-tehir, tarif-tenkir ve hazf-zikir gibi heyetlerde öyle kuvvetli ispat eder ki ilm-i belâgatın dâhî imamları hayretle karşılamışlar.

    Risale-i Nur ve bilhassa Kur’an’ın kırk vech-i i’cazını icmalen ispat eden Yirmi Beşinci Söz, zeylleriyle beraber ve nazımdaki vech-i i’cazı hârika bir tarzda beyan ve ispat eden Arabî Risale-i Nur’dan İşaratü’l-İ’caz tefsiri bilfiil göstermişler ki Mekkî sure ve âyetlerde en âlî bir üslub-u belâgat ve en yüksek bir i’caz-ı îcazî vardır.

    Amma Medine sure ve âyetlerinin birinci safta muhatap ve muarızları ise Allah’ı tasdik eden Yahudi ve Nasâra gibi ehl-i kitap olduğundan mukteza-yı belâgat ve irşad ve mutabık-ı makam ve halin lüzumundan, sade ve vâzıh ve tafsilli bir üslupla ehl-i kitaba karşı dinin yüksek usûlünü ve imanın rükünlerini değil belki medar-ı ihtilaf olan şeriatın ve ahkâmın ve teferruatın ve küllî kanunların menşeleri ve sebepleri olan cüz’iyatın beyanı lâzım geldiğinden, o sure ve âyetlerde ekseriyetçe tafsil ve izah ve sade üslupla beyanat içinde Kur’an’a mahsus emsalsiz bir tarz-ı beyanla, birden o cüz’î teferruat hâdisesi içinde yüksek, kuvvetli bir fezleke, bir hâtime, bir hüccet ve o cüz’î hâdise-i şer’iyeyi küllîleştiren ve imtisalini iman-ı billah ile temin eden bir cümle-i tevhidiye ve esmaiye ve uhreviyeyi zikreder. O makamı nurlandırır, ulvileştirir, küllîleştirir.

    Risale-i Nur, âyetlerin âhirlerinde ekseriyetle gelen اِنَّ اللّٰهَ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَى۟ءٍ قَدٖيرٌ ۝ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ بِكُلِّ شَى۟ءٍ عَلٖيمٌ ۝ وَهُوَ ال۟عَزٖيزُ الرَّحٖيمُ ۝ وَهُوَ ال۟عَزٖيزُ ال۟حَكٖيمُ gibi tevhidi veya âhireti ifade eden fezlekeler ve hâtimelerde ne kadar yüksek bir belâgat ve meziyetler ve cezaletler ve nükteler bulunduğunu Yirmi Beşinci Söz’ün İkinci Şule’sinin İkinci Nur’unda o fezleke ve hâtimelerin pek çok nüktelerinden ve meziyetlerinden on tanesini beyan ederek o hülâsalarda bir mu’cize-i kübra bulunduğunu muannidlere de ispat etmiş.

    Evet Kur’an, o teferruat-ı şer’iye ve kavanin-i içtimaiyenin beyanı içinde birden muhatabın nazarını en yüksek ve küllî noktalara kaldırıp, sade üslubu bir ulvi üsluba ve şeriat dersinden tevhid dersine çevirerek Kur’an’ı hem bir kitab-ı şeriat ve ahkâm ve hikmet hem bir kitab-ı akide ve iman ve zikir ve fikir ve dua ve davet olduğunu gösterip her makamda çok makasıd-ı irşadiye ve Kur’aniyeyi ders vermesiyle Mekkiye âyetlerin tarz-ı belâgatlarından ayrı ve parlak, mu’cizane bir cezalet izhar eder.

    Bazen iki kelimede mesela رَبُّ ال۟عَالَمٖينَ ve رَبُّكَ de رَبُّكَ tabiriyle ehadiyeti ve رَبُّ ال۟عَالَمٖينَ ile vâhidiyeti bildirir. Ehadiyet içinde vâhidiyeti ifade eder. Hattâ bir cümlede, bir zerreyi bir göz bebeğinde gördüğü ve yerleştirdiği gibi güneşi dahi aynı âyetle, aynı çekiçle göğün göz bebeğinde yerleştirir ve göğe bir göz yapar.

    Mesela خَلَقَ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَ ال۟اَر۟ضَ âyetinden sonra يُولِجُ الَّي۟لَ فِى النَّهَارِ وَ يُولِجُ النَّهَارَ فِى الَّي۟لِ âyetinin akabinde وَ هُوَ عَلٖيمٌ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُورِ der. “Zemin ve göklerin haşmet-i hilkatinde kalbin dahi hatıratını bilir, idare eder.” der, tarzında bir beyanat cihetiyle o sade ve ümmiyet mertebesini ve avamın fehmini nazara alan o basit ve cüz’î muhavere, o tarz ile ulvi ve cazibedar ve umumî ve irşadkâr bir mükâlemeye döner.

    Ehemmiyetli Bir Sual: Bazen bir hakikat, sathî nazarlara görünmediğinden ve bazı makamlarda cüz’î ve âdi bir hâdiseden yüksek bir fezleke-i tevhidi veya küllî bir düsturu beyan etmekte münasebet bilinmediğinden bir kusur tevehhüm edilir. Mesela “Hazret-i Yusuf aleyhisselâm, kardeşini bir hile ile alması” içinde وَفَو۟قَ كُلِّ ذٖى عِل۟مٍ عَلٖيمٌ diye gayet yüksek bir düsturun zikri, belâgatça münasebeti görünmüyor. Bunun sırrı ve hikmeti nedir?

    Elcevap: Her biri birer küçük Kur’an olan ekser uzun sure ve mutavassıtlarda ve çok sahife ve makamlarda yalnız iki üç maksat değil belki Kur’an mahiyeti hem bir kitab-ı zikir ve iman ve fikir hem bir kitab-ı şeriat ve hikmet ve irşad gibi çok kitapları ve ayrı ayrı dersleri tazammun ederek rububiyet-i İlahiyenin her şeye ihatasını ve haşmetli tecelliyatını ifade etmek cihetiyle, kâinat kitab-ı kebirinin bir nevi kıraatı olan Kur’an, elbette her makamda, hattâ bazen bir sahifede çok maksatları takiben marifetullahtan ve tevhidin mertebelerinden ve iman hakikatlerinden ders verdiği haysiyetiyle, öbür makamda mesela, zâhirce zayıf bir münasebetle başka bir ders açar ve o zayıf münasebete çok kuvvetli münasebetler iltihak ederler. O makama gayet mutabık olur, mertebe-i belâgatı yükseklenir.

    İkinci Bir Sual: Kur’an’da sarîhan ve zımnen ve işareten, âhiret ve tevhidi ve beşerin mükâfat ve mücazatını binler defa ispat edip nazara vermenin ve her surede her sahifede her makamda ders vermenin hikmeti nedir?

    Elcevap: Daire-i imkânda ve kâinatın sergüzeştine ait inkılablarda ve emanet-i kübrayı ve hilafet-i arziyeyi omuzuna alan nev-i beşerin şakavet ve saadet-i ebediyeye medar olan vazifesine dair en ehemmiyetli en büyük en dehşetli meselelerinden en azametlilerini ders vermek ve hadsiz şüpheleri izale etmek ve gayet şiddetli inkârları ve inatları kırmak cihetinde elbette o dehşetli inkılabları tasdik ettirmek ve o inkılablar azametinde büyük ve beşere en elzem ve en zarurî meseleleri teslim ettirmek için Kur’an, binler defa değil belki milyonlar defa onlara baktırsa yine israf değil ki milyonlar kere tekrar ile o bahisler Kur’an’da okunur, usanç vermez, ihtiyaç kesilmez.

    Mesela اِنَّ الَّذٖينَ اٰمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَهُم۟ جَنَّاتٌ تَج۟رٖى مِن۟ تَح۟تِهَا ال۟اَن۟هَارُ ۝ ... خَالِدٖينَ فٖيهَٓا اَبَدًا âyetinin gösterdiği müjde-i saadet-i ebediye hakikati, bîçare beşere her dakika kendini gösteren hakikat-i mevtin hem insanı hem dünyasını hem bütün ahbabını idam-ı ebedîsinden kurtarıp ebedî bir saltanatı kazandırdığından, milyarlar defa tekrar edilse ve kâinat kadar ehemmiyet verilse yine israf olmaz, kıymetten düşmez.

    İşte bu çeşit hadsiz kıymettar meseleleri ders veren ve kâinatı bir hane gibi değiştiren ve şeklini bozan dehşetli inkılabları tesis etmekte iknaya ve inandırmaya ve ispata çalışan Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan elbette sarîhan ve zımnen ve işareten binler defa o meselelere nazar-ı dikkati celbetmek; değil israf belki ekmek, ilaç, hava, ziya gibi birer hâcet-i zaruriye hükmünde ihsanını tazelendirir.

    Hem mesela اِنَّ ال۟كَافِرٖينَ فٖى نَارِ جَهَنَّمَ ve اَلظَّالِمٖينَ لَهُم۟ عَذَابٌ اَلٖيمٌ gibi tehdit âyetlerini Kur’an gayet şiddetle ve hiddetle ve gayet kuvvet ve tekrarla zikretmesinin hikmeti ise –Risale-i Nur’da kat’î ispat edildiği gibi– beşerin küfrü, kâinatın ve ekser mahlukatın hukukuna öyle bir tecavüzdür ki semavatı ve arzı kızdırıyor ve anâsırı hiddete getirip tufanlar ile o zalimleri tokatlıyor. Ve اِذَٓا اُل۟قُوا فٖيهَا سَمِعُوا لَهَا شَهٖيقًا وَهِىَ تَفُورُ ۝ تَكَادُ تَمَيَّزُ مِنَ ال۟غَي۟ظِ âyetinin sarahatiyle o zalim münkirlere cehennem, öyle öfkeleniyor ki hiddetinden parçalanmak derecesine geliyor.

    İşte böyle bir cinayet-i âmmeye ve hadsiz bir tecavüze karşı beşerin küçüklük ve ehemmiyetsizliği noktasına değil belki zalimane cinayetinin azametine ve kâfirane tecavüzünün dehşetine karşı Sultan-ı Kâinat, kendi raiyetinin hukuklarının ehemmiyetini ve o münkirlerin küfür ve zulmündeki nihayetsiz çirkinliğini göstermek hikmetiyle fermanında gayet hiddet ve şiddetle o cinayeti ve cezasını değil bin defa, belki milyonlar ve milyarlar ile tekrar etse yine israf ve kusur değil ki bin seneden beri yüzer milyon insanlar her gün usanmadan kemal-i iştiyakla ve ihtiyaçla okurlar.

