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On Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"its expounding with its well-ordered styles the order and art of the book of the universe, is that by not entering under the restrictions of metre, each star of its verses can be a sort of centre to the most of the other verses, and be a brother to them, and each can form a connecting line with the verses within the sphere encompassing it in order to be a bond in the relationships which exist between them. It is as if each independent verse has an eye w..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("It is because of this, because the All-Wise Qur’an contains infinite brilliant, elevated truths, that it is free of the fancies of poetry. Another reason the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is not in verse, despite the perfection of its word-order and orderedness and" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("its expounding with its well-ordered styles the order and art of the book of the universe, is that by not entering under the restrictions of metre, each star of its verses can be a sort of centre to the most of the other verses, and be a brother to them, and each can form a connecting line with the verses within the sphere encompassing it in order to be a bond in the relationships which exist between them. It is as if each independent verse has an eye w..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
19. satır: 19. satır:
It is because of this, because the All-Wise Qur’an contains infinite brilliant, elevated truths, that it is free of the fancies of poetry. Another reason the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is not in verse, despite the perfection of its word-order and orderedness and
It is because of this, because the All-Wise Qur’an contains infinite brilliant, elevated truths, that it is free of the fancies of poetry. Another reason the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is not in verse, despite the perfection of its word-order and orderedness and

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its expounding with its well-ordered styles the order and art of the book of the universe, is that by not entering under the restrictions of metre, each star of its verses can be a sort of centre to the most of the other verses, and be a brother to them, and each can form a connecting line with the verses within the sphere encompassing it in order to be a bond in the relationships which exist between them. It is as if each independent verse has an eye which looks to most of the other verses, and a face turned towards them. Thousands of Qur’ans are present within the Qur’an, each of which it offers to followers of the different paths. As  is described  in the  Twenty-Fifth Word,  in Sura al-Ikhlas  is a treasury of knowledge  about  Divine  unity  comprising  thirty-six  Sura  al-Ikhlas’s,  formed  of  a compound of six phrases, each winged. Indeed, like with the stars in the sky which are apparently without order, each is unrestricted and as a sort of centre extends a  line of connection to all the stars in the area surrounding it, indicating a hidden relation between beings. It is as if, like the stars of verses, each single star has an eye which looks to all stars and a face which is turned to them.
Âyetlerinin her bir necmi, vezin kaydı altına girmeyip tâ ekser âyetlere bir nevi merkez olsun ve kardeşi olsun ve mabeynlerinde mevcud münasebet-i maneviyeye rabıta olmak için o daire-i muhita içindeki âyetlere birer hatt-ı münasebet teşkil etsin. Güya serbest her bir âyetin, ekser âyetlere bakar birer gözü, müteveccih birer yüzü var. '''Kur’an içinde binler Kur’an bulunur ki her bir meşrep sahibine birisini verir.''' Nasıl ki Yirmi Beşinci Söz’de beyan edildiği gibi; Sure-i İhlas içinde otuz altı Sure-i İhlas miktarınca her biri zi’l-ecniha olan altı cümlenin terkibatından müteşekkil bir hazine-i ilm-i tevhid bulunur ve tazammun ediyor. Evet, nasıl ki semada olan intizamsız yıldızların sureten adem-i intizamı cihetiyle her bir yıldız, kayıt altına girmeyip her birisi ekser yıldızlara bir nevi merkez olarak daire-i muhitasındaki –birer birer– her bir yıldıza mevcudat beynindeki nisbet-i hafiyeye işaret olarak birer hatt-ı münasebet uzatıyor. Güya her bir tek yıldız, necm-i âyet gibi umum yıldızlara bakar birer gözü, müteveccih birer yüzü vardır.

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See then the perfect order within the apparent lack of order, and take a lesson!
İşte intizamsızlık içinde kemal-i intizamı gör, ibret al!

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