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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And so, out of these innumerable words of glorification, we shall lend our ears and listen to a single shoot and a single flower and their manner of expression, and learn the way in which they testify." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("For through an all-embracing law of mutual assistance, the sun cooks the necessities for the lives of living beings on the earth through a dominical command, and the moon acts as a calendar, and light, air, water, and sustenance hasten to the assistance of living beings, and plants hasten to the assistance of animals, and animals hasten to the assistance of human beings, and the members of the body hasten to assist one another, and particles of food eve..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("And so, out of these innumerable words of glorification, we shall lend our ears and listen to a single shoot and a single flower and their manner of expression, and learn the way in which they testify." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
374. satır: 374. satır:
Furthermore, life comprises provision, mercy, grace,  and  wisdom,  which  are dominant in the regulation, and administration of the universe. It is as if life fastens them on behind it and  draws them into the place it enters. For example, when life enters a body, the Name of All-Wise is also manifested; it makes its home well and orders it with wisdom. In the same way, the Name of All-Generous is manifested, and it organizes and decorates its dwelling according to its needs. At the same time, the manifestation of the Name  of All-Compassionate is apparent; it bestows all  sorts  of bounties for the continuance and perfection of life. Again at the same time, the manifestation of the Name of Provider appears; it produces the sustenance, material and immaterial, necessary for the perpetuation and unfolding of the life, and in part stores them up within its body.
Furthermore, life comprises provision, mercy, grace,  and  wisdom,  which  are dominant in the regulation, and administration of the universe. It is as if life fastens them on behind it and  draws them into the place it enters. For example, when life enters a body, the Name of All-Wise is also manifested; it makes its home well and orders it with wisdom. In the same way, the Name of All-Generous is manifested, and it organizes and decorates its dwelling according to its needs. At the same time, the manifestation of the Name  of All-Compassionate is apparent; it bestows all  sorts  of bounties for the continuance and perfection of life. Again at the same time, the manifestation of the Name of Provider appears; it produces the sustenance, material and immaterial, necessary for the perpetuation and unfolding of the life, and in part stores them up within its body.

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That is to say, life is like a point of focus; various attributes enter one another, indeed, they become one and the same. It is as if in its entirety life is both knowledge, and at the same time power, and at the same time wisdom and mercy, and so on... Thus, with regard to this comprehensive essence, life is a mirror of the Eternally Besought One reflecting the essential dominical attributes.
Demek hayat, bir nokta-i mihrakıye hükmünde; muhtelif sıfât birbiri içine girer, belki birbirinin aynı olur. Güya hayat tamamıyla hem ilimdir, aynı halde kudrettir, aynı halde de hikmet ve rahmettir ve hâkeza… İşte hayat bu câmi’ mahiyeti itibarıyla şuun-u zatiye-i Rabbaniyeye âyinedarlık eden bir âyine-i samediyettir.

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It is due to this mystery that the Necessarily Existent One, Who is the  Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One, creates life in great abundance and plenitude, and scatters it far and wide and broadcasts it, and gathers everything around life and makes it serve it. For life’s duty is great. Yes, it is not easy to be the mirror of the Eternally Besought One, it is not some petty duty.
İşte bu sırdandır ki Hayy-ı Kayyum olan Zat-ı Vâcibü’l-vücud, hayatı pek çok kesretle ve mebzuliyetle halk edip neşir ve teşhir eder. Ve her şeyi hayatın etrafına toplattırıp ona hizmetkâr eder. Çünkü hayatın vazifesi büyüktür. Evet, samediyetin âyinesi olmak kolay bir şey değil, âdi bir vazife değil.

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Thus, the instantaneous and continuous coming into existence from nothing of these countless,  numberless lives which we all the time see before our eyes, –and of spirits, which are the origins and essences of lives– their being sent, demonstrate the necessary existence, sacred attributes, and Most  Beautiful Names of a Necessarily Existent and Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One as clearly as sunbeams show the existence of the sun. Just as someone who does not recognize and accept the  existence of the sun is compelled to deny the light which fills the day, so one who does not recognize the Sun of Divine Oneness, Who  is Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent and the Giver of Life and Death, has to deny the existence of the living creatures which fill the earth and even the past and the future; he has to fall a hundred times lower than an animal, to fall from the level of life to become something utterly ignorant and lifeless.
İşte göz önünde her vakit gördüğümüz bu hadd ü hesaba gelmeyen yeni yeni hayatlar ve hayatların asılları ve zatları olan ruhlar, birden ve hiçten vücuda gelmeleri ve gönderilmeleri, bir Zat-ı Vâcibü’l-vücud ve Hayy-ı Kayyum’un vücub-u vücudunu ve sıfât-ı kudsiyesini ve esma-i hüsnasını; lemaatın güneşi gösterdiği gibi gösteriyorlar. Güneşi tanımayan ve kabul etmeyen adam, nasıl gündüzü dolduran ziyayı inkâr etmeye mecbur oluyor. Öyle de Hayy-ı Kayyum, Muhyî ve Mümît olan Şems-i Ehadiyet’i tanımayan adam, zeminin yüzünü belki mazi ve müstakbeli dolduran zîhayatların vücudunu inkâr etmeli ve yüz derece hayvandan aşağı düşmeli. Hayat mertebesinden düşüp camid bir cahil-i echel olmalı.

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<span id="Yirmi_Dördüncü_Pencere"></span>
== Yirmi Dördüncü Pencere ==
==Twenty-Fourth Window==

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