    Evet, her gün her zaman, herkes için bir âlem gider, taze bir âlemin kapısı kendine açılmasından, o geçici her bir âlemini nurlandırmak için ihtiyaç ve iştiyakla لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ cümlesini binler defa tekrar ile o değişen perdelere ve âlemlere her birisine bir لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ ı lamba yaptığı gibi öyle de o kesretli, geçici perdeleri ve tazelenen seyyar kâinatları karanlıklandırmamak ve âyine-i hayatında in’ikas eden suretlerini çirkinleştirmemek ve lehinde şahit olabilen o misafir vaziyetleri aleyhine çevirmemek için o cinayetlerin cezalarını ve Padişah-ı Ezelî’nin şiddetli ve inatları kıran tehditlerini, her vakit Kur’an’ı okumakla tahattur edip nefsin tuğyanından kurtulmaya çalışmak hikmetiyle Kur’an, gayet mu’cizane tekrar eder ve bu derece kuvvet ve şiddet ve tekrarla tehdidat-ı Kur’aniyeyi hakikatsiz tevehhüm etmekten şeytan bile kaçar. Ve onları dinlemeyen münkirlere cehennem azabı ayn-ı adalettir, diye gösterir.

    Hem mesela, asâ-yı Musa gibi çok hikmetleri ve faydaları bulunan kıssa-i Musa’nın (as) ve sair enbiyanın kıssalarını çok tekrarında, risalet-i Ahmediyenin hakkaniyetine bütün enbiyanın nübüvvetlerini hüccet gösterip onların umumunu inkâr edemeyen, bu zatın risaletini hakikat noktasında inkâr edemez hikmetiyle ve herkes, her vakit bütün Kur’an’ı okumaya muktedir ve muvaffak olamadığından her bir uzun ve mutavassıt sureyi birer küçük Kur’an hükmüne getirmek için ehemmiyetli erkân-ı imaniye gibi o kıssaları tekrar etmesi; değil israf belki mu’cizane bir belâgattır ve hâdise-i Muhammediye bütün benî-Âdem’in en büyük hâdisesi ve kâinatın en azametli meselesi olduğunu ders vermektir.

    Evet, Kur’an’da Zat-ı Ahmediye’ye en büyük makam vermek ve dört erkân-ı imaniyeyi içine almakla لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ rüknüne denk tutulan مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللّٰهِ ve risalet-i Muhammediye kâinatın en büyük hakikati ve Zat-ı Ahmediye, bütün mahlukatın en eşrefi ve hakikat-i Muhammediye tabir edilen küllî şahsiyet-i maneviyesi ve makam-ı kudsîsi, iki cihanın en parlak bir güneşi olduğuna ve bu hârika makama liyakatine pek çok hüccetleri ve emareleri, kat’î bir surette Risale-i Nur’da ispat edilmiş. Binden birisi şudur ki:

    اَلسَّبَبُ كَال۟فَاعِلِ düsturuyla, bütün ümmetinin bütün zamanlarda işlediği hasenatın bir misli onun defter-i hasenatına girmesi ve bütün kâinatın hakikatlerini, getirdiği nur ile nurlandırması, değil yalnız cin, ins, melek ve zîhayatı, belki kâinatı, semavat ve arzı minnettar eylemesi ve istidat lisanıyla nebatatın duaları ve ihtiyac-ı fıtrî diliyle hayvanatın duaları, gözümüz önünde bilfiil kabul olmasının şehadetiyle milyonlar, belki milyarlar fıtrî ve reddedilmez duaları makbul olan suleha-yı ümmeti her gün o zata salât ü selâm unvanıyla rahmet duaları ve manevî kazançlarını en evvel o zata bağışlamaları ve bütün ümmetçe okunan Kur’an’ın üç yüz bin harfinin her birisinde on sevaptan tâ yüz, tâ bin hasene ve meyve vermesinden yalnız kıraat-ı Kur’an cihetiyle defter-i a’maline hadsiz nurlar girmesi haysiyetiyle o zatın şahsiyet-i maneviyesi olan hakikat-i Muhammediye, istikbalde bir şecere-i tûba-i cennet hükmünde olacağını Allâmü’l-guyub bilmiş ve görmüş, o makama göre Kur’an’ında o azîm ehemmiyeti vermiş ve fermanında ona tebaiyetle ve sünnetine ittiba ile şefaatine mazhariyeti en ehemmiyetli bir mesele-i insaniye göstermiş ve o haşmetli şecere-i tûbanın bir çekirdeği olan şahsiyet-i beşeriyetini ve bidayetteki vaziyet-i insaniyesini ara sıra nazara almasıdır.

    İşte Kur’an’ın tekrar edilen hakikatleri bu kıymette olduğundan tekraratında kuvvetli ve geniş bir mu’cize-i maneviye bulunmasına fıtrat-ı selime şehadet eder. Meğer maddiyyunluk taunuyla maraz-ı kalbe ve vicdan hastalığına müptela ola.

    قَد۟ يُن۟كِرُ ال۟مَر۟ءُ ضَو۟ءَ الشَّم۟سِ مِن۟ رَمَدٍ وَ يُن۟كِرُ ال۟فَمُ طَع۟مَ ال۟مَاءِ مِن۟ سَقَمٍ kaidesine dâhil olur.


    Birincisi: Bundan (*[27]) on iki sene evvel işittim ki en dehşetli ve muannid bir zındık, Kur’an’a karşı suikastını tercümesiyle yapmaya başlamış ve demiş ki: “Kur’an tercüme edilsin, tâ ne mal olduğu bilinsin.” Yani, lüzumsuz tekraratı herkes görsün ve tercümesi onun yerinde okunsun diye dehşetli bir plan çevirmiş.

    Fakat Risale-i Nur’un cerh edilmez hüccetleri kat’î ispat etmiş ki Kur’an’ın hakiki tercümesi kabil değil ve lisan-ı nahvî olan lisan-ı Arabî yerinde Kur’an’ın meziyetlerini ve nüktelerini başka lisan muhafaza edemez ve her bir harfi, on adetten bine kadar sevap veren kelimat-ı Kur’aniyenin mu’cizane ve cem’iyetli tabirleri yerinde, beşerin âdi ve cüz’î tercümeleri tutamaz, onun yerinde camilerde okunmaz diye Risale-i Nur, her tarafta intişarıyla o dehşetli planı akîm bıraktı. Fakat o zındıktan ders alan münafıklar, yine şeytan hesabına Kur’an güneşini üflemekle söndürmeye, aptal çocuklar gibi ahmakane ve divanecesine çalışmaları hikmetiyle, bana gayet sıkı ve sıkıcı ve sıkıntılı bir halette bu Onuncu Mesele yazdırıldı tahmin ediyorum. Başkalarla görüşemediğim için hakikat-i hali bilemiyorum.

    İkinci Hâşiye: Denizli hapsinden tahliyemizden sonra meşhur Şehir Otelinin yüksek katında oturmuştum. Karşımda güzel bahçelerde kesretli kavak ağaçları birer halka-i zikir tarzında gayet latîf, tatlı bir surette hem kendileri hem dalları hem yaprakları, havanın dokunmasıyla cezbekârane ve cazibedarane hareketle raksları, kardeşlerimin müfarakatlarından ve yalnız kaldığımdan hüzünlü ve gamlı kalbime ilişti. Birden güz ve kış mevsimi hatıra geldi ve bana bir gaflet bastı. Ben, o kemal-i neşe ile cilvelenen o nâzenin kavaklara ve zîhayatlara o kadar acıdım ki gözlerim yaşla doldu. Kâinatın süslü perdesi altındaki ademleri, firakları ihtar ve ihsasıyla kâinat dolusu firakların, zevallerin hüzünleri başıma toplandı.

    Birden hakikat-i Muhammediyenin (asm) getirdiği nur, imdada yetişti. O hadsiz hüzünleri ve gamları, sürurlara çevirdi. Hattâ o nurun, herkes ve her ehl-i iman gibi benim hakkımda milyon feyzinden yalnız o vakitte, o vaziyete temas eden imdat ve tesellisi için Zat-ı Muhammediye’ye (asm) karşı ebediyen minnettar oldum. Şöyle ki:

    Ol nazar-ı gaflet, o mübarek nâzeninleri; vazifesiz, neticesiz, bir mevsimde görünüp, hareketleri neşeden değil belki güya ademden ve firaktan titreyerek hiçliğe düştüklerini göstermekle, herkes gibi bendeki aşk-ı beka ve hubb-u mehasin ve muhabbet-i vücud ve şefkat-i cinsiye ve alâka-i hayatiyeye medar olan damarlarıma o derece dokundu ki böyle dünyayı bir manevî cehenneme ve aklı bir tazip âletine çevirdiği sırada, Muhammed aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın beşere hediye getirdiği nur perdeyi kaldırdı; idam, adem, hiçlik, vazifesizlik, abes, firak, fânilik yerinde o kavakların her birinin yaprakları adedince hikmetleri, manaları ve Risale-i Nur’da ispat edildiği gibi üç kısma ayrılan neticeleri ve vazifeleri var, diye gösterdi:

    Birinci kısım neticeleri: Sâni’-i Zülcelal’in esmasına bakar. Mesela, nasıl ki bir usta hârika bir makineyi yapsa onu takdir eden herkes o zata “Mâşâallah, bârekellah” deyip alkışlar. Öyle de o makine dahi ondan maksud neticeleri tam tamına göstermesiyle, lisan-ı haliyle ustasını tebrik eder, alkışlar. Her zîhayat ve her şey böyle bir makinedir, ustasını tebriklerle alkışlar.

    İkinci kısım hikmetleri ise: Zîhayatın ve zîşuurun nazarlarına bakar. Onlara şirin bir mütalaagâh, birer kitab-ı marifet olur. Manalarını zîşuurun zihinlerinde ve suretlerini kuvve-i hâfızalarında ve elvah-ı misaliyede ve âlem-i gaybın defterlerinde daire-i vücudda bırakıp sonra âlem-i şehadeti terk eder, âlem-i gayba çekilir. Demek, surî bir vücudu bırakır, manevî ve gaybî ve ilmî çok vücudları kazanır.

