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On Yedinci Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And he is needy, but due to the reward his All-Generous Owner is storing up for him in the future, he is at the same time self-sufficient." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("A student of yours is obstinate, but an obstinate wretch who accepts utter abasement for a single pleasure. He is so despicable as to kiss Satan’s foot for some worthless benefit." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("And he is needy, but due to the reward his All-Generous Owner is storing up for him in the future, he is at the same time self-sufficient." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
103. satır: 103. satır:
And he is mild and gentle, but at the same time noble and gracious and lowers himself before none but the  All-Glorious Creator, and only stoops before the lowly with His permission and at His command.
And he is mild and gentle, but at the same time noble and gracious and lowers himself before none but the  All-Glorious Creator, and only stoops before the lowly with His permission and at His command.

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And he is needy, but due to the reward his All-Generous Owner is storing up for him in the future, he is at the same time self-sufficient.
Hem fakirdir fakat onun Mâlik-i Kerîm’i ona ileride iddihar ettiği mükâfat ile bir fakir-i müstağnidir.

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