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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Any sort of seed sown in a field shows that the field must be at the disposal of the seed’s owner, and that the seed too is under the disposal of the one who has control of the field. Similarly, the arable field of beings known as the elements and their universality and comprehensiveness as well as their sameness and uncomplex nature, and the plants and animals –these fruits of mercy, miracles of power, and words of wisdom known as creatures– and t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("===EIGHTH FLASH===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Any sort of seed sown in a field shows that the field must be at the disposal of the seed’s owner, and that the seed too is under the disposal of the one who has control of the field. Similarly, the arable field of beings known as the elements and their universality and comprehensiveness as well as their sameness and uncomplex nature, and the plants and animals –these fruits of mercy, miracles of power, and words of wisdom known as creatures– and t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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Any sort of seed sown in a field shows that the field must be at the disposal of the seed’s owner, and that the seed too is under the disposal of the one who has control of the field. Similarly, the arable field of beings known as the elements and their universality and comprehensiveness as well as their sameness and uncomplex nature, and the plants and animals –these fruits of mercy, miracles of power, and words of wisdom known as creatures– and their spreading to most places and settling everywhere as well as  their being similar and resembling one another, show that they are under the disposal of a single Miracle-Displaying Maker, and in such a way that it is as if every flower, fruit, and animal is a seal, stamp, and signature of its Maker. Wherever they are found, each says through the tongue of disposition: “Whose-ever seal I am, the place I am found is also of his making. Whose-ever stamp I am, this place is a missive of His. Whose-ever signature I am, this land too is of his weaving.”
Nasıl ki bir tarlada ekilen bir nevi tohum delâlet eder ki o tarla herhalde tohum sahibinin taht-ı tasarrufunda olduğunu, hem o tohumu dahi tarla mutasarrıfının taht-ı tasarrufunda olduğunu gösterir. Öyle de şu anâsır denilen mezraa-i masnuat, vâhidiyet ve besatet ile beraber, külliyet ve ihataları ve şu mahlukat denilen semerat-ı rahmet ve mu’cizat-ı kudret ve kelâmat-ı hikmet olan nebatat ve hayvanat, mümaselet ve müşabehetleriyle beraber çok yerlerde intişarı, her tarafta bulunup tavattunları; tek bir Sâni’-i Mu’ciz-nüma’nın taht-ı tasarrufunda olduklarını öyle bir tarzda gösteriyor ki güya her bir çiçek, her bir semere, her bir hayvan, o Sâni’in birer sikkesidir, birer hâtemidir, birer turrasıdır. Her nerede bulunsa lisan-ı haliyle her birisi der ki “Ben kimin sikkesiyim, bu yer dahi onun masnuudur. Ben kimin hâtemiyim, bu mekân dahi onun mektubudur. Ben kimin turrasıyım, bu vatanım dahi onun mensucudur.”

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