    Evet, madem Allah var ve ilmi ihata eder. Elbette adem, idam, hiçlik, mahv, fena; hakikat noktasında ehl-i imanın dünyasında yoktur ve kâfir münkirlerin dünyaları ademle, firakla, hiçlikle, fânilikle doludur. İşte bu hakikati, umumun lisanında gezen bu gelen darb-ı mesel ders verip der: “Kimin için Allah var, ona her şey var ve kimin için yoksa her şey ona yoktur, hiçtir.”

    Elhasıl: Nasıl ki iman, ölüm vaktinde insanı idam-ı ebedîden kurtarıyor; öyle de herkesin hususi dünyasını dahi idamdan ve hiçlik karanlıklarından kurtarıyor. Ve küfür ise hususan küfr-ü mutlak olsa hem o insanı hem hususi dünyasını ölümle idam edip manevî cehennem zulmetlerine atar. Hayatının lezzetlerini acı zehirlere çevirir. Hayat-ı dünyeviyeyi âhiretine tercih edenlerin kulakları çınlasın. Gelsinler, buna ya bir çare bulsunlar veya imana girsinler. Bu dehşetli hasarattan kurtulsunlar.

    سُب۟حَانَكَ لَا عِل۟مَ لَنَٓا اِلَّا مَا عَلَّم۟تَنَٓا اِنَّكَ اَن۟تَ ال۟عَلٖيمُ ال۟حَكٖيمُ

    Duanıza çok muhtaç ve size çok müştak kardeşiniz

    Said Nursî

    Onuncu Mesele Münasebetiyle Hüsrev’in Üstadına Yazdığı Mektup

    Çok sevgili üstadım efendim!

    Cenab-ı Hakk’a hadsiz şükürler olsun, iki aylık iftirak üzüntülerini ve muhaberesizlik ızdıraplarını hafifleştiren ve kalplerimize taze hayat bahşeden ve ruhlarımıza yeni, safi bir nesîm ihda eden Kur’an’ın celalli ve izzetli, rahmetli ve şefkatli âyetlerindeki tekraratın mehasinini ta’dad eden, hikmet-i tekrarının lüzum ve ehemmiyetini izah eden ve Risale-i Nur’un bir hârika müdafaası olan Denizli Meyvesinin Onuncu Meselesi namını alan “Emirdağı Çiçeği”ni aldık. Elhak, takdir ve tahsine çok lâyık olan bu çiçeği kokladıkça ruhumuzdaki iştiyak yükseldi. Dokuz aylık hapis sıkıntısına mukabil, Meyve’nin Dokuz Meselesi nasıl beraetimize büyük bir vesile olmakla güzelliğini göstermiş ise Onuncu Meselesi olan çiçeği de Kur’an’ın îcazlı i’cazındaki hârikaları göstermekle o nisbette güzelliğini göstermektedir.

    Evet, sevgili üstadım, gülün çiçeğindeki fevkalâde letafet ve güzellik, ağacındaki dikenleri nazara hiç göstermediği gibi; bu nurani çiçek de bize dokuz aylık hapis sıkıntısını unutturacak bir şekilde o sıkıntılarımızı da hiçe indirmiştir.

    Mütalaasına doyulmayacak şekilde kaleme alınan ve akılları hayrete sevk eden bu nurani çiçek, muhtevi olduğu çok güzelliklerinden bilhassa Kur’an’ın tercümesi suretiyle nazar-ı beşerde âdileştirilmek ihanetine mukabil; o tekraratın kıymetini tam göstermekle, Kur’an’ın cihan-değer ulviyetini meydana koymuştur.

    Sâliklerinin her asırda fevkalâde bir metanetle sarılmaları ile ve emir ve nehyine tamamen inkıyad etmeleriyle, güya yeni nâzil olmuş gibi tazeliği ispat edilmiş olan Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın, bütün asırlarda, zalimlerine karşı şiddetli ve dehşetli ve tekrarlı tehditleri ve mazlumlarına karşı şefkatli ve rahmetli mükerrer taltifleri, hususuyla bu asrımıza bakan tehdidatı içinde zalimlerine misli görülmemiş bir halette, sanki feze’-i ekberden bir numuneyi andıran semavî bir cehennemle altı yedi seneden beri mütemadiyen feryad u figan ettirmesi ve keza mazlumlarının bu asırdaki küllî fertleri başında Risale-i Nur talebelerinin bulunması ve hakikaten bu talebeleri de ümem-i sâlifenin enbiyalarına verilen necatlar gibi pek büyük umumî ve hususi necatlara mazhar etmesi ve muarızları olan dinsizlerin cehennemî azapla tokatlanmalarını göstermesi hem iki güzel ve latîf hâşiyelerle hâtime verilmek suretiyle çiçeğin tamam edilmesi, bu fakir talebeniz Hüsrev’i o kadar büyük bir sürurla sonsuz bir şükre sevk etti ki bu güzel çiçeğin verdiği sevinç ve süruru, müddet-i ömrümde hissetmediğimi sevgili üstadıma arz ettiğim gibi kardeşlerime de kerratla söylemişim.

    Cenab-ı Hak, zayıf ve tahammülsüz omuzlarına pek azametli bâr-ı sakîl tahmil edilen siz sevgili üstadımızdan ebediyen razı olsun. Ve yüklerinizi tahfif etmekle yüzlerinizi ebede kadar güldürsün, âmin!

    Evet, sevgili üstadım, biz; Allah’tan, Kur’an’dan, Habib-i Zîşan’dan ve Risale-i Nur’dan ve Kur’an dellâlı siz sevgili üstadımızdan ebediyen razıyız. Ve intisabımızdan hiçbir cihetle pişmanlığımız yok. Hem kalbimizde zerre kadar kötülük etmek için niyet yok. Biz ancak Allah’ı ve rızasını istiyoruz. Gün geçtikçe, rızası içinde, Cenab-ı Hakk’a vuslat iştiyaklarını kalbimizde teksif ediyoruz. Bilâ-istisna bize fenalık edenleri Cenab-ı Hakk’a terk etmekle affetmek ve bilakis bize zulmeden o zalimler de dâhil olduğu halde, herkese iyilik etmek, Risale-i Nur talebelerinin kalplerine yerleşen bir şiar-ı İslâm olduğunu, biz istemeyerek ilan eden Hazret-i Allah’a hadsiz hudutsuz şükürler ediyoruz.

    Çok kusurlu talebeniz



    Meyve’nin On Birinci Mesele’sinin başı, bir meyvesi cennet ve biri saadet-i ebediye ve biri rü’yetullah olan iman şecere-i kudsiyesinin hadsiz, küllî ve cüz’î meyvelerinden yüzer numuneleri Risale-i Nur’da beyan ve hüccetlerle ispat edildiğinden, izahını Siracünnur’a havale edip küllî erkânının değil belki cüz’î ve cüzlerin, cüz’î ve hususi meyvelerinden birkaç numune beyan edilecek.

    Birisi: Bir gün bir duada “Yâ Rabbî! Cebrail, Mikâil, İsrafil, Azrail hürmetlerine ve şefaatlerine, beni cin ve insin şerlerinden muhafaza eyle!” mealinde duayı dediğim zaman, herkesi titreten ve dehşet veren Azrail namını zikrettiğim vakit gayet tatlı ve tesellidar ve sevimli bir halet hissettim. Elhamdülillah, dedim. Azrail’i cidden sevmeye başladım. Melâikeye iman rüknünün bu cüz’î ferdinin pek çok meyvelerinden yalnız bir cüz’î meyvesine gayet kısa bir işaret ederiz.

    Birisi: İnsanın en kıymetli ve üstünde titrediği malı, onun ruhudur. Onu zayi olmaktan ve fenadan ve başıboşluktan muhafaza etmek için kuvvetli ve emin bir ele teslimin derin bir sevinç verdiğini kat’î hissettim. Ve insanın amelini yazan melekler hatırıma geldi. Baktım, aynen bu meyve gibi çok tatlı meyveleri var.

    Birisi: Her insan kıymetli bir sözünü ve fiilini bâkileştirmek için iştiyakla kitabet ve şiir hattâ sinema ile hıfzına çalışır. Hususan o fiillerin cennette bâki meyveleri bulunsa daha ziyade merak eder. “Kiramen Kâtibîn” insanın omuzlarında durup onları ebedî manzaralarda göstermek ve sahiplerine daimî mükâfat kazandırmak, o kadar bana şirin geldi ki tarif edemem.

    Sonra ehl-i dünyanın, beni hayat-ı içtimaiyedeki her şeyden tecrit etmek içinde bütün kitaplarımdan ve dostlarımdan ve hizmetçilerimden ve teselli verici işlerden ayrı düşürmeleriyle beraber, gurbet vahşeti beni sıkarken ve boş dünya başıma yıkılırken melâikeye imanın pek çok meyvelerinden birisi imdadıma geldi. Kâinatımı ve dünyamı şenlendirdi, melekler ve ruhanîlerle doldurdu, âlemimi sevinçle güldürdü. Ve ehl-i dalaletin dünyaları vahşet ve boşluk ve karanlıkla ağladıklarını gösterdi.

    Hayalim bu meyvenin lezzetiyle mesrur iken umum peygamberlere imanın pek çok meyvelerinden buna benzer bir tek meyvesini aldı, tattı. Birden, bütün geçmiş zamanlardaki enbiyalarla yaşamış gibi onlara imanım ve tasdikim, o zamanları ışıklandırdı ve imanımı küllî yapıp genişlendirdi. Ve Âhir Zaman Peygamberimizin imana ait olan davalarına binler imza bastırdı, şeytanları susturdu.

    Birden Hikmetü’l-İstiaze Lem’ası’nda kat’î cevabı bulunan bir sual kalbime geldi ki:

    “Bu meyveler gibi hadsiz tatlı semereler ve faydalar ve hasenatın gayet güzel neticeleri ve menfaatleri ve Erhamü’r-Râhimîn’in gayet merhametkârane tevfikleri ve inayetleri ehl-i hidayete yardım edip kuvvet verdikleri halde, ehl-i dalalet neden çok defa galebe eder ve bazen yirmisi, yüz tane ehl-i hidayeti perişan eder?” diye manen benden soruldu. Ve bu tefekkür içinde, şeytanın gayet zayıf desiselerine karşı Kur’an’ın büyük tahşidatı ve melâikeleri ve Cenab-ı Hakk’ın yardımını ehl-i imana göndermesi hatıra geldi. Risale-i Nur’un onun hikmetini kat’î hüccetlerle izahına binaen, o sualin cevabına gayet kısa bir işaret ederiz:

    Evet, bazen serseri ve gizli, muzır bir adamın bir saraya ateş atmaya çalışması yüzünden –yüzer adamın yapması gibi– yüzer adamın muhafazası ile ve bazen devlete ve padişaha iltica ile o sarayın vücudu devam edebilir. Çünkü onun vücudu, bütün şeraitin ve erkânın ve esbabın vücuduyla olabilir. Fakat onun ademi ve harap olması bir tek şartın ademiyle vaki ve bir serserinin bir kibritiyle yanıp mahvolduğu gibi, ins ve cin şeytanları az bir fiil ile büyük tahribat ve dehşetli manevî yangınlar yaparlar.

