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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Just as perfect wisdom and beauty of art are apparent in particulars and results and in details, so do the universal elements and large creatures take up their positions in accordance with wisdom and art, despite their apparently being mixed up together by chance without order." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, the universal elements we have enumerated from light to the moon open in large measure a truly extensive window. They proclaim and show the unity of a Necessarily Existent One, and the perfection of His power, and grandeur of His sovereignty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Just as perfect wisdom and beauty of art are apparent in particulars and results and in details, so do the universal elements and large creatures take up their positions in accordance with wisdom and art, despite their apparently being mixed up together by chance without order." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
541. satır: 541. satır:
The Second Aspect of being mirror-like is this: through particulars like his partial knowledge,  power, senses of sight and hearing, ownership and sovereignty, which are sorts of samples given to  him,  man acts as a mirror to the knowledge, power, sight, hearing, and sovereignty of dominicality of the Master of the Universe; he understands them and makes them known. For example, he says: “Just as I make this house and know how to make it, and I see it and own it and administer it, so the mighty palace  of the universe has a Maker. Its Maker knows it, sees it, makes it, administers it.” And so on..
The Second Aspect of being mirror-like is this: through particulars like his partial knowledge,  power, senses of sight and hearing, ownership and sovereignty, which are sorts of samples given to  him,  man acts as a mirror to the knowledge, power, sight, hearing, and sovereignty of dominicality of the Master of the Universe; he understands them and makes them known. For example, he says: “Just as I make this house and know how to make it, and I see it and own it and administer it, so the mighty palace  of the universe has a Maker. Its Maker knows it, sees it, makes it, administers it.” And so on..

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The Third Aspect of being mirror-like: man acts as a mirror to the Divine Names, the imprint of which are upon him. There are more than seventy Names the impresses of which are  apparent in man’s comprehensive nature. These have been described to a degree at the start of the Third Stopping- Place of the Thirty-Second Word. For example, through his creation, man shows the Names of Maker and Creator; through his being on the ‘Most Excellent of Patterns,’ the Names of Most  Merciful and All-Compassionate, and through the fine way he is nurtured and raised, the Names of  All-Generous and Granter of Favours, and so on; he shows the differing impresses of different Names through all his members and faculties, all his organs and limbs, all his subtle senses and faculties, all his feelings and emotions.
'''Üçüncü Vecih âyinedarlık ise:''' İnsan, üstünde nakışları görünen esma-i İlahiyeye âyinedarlık eder. Otuz İkinci Söz’ün Üçüncü Mevkıfı’nın başında bir nebze izah edilen insanın mahiyet-i câmiasında nakışları zâhir olan yetmişten ziyade esma vardır. Mesela, yaratılışından Sâni’, Hâlık ismini ve hüsn-ü takviminden Rahman ve Rahîm isimlerini ve hüsn-ü terbiyesinden Kerîm, Latîf isimlerini ve hâkeza… Bütün aza ve âlâtıyla, cihazat ve cevarihiyle, letaif ve maneviyatıyla, havas ve hissiyatıyla ayrı ayrı esmanın ayrı ayrı nakışlarını gösteriyor.

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