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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If there were in the heavens and the earth other gods besides God, there surely would have been confusion in both.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 21:22.</ref>) * Everything will perish save His countenance; His is the command, and to Him shall you return.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 28:88.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Those lifeless bodies, those vast unconscious masses, are rotated and employed within the utmost order and wise balance, in various forms and over varying distances and in varying motions, proving the degree of the power and the wisdom; you compare for yourself. If chance was to interfere the tiniest amount in this vast and complex matter, it would cause an explosion so great it would scatter the universe. If it was to arrest the motion of one of th..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("If there were in the heavens and the earth other gods besides God, there surely would have been confusion in both.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 21:22.</ref>) * Everything will perish save His countenance; His is the command, and to Him shall you return.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 28:88.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
554. satır: 554. satır:
In the same way, And God’s is highest similitude,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 16:60.</ref>) since the spirit, a commanding law of Almighty God, displays this ability in the body and members of man, who is the microcosm, surely, the boundless acts, the innumerable voices, the endless supplications, the  uncountable  matters  in  the  universe,  which  is  the  macrocosm,  will  present  no difficulty to the all-embracing will and absolute power of the Necessarily Existent One. They will not  form obstacles to one another. They will not occupy that All-Glorious Creator, nor confuse Him. He sees them all simultaneously, and hears all the voices simultaneously. Close and distant are the same for Him. If He wishes, He sends all to the assistance of one. He can see everything and hear their voices through everything. He knows everything through everything, and so on...
In the same way, And God’s is highest similitude,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 16:60.</ref>) since the spirit, a commanding law of Almighty God, displays this ability in the body and members of man, who is the microcosm, surely, the boundless acts, the innumerable voices, the endless supplications, the  uncountable  matters  in  the  universe,  which  is  the  macrocosm,  will  present  no difficulty to the all-embracing will and absolute power of the Necessarily Existent One. They will not  form obstacles to one another. They will not occupy that All-Glorious Creator, nor confuse Him. He sees them all simultaneously, and hears all the voices simultaneously. Close and distant are the same for Him. If He wishes, He sends all to the assistance of one. He can see everything and hear their voices through everything. He knows everything through everything, and so on...

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'''Üçüncü Nokta:''' Hayatın pek mühim bir mahiyeti ve ehemmiyetli bir vazifesi var. Fakat o bahis, Hayat Penceresi’nde ve Yirminci Mektup’un Sekizinci Kelimesi’nde tafsili geçtiğinden ona havale edip yalnız bunu ihtar ederiz ki:
Life has a most important nature and significant function, but since it  has been discussed in detail in the Window on Life [the Twenty-Third Window] and in the Eighth Phrase of the Twentieth Letter, we refer you to those, and here only make the following reminder.

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The impresses in life, which, intermingled, boil up in the form of emotions, point to numerous  Names  and  essential  Divine  qualities. They  act  as  mirrors  reflecting  the essential qualities of the Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One in most brilliant fashion. But this is not the time to explain this mystery to those who do not recognize God or do not yet fully affirm Him, and so we here close this door...
Hayatta hissiyat suretinde kaynayan memzuç nakışlar, pek çok esma ve şuunat-ı zatiyeye işaret eder. Gayet parlak bir surette Hayy-ı Kayyum’un şuunat-ı zatiyesine âyinedarlık eder. Şu sırrın izahı, Allah’ı tanımayanlara ve daha tam tasdik etmeyenlere karşı zamanı olmadığından kapıyı kapıyoruz.

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<span id="Otuz_İkinci_Pencere"></span>
== Otuz İkinci Pencere ==
==Thirty-Second Window==

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