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Otuzuncu Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"So, come and consider the balance and equilibrium of the sun and its twelve planets. Does it not point as clearly as the sun to the All-Glorious One who is All-Just and All-Powerful? Especially our ship, that is, the globe of the earth, which is one of the planets; it travels an orbit of twenty-four thousand years in one year, not scattering or shaking the things stored up and stacked on its face, despite its extraordinary speed, nor throwing them off in..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The universe is a palace, but it is such a palace that within it is a city that suffers the upheavals of constant destruction and reconstruction. Within the city is a country that is being continuously agitated by war and emigration. Within the country is a world which is unceasingly revolving amid death and life. But such an astonishing balance, equilibrium and equilibration prevail in the palace, city, country and world that it self-evidently proves t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("So, come and consider the balance and equilibrium of the sun and its twelve planets. Does it not point as clearly as the sun to the All-Glorious One who is All-Just and All-Powerful? Especially our ship, that is, the globe of the earth, which is one of the planets; it travels an orbit of twenty-four thousand years in one year, not scattering or shaking the things stored up and stacked on its face, despite its extraordinary speed, nor throwing them off in..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
61. satır: 61. satır:
Thus, everything from the cells of an animate body, the red and white corpuscles in the blood, the transformations of minute particles, and the mutual proportion and relation of the body’s organs, to the incomings and outgoings of the seas, the income and expenditure of springs under the earth, the birth and death of animals and plants, the destruction of autumn and the reconstruction of spring, the duties and motion of the  elements and the stars, and the alternations, struggles and clashes of death and life,  light  and  darkness, and heat and cold, are ordered  and weighed with so sensitive a balance, so  fine a measure, that the human mind can nowhere see any waste or futility, just as human  science and philosophy observe everywhere and demonstrate the most perfect order and beautiful symmetry. Indeed, human science and philosophy are a manifestation and interpreter  of that order and symmetry.
Thus, everything from the cells of an animate body, the red and white corpuscles in the blood, the transformations of minute particles, and the mutual proportion and relation of the body’s organs, to the incomings and outgoings of the seas, the income and expenditure of springs under the earth, the birth and death of animals and plants, the destruction of autumn and the reconstruction of spring, the duties and motion of the  elements and the stars, and the alternations, struggles and clashes of death and life,  light  and  darkness, and heat and cold, are ordered  and weighed with so sensitive a balance, so  fine a measure, that the human mind can nowhere see any waste or futility, just as human  science and philosophy observe everywhere and demonstrate the most perfect order and beautiful symmetry. Indeed, human science and philosophy are a manifestation and interpreter  of that order and symmetry.

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So, come and consider the balance and equilibrium of the sun and its twelve planets. Does it not point as clearly as the sun to the All-Glorious One who is All-Just and All-Powerful? Especially our ship, that is, the globe of the earth, which is one of the planets; it travels an orbit of twenty-four thousand years in one year, not scattering or shaking the things stored up and stacked on its face, despite its extraordinary speed, nor throwing them off into  space. If its speed had been increased or reduced just a little, it would have thrown its inhabitants off into the atmosphere, and scattered them through space. And if its balance was to be destroyed for a minute, or even a second, it would destroy the world. Indeed, it would clash with another body and doomsday would break forth.
İşte gel, güneş ile muhtelif on iki seyyarenin muvazenelerine bak. Acaba bu muvazene, güneş gibi, Adl ve Kadîr olan Zat-ı Zülcelal’i göstermiyor mu? Ve bilhassa seyyarattan olan gemimiz yani küre-i arz, bir senede yirmi dört bin senelik bir dairede gezer, seyahat eder. Ve o hârika süratiyle beraber zeminin yüzünde dizilmiş, istif edilmiş eşyayı dağıtmıyor, sarsmıyor, fezaya fırlatmıyor. Eğer sürati bir parça tezyid veya tenkis edilseydi, sekenesini havaya fırlatıp fezada dağıtacaktı. Ve bir dakika, belki bir saniye muvazenesini bozsa dünyamızı bozacak, belki başkasıyla çarpışacak, bir kıyameti koparacak.

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