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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If all things are attributed to one, the universe’s creation is as easy as the creation of a palm-tree, and the palm-tree as the fruit. But when ascribed to multiplicity, to create a palm-tree is as difficult as creating the universe and each fruit as difficult as the tree – so difficult as to be impossible. For with a single act, a single person may obtain a single result and situation for many things without difficulty and without having recourse..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Now consider His works as a whole: you will see as clearly as daylight absolute profusion within absolute order and regularity; with absolute speed yet absolute balance; with absolute ease yet with absolute skill; on a vast scale yet with absolute beauty of art; over infinite distances yet with complete unity of kind; with absolute intermingling, yet absolute differentiation; with absolute lack of expense together with absolute value. This..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If all things are attributed to one, the universe’s creation is as easy as the creation of a palm-tree, and the palm-tree as the fruit. But when ascribed to multiplicity, to create a palm-tree is as difficult as creating the universe and each fruit as difficult as the tree – so difficult as to be impossible. For with a single act, a single person may obtain a single result and situation for many things without difficulty and without having recourse..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
32. satır: 32. satır:
God are incomprehensible difficulties.
God are incomprehensible difficulties.

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If all things are attributed to one, the universe’s creation is as easy as the creation of a palm-tree, and the palm-tree as the fruit. But when ascribed to multiplicity, to create a palm-tree is as difficult as creating the universe and each fruit as difficult as the tree – so difficult as to be impossible. For with a single act, a single person may obtain a single result  and situation for many things without difficulty and without having recourse to other means.  Whereas if the situation and result are referred to many, they could be obtained only with great trouble and dispute and pursuing other means. It would be like an officer referring his duty to the soldiers, the master builder to the stones of a building, the earth to the planets, the waterfall to the drops of water, and the central point of a circle to all the points on the circumference.
اِذِ ال۟وَاحِدُ بِال۟فِع۟لِ ال۟وَاحِدِ يُحَصِّلُ نَتٖيجَةً وَ وَض۟عِيَّةً لِل۟كَثٖيرِ بِلَا كُل۟فَةٍ وَ لَا مُبَاشَرَةٍ ٠ لَو۟ اُحٖيلَت۟ تِل۟كَ ال۟وَض۟عِيَّةُ وَ النَّتٖيجَةُ اِلَى ال۟كَث۟رَةِ لَا يُم۟كِنُ اَن۟ تَصِلَ اِلَي۟هَا اِلَّا بِتَكَلُّفَاتٍ وَ مُبَاشَرَاتٍ وَ مُشَاجَرَاتٍ ٠ كَال۟اَمٖيرِ مَعَ النَّفَرَاتِ وَ ال۟بَانٖى مَعَ ال۟حَجَرَاتِ وَ ال۟اَر۟ضِ مَعَ النُّجُومِ وَ السَّيَّارَاتِ وَ ال۟فَوَّارَةِ مَعَ ال۟قَطَرَاتِ وَ نُق۟طَةِ ال۟مَر۟كَزِ مَعَ النُّقَطِ فِى الدَّائِرَةِ بِسِرِّ اَنَّ فِى ال۟وَح۟دَةِ يَقُومُ ال۟اِن۟تِسَابُ مَقَامَ قُد۟رَةٍ غَي۟رَ مَح۟دُودَةٍ ٠ وَ لَايَض۟طَرُّ السَّبَبُ لِحَم۟لِ مَنَابِعِ قُوَّتِهٖ وَ يَتَعَاظَمُ ال۟اَثَرُ بِالنِّس۟بَةِ اِلَى ال۟مُس۟نَدِ اِلَي۟هِ ٠ وَ فِى الشِّر۟كَةِ يَض۟طَرُّ كُلُّ سَبَبٍ لِحَم۟لِ مَنَابِعِ قُوَّتِهٖ فَيَتَصَاغَرُ ال۟اَثَرُ بِنِس۟بَةِ جِر۟مِهٖ وَ مِن۟ هُنَا غَلَبَتِ النَّم۟لَةُ وَ الذُّبَابَةُ عَلَى ال۟جَبَابِرَةِ وَ حَمَلَتِ النُّوَاةُ الصَّغٖيرَةُ شَجَرَةً عَظٖيمَةً ٠

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