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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If you look at the Qur’an with the eyes of a sound heart, you will see that its six aspects are so brilliant and transparent that no darkness, no misguidance, no doubt or suspicion, no trickery could enter it or find a fissure through which to enter and violate its purity. For above it is the stamp of miraculousness; beneath it, proof and evidence; behind it, its point of support, pure dominical revelation; before it, the happiness of this world and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Yes, altogether the world hymns: There is no god but God!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If you look at the Qur’an with the eyes of a sound heart, you will see that its six aspects are so brilliant and transparent that no darkness, no misguidance, no doubt or suspicion, no trickery could enter it or find a fissure through which to enter and violate its purity. For above it is the stamp of miraculousness; beneath it, proof and evidence; behind it, its point of support, pure dominical revelation; before it, the happiness of this world and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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417. satır: 417. satır:
Yes, altogether the world hymns: There is no god but God!
Yes, altogether the world hymns: There is no god but God!

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If you look at the Qur’an with the eyes of a sound heart, you will see that its six aspects are so brilliant and transparent that no darkness, no misguidance, no doubt or suspicion, no trickery could enter it or find a fissure through which to enter and violate its purity. For above it  is the  stamp of miraculousness; beneath it, proof and evidence; behind it, its point of support, pure dominical revelation; before it, the happiness of this world and the next; on its right, questioning the reason and ensuring its confirmation; on its left, calling on the conscience to witness and securing its submission; within it is self- evidently the pure guidance of the Most Merciful; its outside observedly consists of the lights of belief; and its fruits, with all certainty the purified and veracious scholars and saints, who are  adorned with all the human perfections and attainments. If you fasten your ear to the breast of that  tongue of the Unseen, you will hear from afar a most familiar and convincing, an infinitely serious and elevated heavenly voice equipped with proof which repeats “There is no god but God.” It states this so  certainly it is at the degree  of  ‘absolute  certainty’, and  illuminates  you  with a  ‘knowledge  of  certainty’ resembling ‘vision of certainty.
Evet, o Kur’an’a selim bir kalp gözüyle baksan göreceksin ki cihat-ı sittesi öyle parlıyor, öyle şeffaftır ki hiçbir zulmet, hiçbir dalalet, hiçbir şüphe ve rayb, hiçbir hile içine girmeye ve daire-i ismetine duhûle fürce bulamaz. Çünkü üstünde sikke-i i’caz, altında bürhan ve delil, arkasında nokta-i istinadı mahz-ı vahy-i Rabbanî, önünde saadet-i dâreyn, sağında aklı istintak edip tasdikini temin, solunda vicdanı istişhad ederek teslimini tesbit, içi bilbedahe safi hidayet-i Rahmaniye, üstü bilmüşahede hâlis envar-ı imaniye, meyveleri biaynelyakîn kemalât-ı insaniye ile müzeyyen asfiya ve muhakkikîn, evliya ve sıddıkîn olan o lisan-ı gaybın sinesine kulağını yapıştırıp dinlesen; derinden derine, gayet munis ve mukni, nihayet ciddi ve ulvi ve bürhan ile mücehhez bir sadâ-yı semavî işiteceksin ki öyle bir kat’iyetle لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ der ve tekrar eder ki hakkalyakîn derecesinde söylediğini, aynelyakîn gibi bir ilm-i yakîni sana ifade ve ifaza ediyor.

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