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Yedinci Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"There are many further mysteries like these allusive predictions, but since they are outside our purpose, that door has not been answered for now. Numerous verses of the All-Wise Qur’an give news of the Unseen in many respects. This sort of the Qur’an’s predictions about the Unseen number thousands." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("So too, through its allusive meaning, it gives news through the epithet “and the Veracious” that Abu Bakr the Veracious would succeed to the Noble Messenger’s (Upon whom be blessings and peace) position after him, and would be Caliph, famous among the Muslim community with the title Strictly Veracious, and be the chief of the caravan of “the Veracious.” With the phrase “the Martyrs” it foretells the martyrdom of three of the Rightly-Guided..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("There are many further mysteries like these allusive predictions, but since they are outside our purpose, that door has not been answered for now. Numerous verses of the All-Wise Qur’an give news of the Unseen in many respects. This sort of the Qur’an’s predictions about the Unseen number thousands." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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A miraculous, subtle point of the All-Wise Qur’an that is manifested through ‘coincidences’(*<ref>*‘Coincidence’ (tevâfuk): the correspondence of letters or words in lines or patterns on one or several pages. (Tr.)</ref>) is as follows: In the All-Wise Qur’an, the  divine  names of  Allah, Merciful (Rahman), Compassionate  (Rahim), Sustainer  (Rabb), and He(Hu) in place of Allah, are mentioned  approximately four  thousand  times  in  all. The  second  type  of  abjad, reckoned  according to the arrangement of the alphabet, makes the value of “In the Name of God, the  Merciful, the Compassionate” around four thousand also. Small fractions of large numbers do not spoil ‘coincidence’, so have been disregarded. Also, together  with  the two  conjunctival  waw’s  within “Alif. Lam. Mim.”, it  makes approximately  two  hundred and eighty.In  addition  to  coinciding  with  both  the approximately two hundred and eighty instances of the word Allah in Sura al-Baqara, and the around two hundred  and eighty verses of the Sura,  if  reckoned with the second sort of abjad reckoning, it again makes about four thousand.  That coincides both with the five famous divine names mentioned above, and if the  fractions  are disregarded, with the numerical value of “In the Name of God, the Merciful,  the Compassionate.
Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in tevafuk cihetinden tezahür eden i’cazî nüktelerinden bir nüktesi şudur ki: Kur’an-ı Hakîm’de ism-i Allah, Rahman, Rahîm, Rab ve ism-i Celal yerindeki Hüve’nin mecmuu, dört bin küsurdur. بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ (Hesab-ı ebcedin ikinci nev’i ki huruf-u heca tertibiyledir) o da dört bin küsur eder. Büyük adetlerde küçük kesirler, tevafuku bozmadığından küçük kesirlerden kat’-ı nazar edildi. Hem الٓمٓ tazammun ettiği iki vav-ı atıf ile beraber iki yüz seksen küsur eder. Aynen Sure-i El-Bakara’nın iki yüz seksen küsur ism-i Celal’ine ve hem iki yüz seksen küsur âyâtın adedine tevafuk etmekle beraber, ebcedin hecaî tarzındaki ikinci hesabıyla, yine dört bin küsur eder. O da yukarıda zikri geçmiş beş esma-i meşhurenin adedine tevafuk etmekle beraber بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ in kesirlerinden kat’-ı nazar, adedine tevafuk ediyor.

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That is to say, according to this mystery of ‘coincidence,’ “Alif. Lam. Mim.” is both a title denoting the One it signifies, and a name for al-Baqara, and a name of the Qur’an, and a concise index of both of them, and a sample, summary and  seed  of  both,  and  a  summary  of  “In  the  Name  of  God,  the  Merciful,  the Compassionate.” According to the well-known Abjad system, “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate” is equal in numerical value to the name of Sustainer. Similarly, if the  doubled  Ra  in  “the  Merciful,  the  Compassionate  (ar-Rahman,  ar-Rahim)”  is counted twice, it becomes nine hundred and ninety and a key to numerous important mysteries – with its nineteen letters, the key to nineteen thousand worlds.
Demek, bu sırr-ı tevafuka binaen الٓمٓ hem müsemmasını tazammun eden bir isimdir hem El-Bakara’ya isim hem Kur’an’a isim hem ikisine muhtasar bir fihriste hem ikisinin enmuzeci ve hülâsası ve çekirdeği hem بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ in mücmelidir. Ebcedin meşhur hesabıyla بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ ism-i Rab adedine müsavi olmakla beraber اَلرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ deki müşedded ر iki ر sayılsa o vakit dokuz yüz doksan olup pek çok esrar-ı mühimmeye medar olup on dokuz harfiyle on dokuz bin âlemin miftahıdır.

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Among the subtle ‘coincidences’ of the word Allah in the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is that in the whole Qur’an eighty instances of the word at the beginning of the bottom line of pages correspond to each other in patterns. So too do eighty instances of the name at the end of the bottom line look to each other in the same way. And again fifty-five instances of the word Allah right in the centre of the bottom line fall one on top of the other, uniting as though to make a single instance of the name. At the start of the last line a single and sometimes three-letter word numbers, with gaps, twenty-five, thus when added to the coinciding fifty-five at the middle of the lines, makes a ‘coincidence’ of eighty; this makes a coincidence of eighty both at the beginning of the line and at the end.
Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’da lafza-i Celal’in tevafukat-ı latîfesindendir ki bütün Kur’an’da sahifenin âhirki satırın yukarı kısmında seksen lafza-i Celal, birbirine tevafukla baktığı gibi aşağıki kısımda da aynen seksen lafza-i Celal, birbirine tevafukla bakar. Tam o âhirki satırın ortasında yine elli beş lafza-i Celal, birbiri üstüne düşüp ittihat ederek güya elli beş lafza-i Celal’den terekküp etmiş bir tek lafza-i Celal’dir. Âhirki satırın başında yalnız ve bazı üç harfli kısa bir kelime fâsıla ile yirmi beş tam tevafukla tam ortadaki elli beşin tam tevafukuna zammedilince seksen tevafuk olup, o satırın nısf-ı evvelindeki seksen tevafuka ve nısf-ı âhirdeki yine seksen tevafuka tevafuk ediyor.

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Could such a subtle, fine, orderly, symmetrical, miraculous ‘coincidence’ be without wisdom or subtlety? God forbid, such a thing could  not be! Most certainly, significant  treasuries  could be opened up with the tip of these coincidences.
Acaba böyle latîf, zarif, muntazam, mevzun, i’cazlı bu tevafukat; nüktesiz, hikmetsiz olur mu? Hâşâ, olamaz. Belki o tevafukatın ucuyla mühim bir define açılabilir.

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