İçeriğe atla

Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"According to the meaning of these verses, all things are in need of a single All- Glorious Creator in everything, in all matters and circumstances. Indeed, we look at the beings in the universe and we see that there is the manifestation of an absolute force within an absolute weakness, and the traces of an absolute power are apparent within an absolute impotence; like, for example, the wonderful states and stages plants display when the life-force awak..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The Thirty-Third Word" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("According to the meaning of these verses, all things are in need of a single All- Glorious Creator in everything, in all matters and circumstances. Indeed, we look at the beings in the universe and we see that there is the manifestation of an absolute force within an absolute weakness, and the traces of an absolute power are apparent within an absolute impotence; like, for example, the wonderful states and stages plants display when the life-force awak..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
217. satır: 217. satır:
Just as the seven colours form light, and the light, which illuminates the face of the earth, undoubtedly shows the sun,  so  too that beneficence within wisdom, and mercy within beneficence, and sustaining and nurturing within mercy show brilliantly on a large scale and at a high degree the unity and perfect dominicality of an utterly Wise, Generous, Compassionate, Providing Necessarily Existent One.
Just as the seven colours form light, and the light, which illuminates the face of the earth, undoubtedly shows the sun,  so  too that beneficence within wisdom, and mercy within beneficence, and sustaining and nurturing within mercy show brilliantly on a large scale and at a high degree the unity and perfect dominicality of an utterly Wise, Generous, Compassionate, Providing Necessarily Existent One.

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O you stupefied and heedless denier! With what can you explain this wise, generous, compassionate,  providential  sustaining, this  strange, wonderful, miraculous  state  of affairs which is before your eyes? With chance and coincidence, which are aimless like you? With force, which is blind like your  heart? With nature, which is deaf like your head? With causes which are impotent, lifeless, and ignorant like you? Or do you want to give the name of ‘nature,’ which is utterly impotent, ignorant, deaf, blind, contingent, and wretched, to the All-Glorious One, Who is utterly holy, pure, exalted, and free of all defect and absolutely Powerful, Knowing, Hearing, and Seeing, and thus perpetrate an infinite error? So with what force can you extinguish this truth brilliant as the sun? Under which veil of heedlessness can you conceal it?
İşte ey sersem münkir-i gafil! Göz önündeki bu hakîmane, kerîmane, rahîmane, rezzakane terbiyeti ve bu acib ve hârika ve mu’cize keyfiyeti ne ile izah edebilirsin? Senin gibi serseri tesadüfle mi? Ve kalbin gibi kör kuvvetle mi? Ve kafan gibi sağır tabiatla mı? Ve senin gibi âciz, camid, cahil esbabla mı? Yoksa nihayetsiz derecede mukaddes, münezzeh ve müberra, muallâ ve nihayetsiz derecede Kadîr, Alîm, Semî’, Basîr olan Zat-ı Zülcelal’e nihayetsiz derecede âciz, cahil, sağır, kör, mümkin, miskin olan “tabiat” namını verip nihayetsiz hata işlemek mi istersin? Hem güneş gibi parlak şu hakikati, hangi kuvvet ile söndürebilirsin? Hangi perde-i gaflet altında saklayabilirsin?

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<span id="On_Yedinci_Pencere"></span>
== On Yedinci Pencere ==
==Seventeenth Window==

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Indeed in the heavens and earth are signs for those who believe.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 45:3.</ref>)
اِنَّ فِى السَّمٰوَاتِ وَال۟اَر۟ضِ لَاٰيَاتٍ لِل۟مُؤ۟مِنٖينَ

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