İçeriğe atla

Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Now, we shall indicate one of the countless stamps on species. Since the countless fruits of a fruit-bearing tree are administered from one centre, in accordance with one law and a single way of raising, the difficulty, hardship, and expense are transformed into ease. It is so easy the numerous fruits raised become equal to a single fruit. That means in regard to quantity, multiplicity and numerous centres necessitate the difficulty, expense, and equipme..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("We have pointed out some of the seals, stamps, and signatures on particulars and parts, universals and wholes, on the world as a whole, and on life, living beings, and raising to life." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Now, we shall indicate one of the countless stamps on species. Since the countless fruits of a fruit-bearing tree are administered from one centre, in accordance with one law and a single way of raising, the difficulty, hardship, and expense are transformed into ease. It is so easy the numerous fruits raised become equal to a single fruit. That means in regard to quantity, multiplicity and numerous centres necessitate the difficulty, expense, and equipme..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
373. satır: 373. satır:
We have pointed out some of the seals, stamps, and signatures on particulars and parts, universals  and wholes, on the world as a whole, and on life, living beings, and raising to life.
We have pointed out some of the seals, stamps, and signatures on particulars and parts, universals  and wholes, on the world as a whole, and on life, living beings, and raising to life.

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Now, we shall indicate one of the countless stamps on species.
Evet, nasıl ki meyvedar bir ağacın hesapsız semereleri, bir terbiye-i vâhide, bir kanun-u vahdetle, bir tek merkezden idare edildiklerinden külfet ve meşakkat ve masraf, o kadar suhulet peyda eder ki kesretle terbiye edilen tek bir semereye müsavi olurlar. Demek, kesret ve taaddüd-ü merkez, her semere için kemiyetçe bütün ağaç kadar külfet ve masraf ve cihazat ister. Fark yalnız keyfiyetçedir. Nasıl ki bir tek nefere lâzım teçhizat-ı askeriyeyi yapmak için orduya lâzım bütün fabrikalar kadar fabrikalar lâzımdır.
Since the countless fruits of a fruit-bearing tree are administered from one centre, in accordance with one law and a single way of raising, the difficulty, hardship, and expense are transformed into ease. It is so easy the numerous fruits raised become equal to a single fruit. That means in regard to quantity, multiplicity and numerous centres necessitate the difficulty, expense, and equipment of the whole tree for a single fruit. The difference is only in regard to quality. Like all the factories required for the whole army are necessary to manufacture all the military equipment necessary for a single soldier.

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