Tüm genel günlükler

Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri için mevcut tüm günlüklerin birleşik gösterimi. Günlük tipini, kullanıcı adını (büyük-küçük harf duyarlı), ya da etkilenen sayfayı (yine büyük-küçük harf duyarlı) seçerek görünümü daraltabilirsiniz.

  • 10.29, 31 Temmuz 2024 Ferhat mesaj katkılar, Translations:On Birinci Söz/55/en sayfasını oluşturdu ("Then he saw that his employer had given another of his servants a thousand gold pieces, and putting in the servant’s pocket a piece of paper with some things written on it, had sent him to conclude some business. Now, anyone with any sense would know that the capital was not for getting a suit of clothes, for, since the first servant had bought a suit of the finest cloth with twenty gold pieces, the thousand gold pieces were certainly not to be spent..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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