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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Therefore, deeming those to be sufficient, here we shall only say this, that a further miracle of the Qur’an is that just as all the miracles of the prophets display an impress of the Qur’an’s miraculousness, so with all its miracles, the Qur’an is itself a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And all the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are a miracle of the Qur’an which demonstrate its relation with Almighty God. And with the appear..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Two flashes of the Qur’an’s miraculousness mentioned in the Fourteenth Drop of the Nineteenth Word are its repetitions, which are imagined to be a fault, and its brevit y concerning the physical sciences, both of which are sources for flashes of miraculousness. Also, a flash of the Qur’an’s miraculousness which shines on the miracles of the prophets in the Qur’an is demonstrated clearly in the Second Station of the Twentieth Word. Similarly..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Therefore, deeming those to be sufficient, here we shall only say this, that a further miracle of the Qur’an is that just as all the miracles of the prophets display an impress of the Qur’an’s miraculousness, so with all its miracles, the Qur’an is itself a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And all the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are a miracle of the Qur’an which demonstrate its relation with Almighty God. And with the appear..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.215. satır: 1.215. satır:
Two flashes of the Qur’an’s miraculousness mentioned in the Fourteenth Drop of the  Nineteenth Word are its repetitions, which are imagined to be a fault, and its brevit y  concerning the physical sciences, both of which are sources for flashes of miraculousness.  Also, a flash of  the Qur’an’s miraculousness which shines on the miracles of the prophets in the Qur’an is demonstrated clearly in the Second Station of the Twentieth Word. Similarly to  these, numerous flashes of miraculousness have been mentioned in the other Words and in my Arabic treatises.
Two flashes of the Qur’an’s miraculousness mentioned in the Fourteenth Drop of the  Nineteenth Word are its repetitions, which are imagined to be a fault, and its brevit y  concerning the physical sciences, both of which are sources for flashes of miraculousness.  Also, a flash of  the Qur’an’s miraculousness which shines on the miracles of the prophets in the Qur’an is demonstrated clearly in the Second Station of the Twentieth Word. Similarly to  these, numerous flashes of miraculousness have been mentioned in the other Words and in my Arabic treatises.

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Therefore, deeming those to be sufficient, here we shall only say this, that a further miracle of the Qur’an is that just as all the miracles of the prophets display an  impress of the Qur’an’s miraculousness, so with all its miracles, the Qur’an is itself a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And all the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are a miracle of the Qur’an which demonstrate its relation with Almighty God. And with the appearance of that relation all of its words become miracles. For then a single of its words  may contain the  meaning of a tree of truths,  like a  seed;  and  may be connected with all the members of a might y truth, like the centre of the heart; and since its relies on an  all-encompassing knowledge and infinite will, it may look to innumerable things together with their letters, totalities, situations, and positions. It is because of this that the scholars of the science of letters claim that they have found a pageful of secrets in a single of the Qur’an’s letters, and they prove what they claim to adepts of that science.
Bir mu’cize-i Kur’aniye daha şudur ki: Nasıl bütün mu’cizat-ı enbiya, Kur’an’ın bir nakş-ı i’cazını göstermiştir; öyle de Kur’an, bütün mu’cizatıyla bir mu’cize-i Ahmediye (asm) olur. Ve bütün mu’cizat-ı Ahmediye (asm) dahi Kur’an’ın bir mu’cizesidir ki Kur’an’ın Cenab-ı Hakk’a karşı nisbetini gösterir ve o nisbetin zuhuruyla her bir kelimesi bir mu’cize olur. Çünkü o vakit bir tek kelime, bir çekirdek gibi bir şecere-i hakaiki manen tazammun edebilir. Hem merkez-i kalp gibi hakikat-i uzmanın bütün azasına münasebettar olabilir. Hem bir ilm-i muhite ve nihayetsiz bir iradeye istinad ettiği için hurufuyla, heyetiyle, vaziyetiyle, mevkiiyle hadsiz eşyaya bakabilir. İşte şu sırdandır ki ulema-i ilm-i huruf, Kur’an’ın bir harfinden bir sahife kadar esrar bulduklarını iddia ederler ve davalarını o fennin ehline ispat ediyorlar.

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