İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"These comparisons point to the wisdom in the differences between the three groups, whose capacities are also different." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Third''' is the comparison of those who do not give up egotism, are plunged in works, and approach reality through deduction and reasoning only; and of those who search for reality through knowledge and science, reason and learning;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("These comparisons point to the wisdom in the differences between the three groups, whose capacities are also different." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
65. satır: 65. satır:
and those who approach reality swiftly through  belief and  the  Qur’an, poverty and worship.
and those who approach reality swiftly through  belief and  the  Qur’an, poverty and worship.

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These comparisons point to the wisdom in the  differences  between the three groups, whose capacities are also different.
Ve iman ve Kur’an ile fakr ve ubudiyetle hakikate çabuk giden ayrı ayrı istidatta bulunan üç taifenin hikmet-i ihtilaflarına işaret eden temsillerdir.

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Thus, under the titles of Flower, Droplet, and Atom, we shall show by means of a comparison, the mystery and extensive wisdom in the progress of the three groups.
İşte şu üç tabakanın terakkiyatındaki sırrı ve geniş hikmeti; '''zühre, katre, reşha''' unvanları altında bir temsil ile bir derece göstereceğiz.

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For example, through its Creator’s permission and at His command, the Sun has three sorts of manifestation, reflection and radiance: one is its reflection on flowers, one its reflection on the Moon and the planets, and one  its  reflection on shining objects like glass and water.
Mesela, güneşin kendi Hâlık’ının izniyle ve emriyle üç çeşit tecellisi ve in’ikası ve ifazası var: Birisi çiçeklere, birisi kamere ve seyyarelere, birisi şişe ve su gibi parlaklara verdiği ayrı ayrı in’ikaslarıdır.

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