    Evet, bütün fenalıklar ve günahlar ve şerlerin mâyesi ve esasları ademdir, tahriptir. Sureten vücudun altında, adem ve bozmak saklıdır.

    İşte cinnî ve insî şeytanlar ve şerirler, bu noktaya istinaden gayet zayıf bir kuvvetle hadsiz bir kuvvete karşı dayanıp, ehl-i hak ve hakikati Cenab-ı Hakk’ın dergâhına ilticaya ve kaçmaya her vakit mecbur ettiğinden, Kur’an onları himaye için büyük tahşidat yapar. Doksan dokuz esma-i İlahiyeyi onların ellerine verir. O düşmanlara karşı sebat etmelerine çok şiddetli emirler verir.

    Bu cevaptan, birden pek büyük bir hakikatin ucu ve azametli, dehşetli bir meselenin esası göründü. Şöyle ki:

    Nasıl ki cennet, bütün vücud âlemlerinin mahsulatını taşıyor ve dünyanın yetiştirdiği tohumları bâkiyane sümbüllendiriyor, öyle de cehennem dahi hadsiz dehşetli adem ve hiçlik âlemlerinin çok elîm neticelerini göstermek için o adem mahsulatlarını kavuruyor ve o dehşetli cehennem fabrikası, sair vazifeleri içinde, âlem-i vücud kâinatını âlem-i adem pisliklerinden temizlettiriyor. Bu dehşetli meselenin şimdilik kapısını açmayacağız. İnşâallah sonra izah edilecek.

    Hem meleklere iman meyvesinden bir cüzü ve Münker ve Nekir’e ait bir numunesi şudur:

    Herkes gibi ben dahi muhakkak gireceğim, diye mezarıma hayalen girdim. Ve kabirde yalnız, kimsesiz, karanlık, soğuk, dar bir haps-i münferidde bir tecrid-i mutlak içindeki tevahhuş ve meyusiyetten tedehhüş ederken, birden Münker ve Nekir taifesinden iki mübarek arkadaş çıkıp geldiler. Benimle münazaraya başladılar. Kalbim ve kabrim genişlediler, nurlandılar, hararetlendiler; âlem-i ervaha pencereler açıldı. Ben de şimdi hayalen ve istikbalde hakikaten göreceğim o vaziyete bütün canımla sevindim ve şükrettim.

    Sarf ve nahiv ilmini okuyan bir medrese talebesinin vefat edip, kabirde Münker ve Nekir’in مَن رَبُّكَ “Senin Rabb’in kimdir?” diye suallerine karşı, kendini medresede zannedip nahiv ilmi ile cevap vererek: “مَن ۟ mübtedadır, رَبُّكَ onun haberidir; müşkül bir meseleyi benden sorunuz, bu kolaydır.” diyerek hem o melâikeleri hem hazır ruhları hem o vakıayı müşahede eden orada bulunan bir keşfe’l-kubur velisini güldürdü ve rahmet-i İlahiyeyi tebessüme getirdi, azaptan kurtulduğu gibi; Risale-i Nur’un bir şehit kahramanı olan merhum Hâfız Ali, hapiste Meyve Risalesi’ni kemal-i aşkla yazarken ve okurken vefat edip kabirde melâike-i suale mahkemedeki gibi Meyve hakikatleri ile cevap verdiği misillü; ben de ve Risale-i Nur şakirdleri de o suallere karşı Risale-i Nur’un parlak ve kuvvetli hüccetleriyle istikbalde hakikaten ve şimdi manen cevap verip onları tasdike ve tahsine ve tebrike sevk edecekler, inşâallah.

    Hem meleklere imanın saadet-i dünyeviyeye medar cüz’î bir numunesi şudur ki:

    İlmihalden iman dersini alan bir masum çocuğun, yanında ağlayan ve masum bir kardeşinin vefatı için vaveylâ eden diğer bir çocuğa: “Ağlama, şükreyle. Senin kardeşin meleklerle beraber cennete gitti; orada gezer, bizden daha iyi keyfedecek, melekler gibi uçacak, her yeri seyredebilir.” deyip feryat edenin ağlamasını tebessüme ve sevince çevirmesidir.

    Ben de aynen bu ağlayan çocuk gibi bu hazîn kışta ve elîm bir vaziyetimde gayet elîm iki vefat haberini aldım. Biri, hem âlî mekteplerde birinciliği kazanan hem Risale-i Nur’un hakikatlerini neşreden biraderzadem merhum Fuad; ikincisi, hacca gidip sekerat içinde tavaf ederken tavaf içinde vefat eden âlime Hanım namındaki merhume hemşirem. Bu iki akrabamın ölümleri, İhtiyar Risalesi’nde yazılan merhum Abdurrahman’ın vefatı gibi beni ağlatırken; imanın nuruyla o masum Fuad, o saliha Hanım, insanlar yerinde meleklere, hurilere arkadaş olduklarını ve bu dünyanın tehlike ve günahlarından kurtulduklarını manen, kalben gördüm. O şiddetli hüzün yerinde büyük bir sevinç hissedip hem onları hem Fuad’ın pederi kardeşim Abdülmecid’i hem kendimi tebrik ederek Erhamü’r-Râhimîn’e şükrettim. Bu iki merhumeye rahmet duası niyetiyle buraya yazıldı, kaydedildi.

    Risale-i Nur’daki bütün mizanlar ve muvazeneler, imanın saadet-i dünyeviyeye ve uhreviyeye medar meyvelerini beyan ederler. Ve o küllî ve büyük meyveler, bu dünyada gösterdikleri saadet-i hayatiye ve lezzet-i ömür cihetiyle her mü’minin imanı ona bir saadet-i ebediyeyi kazandıracak belki sümbül verecek ve o surette inkişaf edecek, diye haber verirler.

    Ve o küllî ve pek çok meyvelerinden beş meyvesi, meyve-i mi’rac olarak Otuz Birinci Söz’ün âhirinde ve beş meyvesi Yirmi Dördüncü Söz’ün Beşinci Dal’ında numune olarak yazılmış. Erkân-ı imaniyenin her birinin ayrı ayrı pek çok belki hadsiz meyveleri olduğu gibi mecmuunun birden çok meyvelerinden bir meyvesi, koca cennet ve biri de saadet-i ebediye ve biri de belki en tatlısı da rü’yet-i İlahiyedir, diye başta demiştik. Ve Otuz İkinci Söz’ün âhirindeki muvazenede, imanın saadet-i dâreyne medar bir kısım semereleri güzel izah edilmiş.

    İman-ı bi’l-kader rüknünün kıymettar meyveleri bu dünyada bulunduğuna bir delil, umum lisanında مَن۟ اٰمَنَ بِال۟قَدَرِ اَمِنَ مِنَ ال۟كَدَرِ darb-ı mesel olmuştur. Yani “Kadere iman eden, gamlardan kurtulur.” Risale-i Kader’in âhirinde güzel bir temsil ile iki adamın şahane bir sarayın bahçesine girmesiyle, bir küllî meyvesi beyan edilmiş. Hattâ ben kendi hayatımda binler tecrübelerimle gördüm ve bildim ki kadere iman olmazsa hayat-ı dünyeviye saadeti mahvolur. Elîm musibetlerde ne vakit kadere iman cihetine bakardım; musibet gayet hafifleşiyor, görüyordum. Ve kadere iman etmeyen nasıl yaşayabilir, diye hayret ederdim.

    Melâikeye iman rüknünün küllî meyvelerinden birisine, Yirmi İkinci Söz’ün İkinci Makam’ında şöyle işaret edilmiş ki:

    Azrail aleyhisselâm Cenab-ı Hakk’a münâcat edip demiş: “Kabz-ı ervah vazifesinde senin ibadın benden küsecekler, şekva edecekler.” Ona cevaben denilmiş: “Senin vazifene hastalıkları ve musibetleri perde yapacağım. Tâ ibadımın şekvaları onlara gitsin, sana gelmesin.”

    Aynen bu perdeler gibi Azrail aleyhisselâmın vazifesi de bir perdedir. Tâ haksız şekvalar Cenab-ı Hakk’a gitmesin. Çünkü ölümdeki hikmet ve rahmet ve güzellik ve maslahat cihetini herkes göremez. Zâhire bakıp itiraz eder, şekvaya başlar. İşte bu haksız şekvalar Rahîm-i Mutlak’a gitmemek hikmetiyle Azrail aleyhisselâm perde olmuş.

    Aynen bunun gibi bütün meleklerin, belki bütün esbab-ı zâhiriyenin vazifeleri, izzet-i rububiyetin perdeleridir. Tâ güzellikleri görünmeyen ve hikmetleri bilinmeyen şeylerde kudret-i İlahiyenin izzeti ve kudsiyeti ve rahmetinin ihatası muhafaza edilsin, itiraza hedef olmasın ve hasis ve ehemmiyetsiz ve merhametsiz şeyler ile kudretin mübaşereti nazar-ı zâhirîde görünmesin. Yoksa hiçbir sebebin hakiki tesiri ve icada hiç kabiliyeti olmadığını, her şeyde tevhid sikkeleri kat’î gösterdiğini, Risale-i Nur hadsiz delilleriyle ispat etmiş.

    Halk etmek, icad etmek ona mahsustur. Esbab, yalnız bir perdedir. Melâike gibi zîşuur olanların, yalnız cüz-i ihtiyarıyla cüz’î, icadsız, kesb denilen bir nevi hizmet-i fıtriye ve amelî bir nevi ubudiyetten başka ellerinde yoktur.

    Evet, izzet ve azamet isterler ki esbab, perdedar-ı dest-i kudret ola aklın nazarında.

    Tevhid ve ehadiyet isterler ki esbab, ellerini çeksinler tesir-i hakikiden.

