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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, the universal elements we have enumerated from light to the moon open in large measure a truly extensive window. They proclaim and show the unity of a Necessarily Existent One, and the perfection of His power, and grandeur of His sovereignty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, this situation testifies most clearly and powerfully to the necessary existence and unity of a Possessor of Absolute Power, an All-Wise and Compassionate One." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, the universal elements we have enumerated from light to the moon open in large measure a truly extensive window. They proclaim and show the unity of a Necessarily Existent One, and the perfection of His power, and grandeur of His sovereignty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
537. satır: 537. satır:
The First Aspect: Like the darkness of the night shows up light, so through his weakness and impotence, his poverty and need, his defects and faults, man makes known the power, strength, riches, and mercy of an All-Powerful One of Glory, and so on... he acts as a mirror to numerous Divine attributes in this way. Even, through searching for a point of support in his infinite impotence and boundless  weakness in the face of his innumerable enemies, his conscience perpetually looks to the Necessarily Existent One. And since he is compelled in his utter poverty and endless need to seek for a point of assistance in the face of his innumerable aims, his conscience in that respect all the time leans on the  Court of an All-Compassionate One of Riches and opens  its  hands  in supplication to Him.
The First Aspect: Like the darkness of the night shows up light, so through his weakness and impotence, his poverty and need, his defects and faults, man makes known the power, strength, riches, and mercy of an All-Powerful One of Glory, and so on... he acts as a mirror to numerous Divine attributes in this way. Even, through searching for a point of support in his infinite impotence and boundless  weakness in the face of his innumerable enemies, his conscience perpetually looks to the Necessarily Existent One. And since he is compelled in his utter poverty and endless need to seek for a point of assistance in the face of his innumerable aims, his conscience in that respect all the time leans on the  Court of an All-Compassionate One of Riches and opens  its  hands  in supplication to Him.

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That is to say, in regard to this point of support and point of assistance in the conscience, two small windows are opened onto the Court of Mercy of the All-Powerful and All-Compassionate One, which may all the time be looked through.
Demek, her vicdanda şu nokta-i istinad ve nokta-i istimdad cihetinde iki küçük pencere, Kadîr-i Rahîm’in bârgâh-ı rahmetine açılır, her vakit onunla bakabilir.

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The Second Aspect of being mirror-like is this: through particulars like his partial knowledge, power, senses of sight and hearing, ownership and sovereignty, which are sorts of samples given to  him, man acts as a mirror to the knowledge, power, sight, hearing, and sovereignty of dominicality of the Master of the Universe; he understands them and makes them known. For example, he says: “Just as I make this house and know how to make it, and I see it and own it and administer it, so the mighty palace  of the universe has a Maker. Its Maker knows it, sees it, makes it, administers it.” And so on..
'''İkinci Vecih âyinedarlık ise:''' İnsana verilen numuneler nevinden cüz’î ilim, kudret, basar, sem’, mâlikiyet, hâkimiyet gibi cüz’iyat ile kâinat Mâlikinin ilmine ve kudretine, basarına, sem’ine, hâkimiyet-i rububiyetine âyinedarlık eder. Onları anlar, bildirir. Mesela ben, nasıl bu evi yaptım ve yapmasını biliyorum ve görüyorum ve onun mâlikiyim ve idare ediyorum. Öyle de şu koca kâinat sarayının bir ustası var. O usta onu bilir, görür, yapar, idare eder ve hâkeza…

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