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"It should not be misunderstood; Europe is twofold." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("O second corrupted Europe! A number of your rotten and baseless foundations are as follows. You say: “Every living being from the greatest angel to the tiniest fish owns itself and works for itself and struggles for its own pleasure. It has the right to life. Its aim and purpose and all its endeavour is to live and continue its life.” And you declare idiotically: “Life is conflict,” because you suppose to be conflict the compassionate..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("It should not be misunderstood; Europe is twofold." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
83. satır: 83. satır:
How can particles of food hastening with total eagerness to nourish the cells of the body – a manifestation of the principle of mutual assistance – be conflict? How can it be a clash and struggle? It  is, rather, mutual help at the command of a Munificent Sustainer.
How can particles of food hastening with total eagerness to nourish the cells of the body – a manifestation of the principle of mutual assistance – be conflict? How can it be a clash and struggle? It  is, rather, mutual help at the command of a Munificent Sustainer.

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Another of your rotten foundations is, as you say: “Everything owns itself.” A clear proof that nothing owns itself is this: among causes the most noble and with regard to choice the one with the most extensive will is man. But out of the most obvious acts  connected to man’s will  like thinking, speaking,  and  eating, only a hundredth single, doubtful, part is subject to his will and is within his power. So how can it be said that he owns himself?If the highest beings with the most extensive will are thus inhibited from real power  and  ownership to this degree, someone  who says that the rest of beings, animate and inanimate, own themselves merely proves that he is more animal than the animals and more lifeless and unconscious than inanimate beings.
Hem çürük bir esasın: “Her şey kendi nefsine mâliktir.” diyorsun. Hiçbir şey kendi nefsine mâlik olmadığına kat’î bir delil şudur ki: Esbabın içinde en eşrefi ve ihtiyar noktasında en geniş iradelisi, insandır. Halbuki bu insanın düşünmek, söylemek ve yemek gibi en zâhir ef’al-i ihtiyariyesinden yüz cüzünden onun dest-i ihtiyarına verilen ve daire-i iktidarına giren yalnız meşkuk tek bir cüzdür. Böyle en zâhir fiilin yüz cüzünden bir cüzüne mâlik olmayan, nasıl kendine mâliktir denilir? Böyle en eşref ve ihtiyarı en geniş, bu derece hakiki tasarruftan ve temellükten eli bağlanmış bulunsa “Sair hayvanat ve cemadat kendi kendine mâliktir.” diyen, hayvandan daha ziyade hayvan ve cemadattan daha ziyade camid ve şuursuz olduğunu ispat eder.

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