    İşte nasıl ki melekler ve umûr-u hayriyede ve vücudiyede istihdam edilen zâhirî sebepler, güzellikleri görünmeyen ve bilinmeyen şeylerde kudret-i Rabbaniyeyi kusurdan, zulümden muhafaza edip takdis ve tesbih-i İlahîde birer vesiledirler.

    Aynen öyle de cinnî ve insî şeytanlar ve muzır maddelerin umûr-u şerriyede ve ademiyede istimalleri dahi yine kudret-i Sübhaniyeyi gadirden ve haksız itirazlardan ve şekvalara hedef olmaktan kurtarmak ile takdis ve tesbihat-ı Rabbaniyeye ve kâinattaki bütün kusurattan müberra ve münezzehiyetine hizmet ediyorlar. Çünkü bütün kusurlar ademden ve kabiliyetsizlikten ve tahripten ve vazife yapmamaktan –ki birer ademdirler– ve vücudî olmayan ademî fiillerden geliyor.

    Bu şeytanî ve şerli perdeler, o kusurata merci olup itiraz ve şekvaları bi’l-istihkak kendilerine alarak Cenab-ı Hakk’ın takdisine vesile oluyorlar. Zaten şerli ve ademî ve tahripçi işlerde kuvvet ve iktidar lâzım değil; az bir fiil ve cüz’î bir kuvvet, belki vazifesini yapmamak ile bazen büyük ademler ve bozmaklar oluyor. O şerir fâiller, muktedir zannedilirler. Halbuki ademden başka hiç tesirleri ve cüz’î bir kesbden hariç bir kuvvetleri yoktur. Fakat o şerler ademden geldiklerinden o şerirler hakiki fâildirler. Bi’l-istihkak, eğer zîşuur ise cezayı çekerler. Demek, seyyiatta o fenalar fâildirler.

    Fakat haseneler ve hayırlarda ve amel-i salihte vücud olmasından, o iyiler hakiki fâil ve müessir değiller. Belki kabildirler, feyz-i İlahîyi kabul ederler ve mükâfatları dahi sırf bir fazl-ı İlahîdir, diye Kur’an-ı Hakîm مَٓا اَصَابَكَ مِن۟ حَسَنَةٍ فَمِنَ اللّٰهِ وَمَٓا اَصَابَكَ مِن۟ سَيِّئَةٍ فَمِن۟ نَف۟سِكَ ferman eder.

    Elhasıl: Vücud kâinatları ve hadsiz adem âlemleri birbirleriyle çarpışırken ve cennet ve cehennem gibi meyveler verirken ve bütün vücud âlemleri اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ ۝ اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ ve bütün adem âlemleri سُب۟حَانَ اللّٰهِ ۝ سُب۟حَانَ اللّٰهِ derken ve ihatalı bir kanun-u mübareze ile melekler şeytanlarla ve hayırlar şerlerle tâ kalbin etrafındaki ilham, vesvese ile mücadele ederken birden meleklere imanın bu meyvesi tecelli eder, meseleyi halledip karanlık kâinatı ışıklandırır. اَللّٰهُ نُورُ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَال۟اَر۟ضِ âyetinin envarından bir nurunu bize gösterir ve bu meyve ne kadar tatlı olduğunu tattırır.

    İkinci bir küllî meyvesine Yirmi Dördüncü ve elifler kerametini gösteren Yirmi Dokuzuncu Sözler işaret edip parlak bir surette meleklerin vücudunu ve vazifesini ispat etmişler.

    Evet, kâinatın her tarafında, cüz’î ve küllî her şeyde, her nevide, kendini tanıttırmak ve sevdirmek içinde merhametkârane bir haşmet-i rububiyet, elbette o haşmete, o merhamete, o tanıttırmaya, o sevdirmeye karşı şükür ve takdis içinde bir geniş ve ihatalı ve şuurkârane bir ubudiyetle mukabele etmesi lâzım ve kat’îdir. Ve şuursuz cemadat ve erkân-ı azîme-i kâinat hesabına o vazifeyi ancak hadsiz melekler görebilir ve o saltanat-ı rububiyetin her tarafta, serâda süreyyada, zeminin temelinde, dışında hakîmane ve haşmetkârane icraatını onlar temsil edebilirler.

    Mesela, felsefenin ruhsuz kanunları pek karanlık ve vahşetli gösterdikleri hilkat-i arziye ve vaziyet-i fıtriyesini, bu meyve ile nurlu, ünsiyetli bir tarzda Sevr ve Hut namlarındaki iki meleğin omuzlarında, yani nezaretlerinde ve cennetten getirilen ve fâni küre-i arzın bâki bir temel taşı olmak, yani ileride bâki cennete bir kısmını devretmeye bir işaret için Sahret namında uhrevî bir madde, bir hakikat gönderilip Sevr ve Hut meleklerine bir nokta-i istinad edilmiş diye Benî-İsrail’in eski peygamberlerinden rivayet var ve İbn-i Abbas’tan dahi mervîdir. Maatteessüf bu kudsî mana, mürur-u zamanla bu teşbih, avamın nazarında hakikat telakki edilmekle, aklın haricinde bir suret almış.

    Madem melekler havada gezdikleri gibi toprakta ve taşta ve yerin merkezinde de gezerler; elbette onların ve küre-i arzın, üstünde duracak cismanî taş ve balığa ve öküze ihtiyaçları yoktur.

    Hem mesela, küre-i arz, küre-i arzın nevileri adedince başlar ve o nevilerin fertleri sayısınca diller ve o fertlerin aza ve yaprak ve meyveleri miktarınca tesbihatlar yaptığı için elbette o haşmetli ve şuursuz ubudiyet-i fıtriyeyi bilerek, şuurdarane temsil edip dergâh-ı İlahiyeye takdim etmek için kırk bin başlı ve her başı kırk bin dil ile ve her bir dil ile kırk bin tesbihat yapan bir melek-i müekkeli bulunacak ki ayn-ı hakikat olarak Muhbir-i Sadık haber vermiş.

    Ve hilkat-i kâinatın en ehemmiyetli neticesi olan insanlarla münasebat-ı Rabbaniyeyi tebliğ ve izhar eden Cebrail (as) ve zîhayat âleminde en haşmetli ve en dehşetli olan diriltmek ve hayat vermek ve ölümle terhis etmekteki Hâlık’a mahsus olan icraat-ı İlahiyeyi yalnız temsil edip ubudiyetkârane nezaret eden İsrafil (as) ve Azrail (as) ve hayat dairesinde rahmetin en cem’iyetli, en geniş, en zevkli olan rızıktaki ihsanat-ı Rahmaniyeye nezaretle beraber, şuursuz şükürleri şuur ile temsil eden Mikâil (as) gibi meleklerin pek acib mahiyette olarak bulunmaları ve vücudları ve ruhların bekaları, saltanat ve haşmet-i rububiyetin muktezasıdır. Onların ve her birinin mahsus taifelerinin vücudları, kâinatta güneş gibi görünen saltanat ve haşmetin vücudu derecesinde kat’îdir ve şüphesizdir. Melâikeye ait başka maddeler bunlara kıyas edilsin.

    Evet, küre-i arzda dört yüz bin nevileri zîhayattan halk eden, hattâ en âdi ve müteaffin maddelerden zîruhları çoklukla yaratan ve her tarafı onlarla şenlendiren ve mu’cizat-ı sanatına karşı, onlara dilleriyle “Mâşâallah, Bârekellah, Sübhanallah” dedirten ve ihsanat-ı rahmetine mukabil “Elhamdülillah, Ve’ş-şükrü lillah, Allahu ekber” o hayvancıklara söylettiren bir Kadîr-i Zülcelali ve’l-cemal, elbette bilâ-şek velâ-şüphe, koca semavata münasip, isyansız ve daima ubudiyette olan sekeneleri ve ruhanîleri yaratmış, semavatı şenlendirmiş, boş bırakmamış. Ve hayvanatın taifelerinden pek çok ziyade ayrı ayrı nevileri meleklerden icad etmiş ki bir kısmı küçücük olarak yağmur ve kar katrelerine binip sanat ve rahmet-i İlahiyeyi kendi dilleriyle alkışlıyorlar; bir kısmı, birer seyyar yıldızlara binip feza-yı kâinatta seyahat içinde azamet ve izzet ve haşmet-i rububiyete karşı tekbir ve tehlil ile ubudiyetlerini âleme ilan ediyorlar.

    Evet, zaman-ı Âdem’den beri bütün semavî kitaplar ve dinler, meleklerin vücudlarına ve ubudiyetlerine ittifakları ve bütün asırlarda melekler ile konuşmalar ve muhavereler, kesretli tevatür ile insanlar içinde vuku bulduğunu nakil ve rivayetleri ise görmediğimiz Amerika insanlarının vücudları gibi meleklerin vücudlarını ve bizimle alâkadar olduklarını kat’î ispat eder.

    İşte şimdi gel, iman nuruyla bu küllî ikinci meyveye bak ve tat; nasıl kâinatı baştan başa şenlendirip, güzelleştirip bir mescid-i ekbere ve büyük bir ibadethaneye çeviriyor. Ve fen ve felsefenin soğuk, hayatsız, zulmetli, dehşetli göstermelerine mukabil; hayatlı, şuurlu, ışıklı, ünsiyetli, tatlı bir kâinat göstererek bâki hayatın bir cilve-i lezzetini ehl-i imana derecesine göre dünyada dahi tattırır.

    Tetimme: Nasıl ki vahdet ve ehadiyet sırrıyla kâinatın her tarafında aynı kudret, aynı isim, aynı hikmet, aynı sanat bulunmasıyla Hâlık’ın vahdet ve tasarrufu ve icad ve rububiyeti ve hallakıyet ve kudsiyeti, cüz’î küllî her bir masnûun hal dili ile ilan ediliyor. Aynen öyle de her tarafta melekleri halk edip her mahlukun lisan-ı hal ile şuursuz yaptıkları tesbihatı, meleklerin ubudiyetkârane dilleriyle yaptırıyor.

    Meleklerin hiçbir cihette hilaf-ı emir hareketleri yoktur. Hâlis bir ubudiyetten başka hiçbir icad ve emirsiz hiçbir müdahale, hattâ izinsiz şefaatleri dahi olmaz. Tam عِبَادٌ مُك۟رَمُونَ ۝ يَف۟عَلُونَ مَا يُؤ۟مَرُونَ sırrına mazhardırlar.


