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Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The ruler in the comparison is our Sustainer, our Creator. Of the two travelling servants, one represents the devout who perform their prayers with fervour, and the other, the heedless who neglect their prayers. The twenty-four pieces of gold are life in every twenty-four-hour day. And the royal domain is Paradise. As for the station, it is the grave. And the journey is man’s passage to the grave, and on to the resurrection and the hereafter. Men cover..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("O you who do not perform the prescribed prayers! And O my own soul, which does not like to pray!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The ruler in the comparison is our Sustainer, our Creator. Of the two travelling servants, one represents the devout who perform their prayers with fervour, and the other, the heedless who neglect their prayers. The twenty-four pieces of gold are life in every twenty-four-hour day. And the royal domain is Paradise. As for the station, it is the grave. And the journey is man’s passage to the grave, and on to the resurrection and the hereafter. Men cover..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
17. satır: 17. satır:
O you who do not perform the prescribed prayers! And O my own soul, which does not like to  pray!
O you who do not perform the prescribed prayers! And O my own soul, which does not like to  pray!

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The ruler in the comparison is our Sustainer, our Creator. Of the two travelling servants, one represents the devout who perform their prayers with fervour, and the other, the heedless who neglect their prayers. The twenty-four pieces of gold are life in every twenty-four-hour day. And the royal domain is Paradise. As for the station, it is the grave. And the journey is man’s passage to the grave, and on to the resurrection and the hereafter. Men cover that long journey to different degrees according to their actions and the strength of their fear of God. Some of the truly devout have crossed a thousand- year distance in  a day like lightning. And some have traversed a fifty-thousand-year distance in a day with the speed of imagination. The Qur’an of Mighty Stature alludes to this truth with two of its verses.(*<ref>*See, “Said one of them: ‘How long have we stayed there?’ They said: ‘We have stayed [perhaps] a day, or part of a day.’”(18:19), and, “So they stayed in their cave three hundred years, and [some] add nine [more].”(18:25)</ref>)The ticket in the comparison represents the prescribed prayers. A single hour a day is sufficient for the five prayers together with taking the ablutions.
O hâkim ise Rabb’imiz, Hâlık’ımızdır. O iki hizmetkâr yolcu ise biri mütedeyyin, namazını şevk ile kılar; diğeri gafil, namazsız insanlardır. O yirmi dört altın ise yirmi dört saat her gündeki ömürdür. O has çiftlik ise cennettir. O istasyon ise kabirdir. O seyahat ise kabre, haşre, ebede gidecek beşer yolculuğudur. Amele göre, takva kuvvetine göre, o uzun yolu mütefavit derecede katederler. Bir kısım ehl-i takva, berk gibi bin senelik yolu bir günde keser. Bir kısmı da hayal gibi elli bin senelik bir mesafeyi bir günde kateder. Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan, şu hakikate iki âyetiyle işaret eder. O bilet ise namazdır. Bir tek saat, beş vakit namaza abdestle kâfi gelir.

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