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Yedinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The Prophet is similarly unparalleled in the way in which he was the foremost in practising all the forms of worship found in his religion, and the first in piety and the fear of God; in his observing the duties of worship fully and with attention to their profoundest dimensions, even while engaged in constant struggle and activity; in his practice of worship combining in perfect fashion the beginning and end of worship and servitude to God without imita..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Our traveller therefore concluded, and affirmed with his intellect, that lying and duplicity have no place in the one who has brought such a unique sacred law, such an unparalleled Islam, such a wondrous devotion to worship, such an extra-ordinary excellence in supplicatory prayer, such a universally acclaimed summons to the truth and such a miraculous faith." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The Prophet is similarly unparalleled in the way in which he was the foremost in practising all the forms of worship found in his religion, and the first in piety and the fear of God; in his observing the duties of worship fully and with attention to their profoundest dimensions, even while engaged in constant struggle and activity; in his practice of worship combining in perfect fashion the beginning and end of worship and servitude to God without imita..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
364. satır: 364. satır:
'''THE FOURTH:''' In the same way that the consensus of the prophets is a strong proof for the existence and unity of God, so too it is a firm testimony to the truthfulness and messengerhood of this being. For all the sacred attributes, miracles and functions that indicate the truthfulness and messengerhood of the prophets (Peace be upon them) existed in full measure in that being according  to the testimony of history.
'''THE FOURTH:''' In the same way that the consensus of the prophets is a strong proof for the existence and unity of God, so too it is a firm testimony to the truthfulness and messengerhood of this being. For all the sacred attributes, miracles and functions that indicate the truthfulness and messengerhood of the prophets (Peace be upon them) existed in full measure in that being according  to the testimony of history.

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The prophets have verbally predicted the coming of that being and given good tidings thereof in the Torah, the Gospels, the Psalms, and the pages; more than twenty of the most conclusive examples of these glad tidings, drawn from the scriptures, have been set forth and proven in the Nineteenth Letter. Similarly, through all the deeds and miracles associated with their prophethood they have affirmed and, as it were, put their signature to the mission of that being which is the foremost and most perfect in the tasks and functions of prophethood. Just as through verbal consensus they indicate the Divine unity, through the unanimity of their deeds they bear witness to the truthfulness of that being. This too was understood by our traveller.
Demek onlar, nasıl ki lisan-ı kāl ile Tevrat, İncil, Zebur ve suhuflarında bu zatın (asm) geleceğini haber verip insanlara beşaret vermişler ki kütüb-ü mukaddesenin o beşaretli işaratından yirmiden fazla ve pek zâhir bir kısmı, On Dokuzuncu Mektup’ta güzelce beyan ve ispat edilmiş. Öyle de lisan-ı halleriyle, yani nübüvvetleriyle ve mu’cizeleriyle; kendi mesleklerinde ve vazifelerinde en ileri ve en mükemmel olan bu zatı tasdik edip davasını imza ediyorlar. Ve lisan-ı kāl ve icma ile vahdaniyete delâlet ettikleri gibi lisan-ı hal ile ve ittifak ile de bu zatın sadıkıyetine şehadet ediyorlar diye anladı.

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