    Gayet ehemmiyetli bir nükte-i i’caziyeye dair, birden, ihtiyarsız, mağribden sonra kalbe ihtar edilen ve Sure-i قُل۟ اَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ ال۟فَلَقِ ın zâhir bir mu’cize-i gaybiyesini gösteren uzun bir hakikate kısa bir işarettir.

    بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ

    قُل۟ اَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ ال۟فَلَقِ ۝ مِن۟ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ ۝ وَمِن۟ شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ اِذَا وَقَبَ ۝ وَمِن۟ شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِى ال۟عُقَدِ ۝ وَمِن۟ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ اِذَا حَسَدَ

    İşte yalnız mana-yı işarî cihetinde bu sure-i azîme-i hârika “Kâinatta adem âlemleri hesabına çalışan şerirlerden ve insî ve cinnî şeytanlardan kendinizi muhafaza ediniz.” Peygamberimize ve ümmetine emrederek, her asra baktığı gibi mana-yı işarîsiyle bu acib asrımıza daha ziyade, belki zâhir bir tarzda bakar; Kur’an’ın hizmetkârlarını istiazeye davet eder. Bu mu’cize-i gaybiye, beş işaretle kısaca beyan edilecek. Şöyle ki:

    Bu surenin her bir âyetinin manaları çoktur. Yalnız mana-yı işarî ile beş cümlesinde dört defa “şer” kelimesini tekrar etmek ve kuvvetli münasebet-i maneviye ile beraber dört tarzda bu asrın emsalsiz dört dehşetli ve fırtınalı maddî ve manevî şerlerine ve inkılablarına ve mübarezelerine aynı tarihiyle parmak basmak ve manen “Bunlardan çekininiz!” emretmek, elbette Kur’an’ın i’cazına yakışır bir irşad-ı gaybîdir.

    Mesela, başta قُل۟ اَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ ال۟فَلَقِ cümlesi, bin üç yüz elli iki veya dört (1352-1354) tarihine hesab-ı ebcedî ve cifriyle tevafuk edip nev-i beşerde en geniş hırs ve hasedle ve Birinci Harb’in sebebiyle vukua gelmeye hazırlanan İkinci Harb-i Umumî’ye işaret eder. Ve ümmet-i Muhammediyeye (asm) manen der: “Bu harbe girmeyiniz ve Rabb’inize iltica ediniz!” Ve bir mana-yı remziyle, Kur’an’ın hizmetkârlarından olan Risale-i Nur şakirdlerine hususi bir iltifat ile onların Eskişehir hapsinden, dehşetli bir şerden aynı tarihiyle kurtulmalarına ve haklarındaki imha planının akîm bırakılmasına remzen haber verir; manen “İstiaze ediniz!” emreder gibi bir remiz verir.

    Hem mesela مِن۟ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ cümlesi –şedde sayılmaz– bin üç yüz altmış bir (1361) ederek bu emsalsiz harbin merhametsiz ve zalimane tahribatına Rumî ve hicrî tarihiyle parmak bastığı gibi; aynı zamanda bütün kuvvetleriyle Kur’an’ın hizmetine çalışan Nur şakirdlerinin geniş bir imha planından ve elîm ve dehşetli bir beladan ve Denizli hapsinden kurtulmalarına tevafukla, bir mana-yı remzî ile onlara da bakar. “Halk’ın şerrinden kendinizi koruyunuz!” gizli bir îma ile der.

    Hem mesela اَلنَّفَّاثَاتِ فِى ال۟عُقَدِ cümlesi –şeddeler sayılmaz– bin üç yüz yirmi sekiz (1328) eğer şeddedeki (lâm) sayılsa bin üç yüz elli sekiz (1358) adediyle bu umumî harpleri yapan ecnebi gaddarların hırs ve hasedle bizdeki Hürriyet İnkılabı’nın Kur’an lehindeki neticelerini bozmak fikriyle tebeddül-ü saltanat ve Balkan ve İtalyan Harpleri ve Birinci Harb-i Umumî’nin patlamasıyla maddî ve manevî şerlerini, siyasî diplomatların radyo diliyle herkesin kafalarına sihirbaz ve zehirli üflemeleriyle ve mukadderat-ı beşerin düğme ve ukdelerine gizli planlarını telkin etmeleriyle bin senelik medeniyet terakkiyatını vahşiyane mahveden şerlerin vücuda gelmeye hazırlanmaları tarihine tevafuk ederek اَلنَّفَّاثَاتِ فِى ال۟عُقَدِ in tam manasına tetabuk eder.

    Hem mesela وَمِن۟ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ اِذَا حَسَدَ cümlesi –şedde ve tenvin sayılmaz– yine bin üç yüz kırk yedi (1347) edip aynı tarihte, ecnebi muahedelerin icbarıyla bu vatanda ehemmiyetli sarsıntılar ve felsefenin tahakkümüyle bu dindar millette ehemmiyetli tahavvüller vücuda gelmesine ve aynı tarihte, devletlerde İkinci Harb-i Umumî’yi ihzar eden dehşetli hasedler ve rekabetlerin çarpışmaları tarihine bu mana-yı işarî ile tam tamına tevafuku ve manen tetabuku, elbette bu kudsî surenin bir lem’a-i i’caz-ı gaybîsidir.

    Bir İhtar:

    Her bir âyetin müteaddid manaları vardır. Hem her bir mana küllîdir. Her asırda efradı bulunur. Bahsimizde bu asrımıza bakan yalnız mana-yı işarî tabakasıdır. Hem o küllî manada, asrımız bir ferttir. Fakat hususiyet kesbetmiş ki ona tarihiyle bakar. Ben dört senedir, bu harbin ne safahatını ve ne de neticelerini ve ne de sulh olmuş olmamış bilmediğimden ve sormadığımdan, bu kudsî surenin daha ne kadar bu asra ve bu harbe işareti var, diye daha onun kapısını çalmadım. Yoksa bu hazinede daha çok esrar var olduğu, Risale-i Nur’un eczalarında hususan Rumuzat-ı Semaniye Risalelerinde beyan ve ispat edildiğinden onlara havale edip kısa kesiyorum.

    Hatıra gelebilen bir sualin cevabıdır

    Bu lem’a-i i’caziyede, baştaki مِن۟ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ da hem مِن۟ hem شَرِّ kelimeleri hesaba girmesi ve âhirde وَمِن۟ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ اِذَا حَسَدَ yalnız شَرِّ kelimesi girmesi وَمِن۟ girmemesi ve وَمِن۟ شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِى ال۟عُقَدِ ikisi de hesap edilmemesi gayet ince ve latîf bir münasebete îma ve remiz içindir. Çünkü halklarda, şerden başka hayırlar da var. Hem bütün şer herkese gelmez. Buna remzen, bazıyeti ifade eden مِن۟ ve شَرِّ girmişler. Hâsid, hased ettiği zaman bütün şerdir, bazıyete lüzum yoktur. Ve اَلنَّفَّاثَاتِ فِى ال۟عُقَدِ remziyle, kendi menfaatleri için küre-i arza ateş atan üfleyicilerin ve sihirbaz o diplomatların tahribata ait bütün işleri ayn-ı şerdir, diye daha شَرِّ kelimesine lüzum kalmadı.

    Bu Sureye Ait Bir Nükte-i İ’caziyenin Hâşiyesidir

    Nasıl bu sure, beş cümlesinden dört cümlesi ile bu asrımızın dört büyük şerli inkılablarına ve fırtınalarına mana-yı işarî ile bakar; aynen öyle de dört defa tekraren مِن۟ شَرِّ –şedde sayılmaz– kelimesiyle âlem-i İslâm’ca en dehşetli olan Cengiz ve Hülâgu fitnesinin ve Abbasî Devleti’nin inkıraz zamanının asrına, dört defa mana-yı işarî ile ve makam-ı cifrî ile bakar ve parmak basar.

    Evet –şeddesiz– شَرِّ beş yüz (500) eder; مِن۟ doksandır (90). İstikbale bakan çok âyetler hem bu asrımıza hem o asırlara işaret etmeleri cihetinde, istikbalden haber veren İmam-ı Ali (ra) ve Gavs-ı A’zam (ks) dahi aynen hem bu asrımıza hem o asra bakıp haber vermişler.

    غَاسِقٍ اِذَا وَقَبَ kelimeleri bu zamana değil belki غَاسِقٍ bin yüz altmış bir (1161) ve اِذَا وَقَبَ sekiz yüz on (810) ederek, o zamanlarda ehemmiyetli maddî manevî şerlere işaret eder. Eğer beraber olsa miladî bin dokuz yüz yetmiş bir (1971) olur. O tarihte dehşetli bir şerden haber verir. Yirmi sene sonra, şimdiki tohumların mahsulü ıslah olmazsa elbette tokatları dehşetli olacak.

    On Birinci Mesele’nin Hâşiyesinin Bir Lâhikasıdır

    بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ

    Âyetü’l-Kürsî’nin tetimmesi olan 1928 veya 1929 1350 لَٓا اِك۟رَاهَ فِى {الدّٖينِ قَد۟ تَبَيَّنَ الرُّش۟دُ} مِنَ ال۟غَىِّ {فَمَن۟ يَك۟فُر۟ بِالطَّاغُوتِ} 1347 946 (Risale-i Nur ismine muvafık) {وَيُؤ۟مِن۟ بِاللّٰهِ فَقَدِ اس۟تَم۟سَكَ} {بِال۟عُر۟وَةِ ال۟وُث۟قٰى} لَا ان۟فِصَامَ لَهَا وَاللّٰهُ 1372 eğer beraber olsa 1012; -şeddesiz- eğer beraber olmazsa 945 -bir şedde sayılmaz- سَمٖيعٌ عَلٖيمٌ ۝ {اَللّٰهُ}{وَلِىُّ الَّذٖينَ اٰمَنُوا} يُخ۟رِجُهُم۟ مِنَ {الظُّلُمَاتِ} 1417 اِلَى النُّورِ وَالَّذٖينَ كَفَـرُٓوا اَو۟لِيَٓاؤُهُمُ {الطَّاغُوتُ} 1338 -şedde sayılmaz- {يُخ۟رِجُونَهُم۟ مِنَ النُّورِ اِلَى} الظُّلُمَاتِ 1295 -şedde sayılır- {اُولٰٓئِكَ اَص۟حَابُ النَّارِ هُم۟ فٖيهَا خَالِدُونَ} de Risaletü’n-Nur’un hem iki kere ismine hem suret-i mücahedesine hem tahakkukuna ve telif ve tekemmül zamanına tam tamına tevafukuyla beraber ehl-i küfrün bin iki yüz doksan üç (1293) harbiyle âlem-i İslâm’ın nurunu söndürmeye çalışması tarihine ve Birinci Harb-i Umumî’den istifade ile bin üç yüz otuz sekizde (1338) bilfiil nurdan zulümata atmak için yapılan dehşetli muahedeler tarihine tam tamına tevafuku ve içinde mükerreren nur ve zulümat karşılaştırılması ve bu mücahede-i maneviyede Kur’an’ın nurundan gelen bir nur, ehl-i imana bir nokta-i istinad olacağını mana-yı işarî ile haber veriyor, diye kalbime ihtar edildi. Ben de mecbur oldum, yazdım. Sonra baktım ki manasının münasebeti bu asrımıza o kadar kuvvetlidir ki hiç tevafuk emaresi olmasa da yine bu âyetler her asra baktığı gibi mana-yı işarî ile bizimle de konuşuyor, kanaatim geldi. Evet,

