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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O friend, whose mind is alert and heart, attentive! If you have understood this Twenty-Second Word from the beginning up to here, take the twelve Flashes together in your hand, and finding a lamp of truth as powerful as a thousand electric lamps, adhere to the below-mentioned verses of the Qur’an. Mount the steed of Divine assistance, ascend to the heavens of truth, rise to the Throne of Divine knowledge." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Oh, obdurate little man sunk in misguidance! (*<ref>*This is addressing someone who was trying to abolish the Qur’an.</ref>) How can you oppose these suns with the lamp of your head, dimmer than a fire-fly? How can you show disdain for them? Are you trying to extinguish them by puffing? Pooh to your denying mind! How can you deny the words and claims which those two tongues of the Manifest and Unseen Worlds speak in the name of the Sustainer of all t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("O friend, whose mind is alert and heart, attentive! If you have understood this Twenty-Second Word from the beginning up to here, take the twelve Flashes together in your hand, and finding a lamp of truth as powerful as a thousand electric lamps, adhere to the below-mentioned verses of the Qur’an. Mount the steed of Divine assistance, ascend to the heavens of truth, rise to the Throne of Divine knowledge." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
431. satır: 431. satır:

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O friend,  whose  mind  is alert  and heart, attentive! If you have understood this Twenty-Second Word from the beginning up to here, take the twelve Flashes together in your hand, and finding a lamp of truth as powerful as a thousand electric lamps, adhere to the below-mentioned verses of the Qur’an. Mount the steed of Divine assistance, ascend to the heavens of truth, rise to the Throne of Divine knowledge.
Ey aklı hüşyar, kalbi müteyakkız arkadaş! Eğer şu Yirmi İkinci Söz’ün başından buraya kadar fehmetmişsen on iki lem’ayı birden elinde tut. Binler elektrik kuvvetinde bir sirac-ı hakikat bularak arş-ı a’zamdan uzatılıp gelen âyât-ı Kur’aniyeye yapış. Burak-ı tevfike bin, semavat-ı hakaikte urûc et, arş-ı marifetullaha çık.

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