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Yirmi Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For example, it sometimes happens that in the market of human civilization and shop of social life, everyone flees in disgust from the fearsome results and ugly consequences of certain things, like from a deadly poison, let alone buying them, while the beautiful results and valuable consequences of certain other things and of immaterial goods attract the general view and demand to themselves like a universal panacea and a sparkling brilliant; everyone t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Their characters demanded that they looked to the rank of the perfections, those of God’s Beloved (PBUH) at the highest of the high, who was the herald and embodiment of truthfulness, good, and right, and that they hastened in that way with all their strength and endeavour." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For example, it sometimes happens that in the market of human civilization and shop of social life, everyone flees in disgust from the fearsome results and ugly consequences of certain things, like from a deadly poison, let alone buying them, while the beautiful results and valuable consequences of certain other things and of immaterial goods attract the general view and demand to themselves like a universal panacea and a sparkling brilliant; everyone t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
173. satır: 173. satır:
Their characters demanded that they looked to the  rank  of the perfections, those of God’s Beloved (PBUH) at the highest of the high, who was the  herald and embodiment of truthfulness, good, and right, and that they hastened in that way with all their strength and endeavour.
Their characters demanded that they looked to the  rank  of the perfections, those of God’s Beloved (PBUH) at the highest of the high, who was the  herald and embodiment of truthfulness, good, and right, and that they hastened in that way with all their strength and endeavour.

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For example, it sometimes happens that in the market of human civilization and shop of social life, everyone flees in disgust from the fearsome results and ugly consequences of certain things, like from a deadly poison, let alone buying them, while the beautiful results and valuable consequences of certain other things and of immaterial goods attract the general view and demand to themselves like a universal  panacea and a sparkling brilliant; everyone tries their utmost to buy them.
Mesela, nasıl ki zaman oluyor; medeniyet-i beşeriye çarşısında ve hayat-ı içtimaiye-i insaniye dükkânında, bazı şeylerin verdiği müthiş neticeleri ve çirkin eserleri zehr-i kātil gibi herkes onu satın almak değil, bütün kuvvetiyle ondan nefret edip kaçar. Ve bazı şeylerin ve manevî metaların verdikleri güzel neticeler ve kıymettar eserler, bir tiryak-ı nâfi’ ve bir pırlanta gibi herkesin nazar-ı rağbetini kendine celbeder. Herkes elinden geldiği kadar onları satın almaya çalışır.

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