    Evvela: Başta لَٓا اِك۟رَاهَ فِى الدّٖينِ قَد۟ تَبَيَّنَ الرُّش۟دُ cümlesi, makam-ı cifrî ve ebcedî ile bin üç yüz elli (1350) tarihine parmak basar ve mana-yı işarî ile der: Gerçi o tarihte, dini dünyadan tefrik ile dinde ikraha ve icbara ve mücahede-i diniyeye ve din için silahla cihada muarız olan hürriyet-i vicdan, hükûmetlerde bir kanun-u esasî, bir düstur-u siyasî oluyor ve hükûmet laik cumhuriyete döner. Fakat ona mukabil manevî bir cihad-ı dinî, iman-ı tahkikî kılıncıyla olacak. Çünkü dindeki rüşd ü irşad ve hak ve hakikati gözlere gösterecek derecede kuvvetli bürhanları izhar edip tebyin ve tebeyyün eden bir nur Kur’an’dan çıkacak, diye haber verip bir lem’a-i i’caz gösterir.

    Hem tâ خَالِدُونَ kelimesine kadar Risale-i Nur’daki bütün muvazenelerin aslı, menbaı olarak aynen o muvazeneler gibi mükerreren nur ve zulümat ve iman ve karanlıkları karşılaştırmasıyla gizli bir emaredir ki o tarihte bulunan cihad-ı manevî mübarezesinde büyük bir kahraman; Nur namında Risale-i Nur’dur ki dinde bulunan yüzer tılsımları keşfeden onun manevî elmas kılıncı, maddî kılınçlara ihtiyaç bırakmıyor.

    Evet, hadsiz şükürler olsun ki yirmi senedir Risale-i Nur bu ihbar-ı gaybı ve lem’a-i i’cazı bilfiil göstermiştir. Ve bu sırr-ı azîm içindir ki Risale-i Nur şakirdleri dünya siyasetine ve cereyanlarına ve maddî mücadelelerine karışmıyorlar ve ehemmiyet vermiyorlar ve tenezzül etmiyorlar ve hakiki şakirdleri en dehşetli bir hasmına ve hakaretli tecavüzüne karşı ona der:

    “Ey bedbaht! Ben seni idam-ı ebedîden kurtarmaya ve fâni hayvaniyetin en süflî ve elîm derecesinden bir bâki insaniyet saadetine çıkarmaya çalışıyorum. Sen benim ölümüme ve idamıma çalışıyorsun. Senin bu dünyada lezzetin pek az, pek kısa ve âhirette ceza ve belaların pek çok ve pek uzundur. Ve benim ölümüm bir terhistir. Haydi def’ol; senin ile uğraşmam, ne yaparsan yap!” der. O zalim düşmanına hiddet değil belki acıyor, şefkat ediyor, keşke kurtulsa idi diyerek ıslahına çalışır.


    { وَيُؤ۟مِن۟ بِاللّٰهِ فَقَدِ اس۟تَم۟سَكَ }{ بِال۟عُر۟وَةِ ال۟وُث۟قٰى }

    Bu iki kudsî cümleler, kuvvetli münasebet-i maneviye ile beraber makam-ı cifrî ve ebcedî hesabıyla birincisi Risaletü’n-Nur’un ismine, ikincisi onun tahakkukuna ve tekemmülüne ve parlak fütuhatına manen ve cifren tam tamına tetabukları bir emaredir ki Risaletü’n-Nur bu asırda, bu tarihte bir “urvetü’l-vüska”dır. Yani çok muhkem, kopmaz bir zincir ve bir “hablullah”tır. Ona elini atan yapışan necat bulur, diye mana-yı remziyle haber verir.

    Sâlisen: اَللّٰهُ وَلِىُّ الَّذٖينَ اٰمَنُوا cümlesi hem mana hem cifir ile Risaletü’n-Nur’a bir remzi var. Şöyle ki: …

    Hâşiye: Bu nüktenin bâki kısmı şimdilik yazdırılmadığının sebebi, bir derece dünyaya, siyasete temasıdır. Biz de bakmaktan memnûuz. Evet اِنَّ ال۟اِن۟سَانَ لَيَط۟غٰى bu tağuta bakar ve baktırır.

    Said Nursî

    Risale-i Nur kahramanı Hüsrev’in “Meyve’nin On Birinci Mesele’si” münasebetiyle yazdığı mektubun bir parçasıdır.

    بِاس۟مِهٖ سُب۟حَانَهُ وَ اِن۟ مِن۟ شَى۟ءٍ اِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَم۟دِهٖ

    اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَي۟كُم۟ وَ رَح۟مَةُ اللّٰهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُهُ

    Çok mübarek, çok kıymettar, çok sevgili üstadımız efendimiz!

    Millet ve memleket için çok büyük güzellikleri ihtiva eden “Meyve” dokuz meselesiyle dehşetli bir zamanda, müthiş âsiler içinde, en büyük düşmanlar arasında, hayret-feza bir surette şakirdlerine necat vermeye vesile olmakla kalmamış, Onuncu ve On Birinci Meseleleri ile hususuyla Nur’un şakirdlerini hakikat yollarında alkışlamış. Ve gidecekleri hakiki mekânları olan kabirdeki ahvallerinden ve herkesi titreten ve bilhassa ehl-i gaflet için çok korkunç, çok elemli, çok acıklı bir menzil olan toprak altında göreceği ve konuşacağı melâikelerle konuşmayı ve refakati sevdirerek bu mekâna daha çok ünsiyet izhar etmekle bu korkulu ilk menzil hakkındaki fevka’l-had korkularımızı ta’dil etmiş, nefes aldırmış. Hususuyla o âlemin nurani hayatını benim gibi göremeyenlerin ellerinde şuâatı, yüz binlerle senelik mesafelere uzanan bir elektrik lambası hükmüne geçmiş. Hem de daima koklanılacak numunelik bir çiçek bahçesi olmuştur.

    Evet, biz sevgili üstadımıza arz ediyoruz ki her gün dersini hocasına okuyan bir talebe gibi Nur’dan aldığımız feyizlerimizi, her vakit için sevgili üstadımıza arz edelim. Fakat sevgili üstadımız şimdilik konuşmalarını tatil buyurdular.

    Ey aziz üstadım! Risale-i Nur’un hakikati ve Meyve’nin güzelliği ve çiçeğinin feyzi, beni minnettarane bir parça memleketim namına konuşturmuş ve benim gibi konuşan çok kalplere hayat vermiş. Şimdi muhitimizde Risale-i Nur’a karşı atılan adımlar ve uzatılan eller, Meyve’nin On Birinci çiçeği ile daha çok metanet kesbetmiş, inkişaf etmiş, faaliyete başlamıştır.

    Çok hakir talebeniz


    Isparta’daki umum Risale-i Nur talebeleri namına ramazan tebriği münasebetiyle yazılmış ve on üç fıkra ile ta’dil edilmiş bir mektuptur.

    بِاس۟مِهٖ سُب۟حَانَهُ وَ اِن۟ مِن۟ شَى۟ءٍ اِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَم۟دِهٖ

    Ey âlem-i İslâm’ın dünya ve âhirette selâmeti için Kur’an’ın feyziyle ve Risale-i Nur’un hakikatiyle ve sadık şakirdlerin himmetiyle mübarek gözlerinden yaş yerine kan akıtan;

    Ve ey fitne-i âhir zamanın şu dağdağalı ve fırtınalı zamanında Hazret-i Eyyüb aleyhisselâmdan ziyade hastalıklara, dertlere giriftar olan;

    Ve Kur’an’ın nuruyla ve Risale-i Nur’un bürhanlarıyla ve şakirdlerin gayretiyle âlem-i İslâm’ın maddî ve manevî hastalıklarını Hekîm-i Lokman gibi tedaviye çalışan;

    Ve ey mübarek ellerinde mevcud olan Nur parçalarının hak ve hakikat olduğunu Kur’an’ın otuz üç âyetiyle ve keramet-i Aleviye ve Gavsiye ile ispat eden;

    Ve ey kendisi hasta ve ihtiyar ve zayıf ve gayet acınacak bir halde olduğuna göre herkesten ziyade âlem-i İslâm’a can feda eder derecesinde acıyarak kendine fenalık etmek isteyenlere Kur’an’ın hakikatiyle ve Risale-i Nur’un hüccetleriyle, Nur talebelerinin sadakatleriyle hayırlı dualar ve iyilik etmek ile karşılayan;

    Ve yazdığı mühim eserlerinden Âyetü’l-Kübra’nın tabıyla kendi zatına ve talebelerine gelen musibette hapishanelere düşen;

    Ve o zindanları Kur’an’ın irşadıyla ve Risale-i Nur’un dersiyle ve şakirdlerin iştiyakı ile bir medrese-i Yusufiyeye çeviren ve bir dershane yapan;

    Ve içimizde bulunan cahil olanların hepsini Kur’an’ı o dershanede hatmettirerek çıkaran;

    Ve o musibette Kur’an’ın kuvve-i kudsiyesiyle ve Risale-i Nur’un tesellisiyle ve kardeşlerin tahammülleriyle ihtiyar ve zayıf olduğu halde bütün ağırlıklarımızı ve yüklerimizi üzerine alan;

    Ve yazdığı Meyve ve Müdafaaname risaleleriyle Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın i’cazıyla ve Risale-i Nur’un kuvvetli bürhanlarıyla ve şakirdlerin ihlası ile izn-i İlahî ile o zindan kapılarını açtırıp beraet kazandıran;

