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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Also, thousands of precise and learned scholars of high intelligence have all written commentaries expounding the Qur’an, some of which are of thirty, forty, or even seventy volumes, showing and proving through evidence and argument the innumerable qualities, fine points, characteristics, mysteries, elevated meanings, and numerous indications concerning every sort of hidden and unseen matter in the Qur’an. And the one hundred an..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Yes, the value, superiority, and eloquence of a speech or word is apparent through knowing, “from whom it has come and to whom, and for what purpose;” the Qur’an then can have no like, and none can reach it. For the Qur’an is the speech and address of the Sustainer of all the worlds and Creator of the whole universe and a dialogue in no way hinting of imitation and artificiality. It is addressed to the one sent in the name of all men,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Also, thousands of precise and learned scholars of high intelligence have all written commentaries expounding the Qur’an, some of which are of thirty, forty, or even seventy volumes, showing and proving through evidence and argument the innumerable qualities, fine points, characteristics, mysteries, elevated meanings, and numerous indications concerning every sort of hidden and unseen matter in the Qur’an. And the one hundred an..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.269. satır: 1.269. satır:
Yes, the  value,  superiority,  and  eloquence  of  a  speech  or  word  is  apparent through knowing, “from whom it has come and to whom, and for what purpose;” the Qur’an then can have no like, and none can reach it. For the Qur’an is the speech and address of the  Sustainer of all the worlds and Creator of the whole universe and a dialogue in no way hinting of imitation and artificiality. It is addressed to the one sent in the name of all men,  indeed of all beings, the most famous and renowned of mankind, the strength and breadth  of whose belief gave rise to mighty Islam and raised its owner to the level of ‘the distance of two bow-strings’ and returned him as the addressee of the Eternally Besought One. It  describes and explains the matters concerning happiness in this world and the next, the  results of the creation of the universe, and the dominical purposes within it. It expounds also the belief of the one it addresses, which was the highest and most extensive, and bore all the truths of Islam. It turns and shows every side of the huge universe like a map, a clock, or a house, and teaches and describes it in the manner of the Craftsman Who made them – to produce the like of this Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is not possible; the degree of its miraculousness cannot be attained to.
Yes, the  value,  superiority,  and  eloquence  of  a  speech  or  word  is  apparent through knowing, “from whom it has come and to whom, and for what purpose;” the Qur’an then can have no like, and none can reach it. For the Qur’an is the speech and address of the  Sustainer of all the worlds and Creator of the whole universe and a dialogue in no way hinting of imitation and artificiality. It is addressed to the one sent in the name of all men,  indeed of all beings, the most famous and renowned of mankind, the strength and breadth  of whose belief gave rise to mighty Islam and raised its owner to the level of ‘the distance of two bow-strings’ and returned him as the addressee of the Eternally Besought One. It  describes and explains the matters concerning happiness in this world and the next, the  results of the creation of the universe, and the dominical purposes within it. It expounds also the belief of the one it addresses, which was the highest and most extensive, and bore all the truths of Islam. It turns and shows every side of the huge universe like a map, a clock, or a house, and teaches and describes it in the manner of the Craftsman Who made them – to produce the like of this Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is not possible; the degree of its miraculousness cannot be attained to.

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Also, thousands of precise and  learned  scholars  of high  intelligence  have all written commentaries expounding the Qur’an, some of which are of thirty, forty, or even  seventy volumes,  showing and  proving  through evidence  and  argument  the innumerable qualities, fine points, characteristics, mysteries, elevated meanings, and numerous  indications  concerning  every  sort  of hidden  and  unseen  matter  in  the Qur’an. And the one hundred and thirty parts of the Risale-i Nur in particular, each of which proves with decisive arguments one quality, one fine point of the Qur’an, – all its parts, such as the Miraculousness of the  Qur’an, and the Second Station of the Twentieth  Word,  which  deduces  many  things  from  the  Qur’an  concerning  the wonders of civilization like the railway and the aeroplane, and the First Ray, called Signs of the Qur’an, which divulges allusions of verses to the Risale-i Nur and electricity, and the eight short treatises called The Eight Signs, which show how well-ordered, full of meaning, and mysterious are the  words of the Qur’an, and the small treatise proving in five aspects the miraculousness of the verses at the end of Sura al-Fath in regard to their giving news of the Unseen – each part of the Risale-i Nur shows one truth, one light of the Qur’an. All this forms a stamp confirming  that the Qur’an has no like, is a miracle and a marvel, and that it is the tongue of the  World  of the Unseen in the Manifest World and the Word of One All-Knowing of the Unseen.
Hem Kur’an’ı tefsir eden ve bir kısmı otuz kırk hattâ yetmiş cilt olarak birer tefsir yazan yüksek zekâlı müdakkik binler mütefennin ulemanın, senetleri ve delilleriyle beyan ettikleri Kur’an’daki hadsiz meziyetleri ve nükteleri ve hâsiyetleri ve sırları ve âlî manaları ve umûr-u gaybiyenin her nevinden kesretli gaybî ihbarları izhar ve ispat etmeleri ve bilhassa Risale-i Nur’un yüz otuz kitabı, her biri Kur’an’ın bir meziyetini, bir nüktesini kat’î bürhanlarla ispat etmesi ve bilhassa Mu’cizat-ı Kur’aniye Risalesi, şimendifer ve tayyare gibi medeniyetin hârikalarından çok şeyleri Kur’an’dan istihraç eden Yirminci Söz’ün İkinci Makamı ve Risale-i Nur’a ve elektriğe işaret eden âyetlerin işaratını bildiren İşarat-ı Kur’aniye namındaki Birinci Şuâ ve huruf-u Kur’aniye ne kadar muntazam ve esrarlı ve manalı olduğunu gösteren Rumuzat-ı Semaniye namındaki sekiz küçük risaleler ve Sure-i Feth’in âhirki âyeti beş vecihle ihbar-ı gaybî cihetinde mu’cizeliğini ispat eden küçücük bir risale gibi Risale-i Nur’un her bir cüzü, Kur’an’ın bir hakikatini, bir nurunu izhar etmesi; Kur’an’ın misli olmadığına ve mu’cize ve hârika olduğuna ve bu âlem-i şehadette âlem-i gaybın lisanı ve bir Allâmü’l-guyub’un kelâmı bulunduğuna bir imzadır.

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