İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, in the three forms mentioned above, the Sun bestows an effulgence and favour on every flower, the Moon, and all droplets and atoms. And these in turn are each in two ways:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Third''' is, through the Divine command, a reflection of the Sun which, making the air and the surface of the seas into mirrors, is pure, universal, and without shadow. Then the Sun gives to each of the bubbles on the sea, the droplets of water, molecules of air, and snow-flakes, a particular reflection and tiny image of itself." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, in the three forms mentioned above, the Sun bestows an effulgence and favour on every flower, the Moon, and all droplets and atoms. And these in turn are each in two ways:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
84. satır: 84. satır:
'''The Third''' is, through the Divine command, a reflection of the Sun which, making the air and the surface of the seas into mirrors, is pure, universal, and without shadow. Then the Sun gives to each of the bubbles on the sea, the droplets of water, molecules of air, and snow-flakes, a particular reflection and tiny image of itself.
'''The Third''' is, through the Divine command, a reflection of the Sun which, making the air and the surface of the seas into mirrors, is pure, universal, and without shadow. Then the Sun gives to each of the bubbles on the sea, the droplets of water, molecules of air, and snow-flakes, a particular reflection and tiny image of itself.

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Thus, in the three forms mentioned above, the Sun bestows an effulgence and favour on every flower, the Moon, and all droplets and atoms. And these in turn are each in two ways:
İşte güneşin her bir '''çiçeğe''' ve kamere mukabil her bir katreye, her bir '''reşhaya''' mezkûr üç cihette ikişer tarîk ile teveccüh ve ifazası var:

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