    Ve o günde bize ve âlem-i İslâm’a bayram yaptıran;

    Ve hakikaten Risale-i Nurları “Nurun alâ nur” olduğunu ispat ederek kıyamete kadar serbest okunup ve yazılmasına hak kazandıran;

    Ve âlem-i İslâm’ın Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan’ın gıda-i kudsîsiyle ve Nur’un uhrevî taamıyla ve şakirdlerinin iştihasıyla ekmek, su ve hava gibi bu Nurlara pek çok ihtiyacı olduğunu ve bu Nurları okuyup yazanlardan binler kişi imanla kabre girdiğini ispat eden;

    Ve kendisine mensup talebelerini hiçbir yerde mağlup ve mahcup etmeyen;

    Ve elyevm Kur’an’ın semavî dersleriyle ve Risale-i Nur’un esasatıyla ve şakirdlerinin zekâvetleriyle ve Meyve’nin Onuncu ve On Birinci Mesele ve çiçekleriyle firak ateşiyle gece gündüz yanan kalplerimizi âb-ı hayat ve şarab-ı kevser gibi o mübarek “Mesele” ve “Çiçekler” ile kalplerimizin ateşini söndürüp sürur ve feraha sevk eden;

    Ve ey âlemin (Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan’ın kat’î vaadiyle ve tehdidi ile ve Risale-i Nur’un keşf-i kat’îsiyle ve merhum şakirdlerinin müşahedesiyle ve onlardaki keşfe’l-kubur sahiplerinin görmesiyle) en çok korktuğu ölümü ehl-i iman için idam-ı ebedîden kurtarıp bir terhis tezkeresine çeviren;

    Ve âlem-i Nur’a gitmek için güzel bir yolculuk olduğunu ispat eden;

    Ve kâfir ve münafıklar için idam-ı ebedî olduğunu bildiren;

    Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın, bin mu’cizat-ı Ahmediye aleyhissalâtü vesselâm ve kırk vech-i i’cazının tasdiki altında ihbarat-ı kat’iyesiyle, ondan çıkan Risale-i Nur’un en muannid düşmanlarını mağlup eden hüccetleriyle ve Nur şakirdlerinin çok emarelerin ve tecrübelerin ve kanaatlerinin teslimi ile o korkunç, karanlık, soğuk ve dar kabri, ehl-i iman için cennet çukurundan bir çukur ve cennet bahçesinin bir kapısı olduğunu ispat eden;

    Ve kâfir ve münafık zındıklar için cehennem çukurundan yılan ve akreplerle dolu bir çukur olduğunu ispat eden ve oraya gelecek olan Münker Nekir isminde melâikeleri ehl-i hak ve hakikat yolunda gidenler için birer munis arkadaş yapan;

    Ve Risale-i Nur’un şakirdlerini talebe-i ulûm sınıfına dâhil edip Münker Nekir suallerine Risale-i Nur ile cevap verdiklerini merhum kahraman şehit Hâfız Ali’nin vefatıyla keşfeden;

    Ve hayatta bulunanlarımızın da yine Risale-i Nur’la cevap vermemizi rahmet-i İlahiyeden dua ve niyaz eden;

    Ve Hazret-i Kur’an’ı, Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan’ın kırk tabakadan her tabakaya göre bir nevi i’caz-ı manevîsini göstermesiyle ve umum kâinata bakan kelâm-ı ezelî olmasıyla ve tefsiri olan Risale-i Nur’un Mu’cizat-ı Kur’aniye ve Rumuzat-ı Semaniye risaleleriyle ve Risale-i Nur Gül Fabrikasının serkâtibi gibi kahraman kardeşlerin ve şakirdlerin fevkalâde gayretleriyle asr-ı saadetten beri böyle hârika bir surette mu’cizeli olarak yazılmasına hiç kimse kādir olmadığı halde Risale-i Nur’un kahraman bir kâtibi olan Hüsrev’e “Yaz!” emir buyurulmasıyla, Levh-i Mahfuz’daki yazılan Kur’an gibi yazılması ve Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan’ın hak kelâmullah olduğunu ve bütün semavî kitapların en büyüğü ve en efdali ve bir Fatiha içinde binler Fatiha ve bir İhlas içinde binler İhlas ve hurufatının birden on ve yüz ve bin ve binler sevap ve hasene verdiklerini hiç görülmedik ve işitilmedik pek güzel ve hârika bir surette tarif ve ispat eden;

    Ve Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın bin üç yüz seneden beri i’cazını göstermesiyle ve muarızlarını durdurmasıyla ve Nur’un gözlere gösterir derecede zâhir delilleri ile ve Nur şakirdlerinin elmas kalemleriyle bu zamana kadar misli görülmedik Risale-i Nur’un dünyaya ferman okuyan ve en mütemerrid ve muannidleri susturan Yirmi Beşinci Söz ve zeylleri kırk vecihle i’caz-ı Kur’anî olduğunu ispat eden;

    Ve ey Hazret-i Peygamber aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın hak peygamber olduğuna ve umum yüz yirmi dört bin peygamberlerin efdali ve seyyidi olduğuna dair binler mu’cizelerini “Mu’cizat-ı Ahmediye” (asm) namındaki Risale-i Nur’u ile güzel bir surette ispat eden ve Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan’ın Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın rahmeten li’l-âlemîn olduğunu kâinatta ilan etmesiyle ve Nur’un baştan nihayete kadar onun rahmeten li’l-âlemîn olduğunu bürhanlarla ispat etmesiyle ve o resulün ef’al ve ahvali, kâinatta numune-i iktida olacak en sağlam, en güzel rehber olduğunu hattâ körlere de göstermesiyle ve Anadolu ve hususi memleketlerde Nur’un intişarı zamanında belaların ref’i ve susturulmasıyla musibetlerin gelmesi şehadetiyle ve Nur şakirdlerinin gayet ağır müşkülatlar içinde kemal-i metanetle hizmet ve irtibatlarıyla o zatın (asm) sünnet-i seniyesine ittiba etmek, ne kadar kârlı olduğunu ve bir sünnete bu zamanda ittibada yüz şehidin ecrini kazandığını bildiren;

    Ve sadaka, kaza ve belayı nasıl def’ediyorsa Risale-i Nur’un da Anadolu’ya gelecek kazayı, belayı, yirmi senedir def’ettiğini aynelyakîn ispat eden üstad-ı ekremimiz efendimiz hazretleri!

    Şimdi şu Risale-i Nur’un beraeti, başta siz sevgili üstadımızı, sonra biz âciz, kusurlu talebelerinizi, sonra âlem-i İslâm’ı sürura sevk ederek ikinci büyük bir bayram yaptırdığından siz mübarek üstadımızın bu büyük bayram-ı şerifinizi tebrik ile ve yine üçüncü bayram olan ramazan-ı şerifinizi ve Leyle-i Kadrinizi tebrik, emsal-i kesîresiyle müşerref olmaklığımızı niyaz ve biz kusurluların kusurlarımızın affını rica ederek umumen selâm ile mübarek ellerinizden öper ve dualarınızı temenni ederiz, efendimiz hazretleri.

    Isparta ve havalisinde bulunan Nur talebeleri

    Haddimden yüz derece ziyade olan bu mektup muhteviyatını tevazu ile reddetmek bir küfran-ı nimet ve umum şakirdlerin hüsn-ü zanlarına karşı bir ihanet olması ve aynen kabul etmek bir gurur, bir enaniyet ve benlik bulunması cihetiyle, umum namına Risale-i Nur kâtibinin yazdığı bu uzun mektubu –on üç fıkraları ilâve edip– hem bir şükr-ü manevî hem gururdan hem küfran-ı nimetten kurtulmak için size bir suretini gönderiyorum ki Meyve’nin On Birinci Mesele’sinin âhirinde “Risale-i Nur’un Isparta ve civarı talebelerinin bir mektubudur” diye ilhak edilsin.

    Ben bu mektubu, bu tadilat ile yazdığımız halde iki defa bir güvercin yanımızdaki pencereye geldi. İçeriye girecekti, Ceylan’ın başını gördü, girmedi. Birkaç dakika sonra başkası aynen geldi. Yine yazanı gördü, girmedi. Ben dedim: Herhalde evvelki serçe ve kuddüs kuşu gibi müjdecilerdir. Veyahut bu mektup gibi müteaddid mektupları yazdığımızdan, mübarek mektubun ta’dili ile mübarekiyetini tebrik için gelmişler, kanaatimiz geldi.

    Said Nursî

    1. *Qur’an, 12:42.
    2. *Mishkat al-Masabih, iii, 122. See also, Zad al-Ma’ad (tahqiq: al-Arna’ut), i, 43-4.
    3. *One of those investigative scholars is the Risale-i Nur, which for twenty years has been silencing the most obstinate philosophers and obdurate atheists. Its various parts are available; everyone may read them, and no one can object to them.
    4. *For ‘certain, verified belief’ (iman-i tahkikî), see, page 488 footnote 71, and page 568 footnote1. [Tr.]
    5. *This refers to 1946.
    6. *Qur’an, 6:1.
    7. *Qur’an, 13:16.
    8. *Qur’an, 2:32.
    9. *Qur’an, 16:77.
    10. *Qur’an, 31:28.
    11. *Qur’an, 30:50.
    12. *It is as though Doomsday has occurred in all past springs and they have died, while the following springs have been their resurrections.
    13. *Qur’an, 30:25.
    14. *Qur’an, 81:10.
    15. *Qur’an, 57:3.
    16. *Qur’an, 43:71.
    17. *Qur’an, 4:48, 116.
    18. *Qur’an, 93:8, etc.
    19. *Qur’an, 3:191.
    20. *Qur’an, 25:65-6.
    21. *Qur’an, 22:11.
    22. *Qur’an, 31:28.
    23. *Qur’an, 2:32.
    24. *Qur’an, 2:285.
    25. *As the Tenth Topic of the Fruits of Denizli Prison, it is a small, shining flower of Emirdag and of this month of Ramadan. By explaining one instance of wisdom in the repetitions in the Qur’an, it dispels the poisonous, putrid illusions of the people of misguidance.
    26. *Denizli hapsinin meyvesine Onuncu Mesele olarak Emirdağı’nın ve bu ramazan-ı şerifin nurlu bir küçük çiçeğidir. Tekrarat-ı Kur’aniyenin bir hikmetini beyanla ehl-i dalaletin ufunetli ve zehirli evhamlarını izale eder.
    27. *Bu risalenin telifinden on iki sene evvel. (Nâşir)